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Tomorrow come into force new amendments to the traffic rules

Traffic regulations are constantly updated with new amendments aimed at ensuring the highest possible safety on our roads. And, probably, toughening the responsibility for offenses on the road is still the only effective remedy for traffic

How to ride a robot and how to use it

Motorists who decide to buy a car with a robotic gearbox often wonder how to drive with such a system? In the article we will look at how to use the robot box. Automatic robotic gearbox, the everyday name box robot - is the usual manual transmission,

Cheap and angry: the best suvs up to 800 thousand rubles

>When choosing an SUV up to 800 thousand rubles a new car often attracts more than a used one. It all depends on your personal needs. Someone better take a boo, but with a rich bundle. Others want only a new jeep.New SUVs up to 800 000 thousand

What categories of driving license are relevant since 2015

In some countries, a driver's license, in addition to his direct appointment, is a substitute for other identity documents, such as a passport. The plans of such an application of rights in Russia. However, now the document lists only the categories

All the pros and cons of the new bmw x4

If briefly try to describe BMW X4then this is a smaller version of the BMW X6 with a high level of equipment and a first-class selection of powertrains. Moreover, with regard to diesel engines, it is generally a separate conversation. In addition to

The new bmw x7 (photo) is impressive for its size.

The BMW X7 car has already become popular before the start of serial production, in many media information appeared about a completely new car that BMW is going to release. By the way, the first photos of the new SUV appeared a little earlier - a

Vaz 2110: a fresh look at old traditions

For the first time this car appeared on Russian roads in the already distant 1995. Then this sedan seemed something fundamentally new. In any case, in terms of automotive design. In this regard, it is strikingly different from, though popular, but

Alcohol tester rating

>Most drivers at least once in their lives were tested using a specialized device used by the police. Breathalyzer is able to preliminarily assess the content of ethyl alcohol in a person’s blood and determine the degree of intoxication, although

The device of the car is not as complicated as it seems

How is the car? Not all Internet users know which systems any machine consists of. Many are interested in this, but most of the materials in the network are too complex, replete with automotive terms and not sufficiently accessible to the masses. We

Replacing the distributor on daewoo matiz do it yourself

As you know, the distributor or breaker ignition distributor is one of the main elements in the ignition system of any car. If this unit fails, it will be impossible to start the engine. In this article we will consider the procedure of replacing the
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