Auto repair

Brake system in the car is a must

And today we will have a very interesting topic: the brake system of the car. Brake system - one of the most important parts in the device of the car. Without these mechanisms, drivers would not be able to control the speed of movement and stop the

How to change the stabilizer

A knock at the front of the car may indicate a suspension failure. This indicates the deterioration or simultaneous breakage of its individual elements. Most often, you may need to replace the stabilizer on one or both sides. At the same time, it is

Why the car battery quickly sits down

Coordinated work of all systems in the car contributes to long-term and uninterrupted operation of the vehicle. But the failure of even one node, such as a battery, can affect many adjacent units or nodes. Let us examine the reasons why the battery

What engine oils can be mixed

Opinions of drivers differ in the question: is it possible to mix motor oils with different characteristics, will it affect the engine. Someone categorically denies such an initiative, believing that nothing good will come of it. After all, the stage

Major power steering problems

The car must behave on the road predictably and clearly respond to all driver commands. Not only comfort while driving a car directly depends on these parameters, but also the safety level of the driver and passengers. The vast majority of modern

How to pump the brakes

A proper braking system is a guarantee of safety for both the driver with passengers and the car itself. Even in the most reliable models, brakes require constant monitoring and care. In addition to timely replacing brake friction elements and

How to charge a maintenance free car battery

Automakers are trying to make intervention on the part of car owners in the design of the car and its individual components and assemblies is minimal. Thanks to this philosophy, modern automotive repair often comes down to simply replacing one unit

Repair and replacement of clutch slave cylinder

Cars with manual transmissions are equipped with a clutch unit. The quality of his work depends on the smoothness of manual switching between the steps of the box. In the event of a breakdown of this node or its individual elements, such as the

How to replace silent blocks

Автовладельцы довольно часто слышат, что пришла пора поменять сайлентблоки по причине их износа. Однако многим начинающим (а иногда и опытным) водителям непонятно, что это за деталь, какую функцию выполняет и, естественно, где находится. Мы

Installing a turbine on a vaz 2109 (carburetor) will

"Lada Samara" - a car common on Russian roads. The first "Nine" appeared in the late eighties. And still, hundreds of such machines "plow open spaces" to our immense.The car came out quite interesting and even modern for its time. But now, even in
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