Auto tips

Rating wiper frameless brushes

>Safety during the movement consists of a variety of facts, ranging from the health of any node of the vehicle and ending with the smallest details.TOP frameless wiper blades.Читать далее про лучшие бескаркасные щётки стеклоочистителя-->The

From a to f: which classes are used to divide cars in europe

Just a hundred years ago, when there were not so many cars on the city streets, the classification of cars was the simplest. The entire motor transport of those times was divided into two large categories - passenger cars and trucks. It could also be

What ball bearings are better for a car?

>About twenty years ago, automotive engineers predicted that the ball joints would soon give way to new designs that would become more reliable and safer. However, the miracle did not happen - most modern cars are still equipped with these

Gas or gasoline: pros and cons

When choosing a car, owners try to take into account various factors: comfort, capacity, power. But an important feature is the kind of fuel consumed by the vehicle. The types and cost of further maintenance depend on this characteristic, as well as

How to store tires

Замена резины является необходимой и ответственной процедурой, поскольку от нее в значительной степени зависит наша безопасность. Большинство автомобилистов умеют менять колеса, однако, о том, how to properly store tires on wheels и без дисков в

Nissan murano 1st generation bitter experience from owning

I want to talk about my personal experience from owning a Nissan Murano 1st generation, Z50 3.5 liter engine capacity, 247 hp. It all started with the fact that I decided to change seats from sedans to an SUV or crossover. Successfully selling my

The best means to remove moisture from gasoline

>By design, the fuel system of the car should be tight. In fact, the water often falls into the gas tank.The main causes of moisture accumulation:When refueling, air enters the tank. Due to its humidity, condensate is subsequently formed.Sometimes

Choosing the right car polisher

>Every car owner knows firsthand how to quickly and accurately update the appearance of your car using a simple procedure - polishing the body. After processing the car looks like new. In most cases, motorists use their own polishing, as it is

Choosing the right car battery for the winter

>Batteries for a good quality car “live” on average for 5–6 years. Under conditions of proper operation, the service life can reach even 7–8 years. However, in winter, there is still a risk that at some very inopportune moment the car may not be

Which is better to choose between cast and stamped rims

>Disputes over the two main types of rims do not subside until now. Everyone is trying to understand which of the discs is better - cast or stamped. Each of the options has its own objective advantages. But at the same time we must not forget
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