Auto tips

What is the car's vin

Every vehicle owner ever comes across the concept of a vehicle VIN (aka VIN code). It, for example, needs to be provided at registration in traffic police, registration of an insurance policy, search of the stolen car, acquisition of spare parts.

All about tractor categories of rights

Синхронизируя собственное законодательство с мировым правом, в России несколько лет назад было введено большое количество категорий в водительское ID Основные изменения заключались во введении дополнительных подкатегорий, дифференцирующих

Used cars for 300,000 rubles - which is better

Personal car in modern conditions significantly increases the mobility of the owner. However, expensive vehicles are not always available to young drivers. Often you have to look for budget options for shopping at an affordable price, for example,

Why does fuel consumption increase? causes and solutions

Every car owner sooner or later wonders why increased fuel consumption in a car? This is a fairly common problem and is often accompanied by some kind of malfunction. But before you identify the causes of increased fuel consumption, you need to know

10 most powerful car engines in the world

>Feelings of driving a powerful and high-speed car can not be expressed in words. Clamping the pedal all the way and rushing along the highway at a speed of more than 400 km / h is the dream of every motorist. The best automotive industry

The term of study in a driving school on the right

У разных специалистов имеется собственное обоснованное мнение, how much to study law нужно для того, чтобы стать хорошим водителем. Не все согласны, что за пару-тройку недель можно выпустить грамотного автомобилиста, с уверенными знаниями и умениями

Rating of the most popular drives installed on cars

>Which drive do you think is better for a car? Usually this question is answered differently. One likes a front wheel drive car, others like rear wheel drive, and still others do not respect either one or the other, but prefer to drive in

Recommendations for the correct choice of breathalyzer

>Раньше определить наличие алкоголя в крови мог только врач. Сегодня рынок просто ломится от приборов, с помощью которых любой желающий имеет возможность определить степень опьянения (собственного или окружающих). Особенно популярны эти устройства

Running in winter tires with spikes

In the near future, precipitations in the form of snow are expected, therefore we recommend taking a turn in tire service in order to change the shoes in time. Change summer tires for winter is recommended not with the first snow, but in advance,

Features of the choice of lamps for car headlights

>Every car owner sooner or later faces a situation when it is necessary to purchase lamps for car headlights. Most often, the driver bought them on the market on the advice of sellers, or simply identical in appearance to the one that stood
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