
Rating cheap crossover with automatic

>As practice shows, having a small amount of money at its disposal, a person can become the owner of not only a used standard sedan, but also an impressive SUV. Often it is an inexpensive crossover with a gun, which is based on a lightweight

The fastest car in the world: top 10 best

Mad speed, impeccable appearance, the roar of the engine, gloss and gloss - as if the sporting hypercar left the pictures, leave no one indifferent. Fast cars have always been characterized by incredible beauty, quality, engine performance, power,

Rating suvs price up to 500,000 rubles

>SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) class cars have versatile characteristics, making them an excellent choice for working class drivers. Advantages of SUVs:Excellent cargo capacity allows you to carry large items;The spacious cabin accommodates five or

The best minibuses for a family

>Initially, the category of minibuses was positioned primarily as a commercial vehicle for the transport of passengers. These are city taxis, intercity-type minibuses, etc. But now many people choose them for family use, that is, for joint trips

Rating of trucks in the world by category

>Trucks play a huge role in the global economy. They are used to transport various items and can be used both for personal purposes and in the company. Trucks deliver raw materials to the factory, after which they take the finished product from

Rating the best crossovers worth up to 1 million rubles

>When a potential buyer has about 1 million rubles at his disposal, the choice of cars becomes quite extensive. Many people prefer to look for second-hand models, since under such conditions you can find a decent SUV for this amount of money in

The choice of crossovers at prices up to 1200000

>Despite the regular rise in prices in the automotive market, crossovers today are not something inaccessible to the majority of Russians. There are several reasons for this: from the arrival of the automakers from China to the domestic market to

Rating the best new crossovers up to 900 000 thousand rubles

>Cars worth up to 900 thousand rubles are the most popular vehicles on the market. Buying a car for a large number of people turns into the problem of choosing a class that can meet all the necessary requirements.One of the most popular

Ranking of the best navigators for trucks

>Many car owners can no longer imagine how you can drive without a navigator, although 10 or 15 years ago these little helpers were an expensive wonder with not very impressive functionality.The use of navigators by drivers of heavy trucks makes

Rating the best cars to replace the route gazelle

>As you know, the domestic minibus Gazelle has already outlived its time and they are actively looking for a replacement. What alternatives to the Gazelle are known? We managed to make a ranking of the best minibuses that can not only replace the
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