Traffic regulations, fines, documents
What is a certificate of registration of the vehicle
Current legislation obliges vehicle owners to undergo a registration procedure regarding car ownership. It is also necessary to make timely changes to the documents or fully reissue them. According to the traffic rules, owners of vehicles must have a
How to recover pts on cars
The main document allowing to carry out legal operations with a car is the vehicle passport (PTS). His loss for the owner creates additional trouble associated with the need to re-register the car in the internal affairs bodies. However, not all car
How to check traffic fines
In recent years, legislation has increased the responsibility of citizens for improper parking and ignoring traffic rules. Both the size of fines and the amount of sanctions envisaged for its late repayment have increased. The controlling authorities
Fine for child seat
According to official statistics, the cause of death in 80% of children in a major accident is the neglect of safety rules by parents. Simply put, there were no special restraints in the car or the child was not simply fastened. The penalty for the
Signs prohibiting parking: coverage
The increase in the number of cars in cities leads to the fact that the number of parking spaces or parking places is significantly reduced. In large localities, it is sometimes necessary to spend 15-20 minutes during the search for free space. This
How long can you drive on dct
When buying a used car from the previous owner, there are some subtleties associated with the renewal. The main nuances of this issue are regulated by federal law. The law on OSAGO establishes all actions and terms necessary for execution by the
Making a duplicate number on the machine
Несколько лет назад потеря номеров со своего транспортного средства для автовладельцев оказывалась головной болью. Необходимо было отправляться в ближайшее отделение ГИБДД, заполнять множество бланков и подвергаться всевозможным бюрократическим
How to pass inspection
Innovations 2014 года предполагают обязательное предоставление действующего талона техосмотра при заключении страхового договора на автомобиль. А без страхового полиса ездить нельзя и вдобавок не поставишь транспортное средство на учет. Поэтому после
How to find out your kbm (bonus-malus class)
Размер страховых взносов для разных водителей в системе обязательного страхования варьируется. На расчетное значение оказывает влияние специальный коэффициент бонус-малус. Его параметр в определенных случаях дает возможность получить отличную скидку
Discount on a traffic police fine of 50 percent
All drivers, without exception, often violate the rules of the road. For this, the traffic police inspector, stopping the car, fix this violation on the spot, by drawing up a protocol, and issue a fine. Still possible automatic fixation of video
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