Traffic regulations, fines, documents

How to issue a ctp policy online

По правилам дорожного движения, действующим в России, каждый автомобилист обязан иметь страховой полис. Действующее законодательство позволяет зарегистрировать данный документ во всех базах данных не только при личной встрече с представителями

Speeding fine

The most frequent violation found on the roads of Russia is the excess of the speed limit. Not all drivers are fully aware of the consequences of such an action. In addition, it will be necessary to pay a penalty for speeding, you can be the culprit

Ban on car registration - what to do

The ban on the registration actions of the car is practiced with the aim of encouraging the car owner to eliminate the violations that gave rise to the ban. Let us see what types of violations can lead to this, we define the measures of restrictions

How to check fines on a driver's license online

Most of the Russians are busy citizens and, for various reasons, do not have the time, opportunity or desire to visit various government agencies to obtain relevant information. In such cases, rescues the use of the Internet, thanks to which access

What to do in case of an accident, how to solve the issue

The increasing number of cars on the roads increases the risk of accidents. Even if you carefully drive the car yourself, you can become a passive participant in a traffic accident. Consider such situations, and find out what to do in case of an

How to challenge the penalty for parking in the wrong place

In 2015, a new type of fines for motorists. Now drivers will be punished for the fact that for some reason they did not pay for parking. However, in addition to the obligation to execute the law, citizens are given the opportunity to protect their

How to renew a car to another person

The new owner, buying a car with mileage, of course, registers the vehicle in his name. You need to know that since 2013, the possibility of removing the car from the register was canceled. So how to re-register a car with the purchase can be with

What does the sign "give way" at the intersection

Increasing traffic makes drivers pay attention to road infrastructure. The abundance of all kinds of signs and pointers implies timely and competent execution of their instructions. Such driving assistants include the “Give way” traffic sign in

Passage of roundabouts: traffic rules

The current rules of the road help to solve many situations. A special place is reserved for roundabouts. Such areas are regulated by certain signs. Each driver is obliged to know how to behave when leaving the roundabout, the rules for driving on

How to get insurance after an accident

For participants of an accident, an urgent issue is obtaining insurance compensation. In order for the insurance company to fulfill all of its obligations, it is necessary to adhere to the procedure for actions that are regulated by the OSAGO
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