Penalty for stopping at a pedestrian crossing

The basic requirement for ensuring the safety of road users is competent parking or stopping at designated places. The current Rules of the road quite clearly regulate the allowed zones for these operations. Also in the traffic rules are listed prohibited areas where it is unacceptable to leave your transport.

However, some drivers ignore regulations and park cars in conditions of lack of space, even on a zebra. Legislation in such a situation provides for a severe punishment - a penalty for parking at a pedestrian crossing, described in article 12.19 of the Administrative Violations Code.


  • 1 Conditions of punishment
  • 2 Determine the allowable distance
  • 3 Established financial penalties

Conditions of punishment

In large cities, at certain hours, parking at a pedestrian crossing is quite often found near the sought-after infrastructure facilities. These include:

  • urban clothing markets;
  • shopping centers with a small parking lot;
  • construction supermarkets in the city;
  • sports facilities during the competition;
  • venues for concerts or festivals, etc.

However, not all drivers deliberately violate the rules of the road. Some motorists have forgotten them or do not monitor changes in them. However, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

what is the penalty for parking at a pedestrian crossing

In the current traffic regulations, it is stated that the driver, when he stops, must provide a free distance to the zebra for not less than 5 m. In addition to financial costs, the car has the right to evacuate, so as not to create obstacles.

Determine the allowable distance

Seasoned motorists without any problems park at a sufficient distance from the "zebra". They do not need to leave the car after stopping and measure everything with the help of a tape measure. It should be remembered that when road signs are used to designate a pedestrian crossing zone, the distance must be calculated from them.

It is important to know that by arranging parking or stopping a car closer than 5 m from the traffic sign or directly on the zebra, the driver risks not only paying the fixed amount of the penalty for violation, but also paying for towing services.

You can pick up a car from the penalty area even earlier than pay for the wrong parking. In the traffic police or in the parking lot will not check the payment of penalties for violation of the "zebra". It is enough to confirm the payment for the tow truck, and the remaining amounts are not subject to verification in such a situation. But in any case, you will have to pay, because otherwise you will not be able to get insurance or pass a vehicle inspection without repayment.

See also: What to do in the event of an accident, how to solve the issue with CTP

Established financial penalties

How much to pay for violation of traffic rules when parking on the "zebra" establishes the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation. In 2018, in most cities of Russia, the punishment is 1000 rubles.

However, for two cities of federal significance, the lawmakers set the amount to 3,000 rubles. This interpretation implies a possible maneuvering of the punishment from the police officer.

Militiamen have no reason to increase the established values. Also, this penalty will not be imposed on drivers when the event occurred in violation of other provisions of the regulations.

Avoid a legal way to pay or even the appointment of a fine can motorists in the case when the arrival in the zone of pedestrian crossing occurred in the event of a vehicle breakdown or failure of its systems. In such a situation, it is necessary to take appropriate measures, including putting up a warning sign and launching an emergency gang.