Coating raptor for cars: what is it

Car manufacturers recently apply a fairly high-quality durable coating for their products. The layers applied to the body perfectly resist such external negative factors as snow, rain or temperature changes.

However, the operating conditions are different, for example, the exterior of a car can be subjected to mechanical stress from stones, branches, sand, etc. Such factors can cause significant damage in the form of chips or scratches, which subsequently develop to obvious corrosion centers. Some motorists use new methods for protection. These include painting Raptor, reviews, pros and cons, which are in the public domain.


  • 1 New product on the car market
  • 2 What is a raptor?
  • 3 Manufacturer's proposed format
  • 4 Variants and features of the application
  • 5 Preparatory work
  • 6 Methods of application
  • 7 Positive and negative factors

New product on the car market

The manufacturer of the protective layer is the company U-POL. For a long time she was engaged in the development of car body protection in difficult conditions. Initially, the coating was supposed to be applied to trucks, often moving in problem areas.

Trucks required prevention of scuffs on the body, including the movement of goods inside the baggage space. At the same time, not only was the aesthetic appearance lost, but events also affected the durability of transport.

Необходимо знать, что Raptor coating for cars является не единственным в своем роде препаратом, но имеет множество реальных позитивных отзывов от пользователей, владеющих коммерческим или личным транспортом.

What is a raptor?

In developing the chemical composition, advanced achievements in the chemical industry were used. The company's official website explains that the polyurethane components included in the composition are endowed with a high degree of strength.

what is a raptor

The composition of the assurances of manufacturers blocks the metal surface from the negative interaction, which is often carried out in road conditions by the following factors:

  • mechanical stimuli;
  • chemical seasonal reagents;
  • mold fungi;
  • extreme thermal effects, etc.

The inside of pickups or trucks is kept from scratches or abrasion, and also does not let moisture through. Due to the special composition, the applied layer perfectly resists ultraviolet, which does not give a burnout for a long time.

Manufacturer's proposed format

Paint for auto Raptor, reviews of which are more positive online, is sold in different packages. You can easily find the packaging of the desired volume, which is enough for complete processing of a large machine or for partial application to problem areas. It is advisable to purchase a special gun for applying a protective layer. If there is no gun, then in extreme cases, you can use a brush or roller.

In online stores often offer the usual set of 4 containers of 0.75 liters and a bottle of hardener necessary for durability of the result. Its cost is about 5200 rubles.

The price of painting the car Raptor based on its area and the price tag for materials will be different. You need to focus on the approximate consumption:

  • NIVA Urban will require about 8 liters, which is equivalent to 2 sets of RLB / S4 or RLT / S4;
  • UAZ Hunter is larger in size, therefore it needs 12 liters or 3 sets;
  • TOYOTA LC 200 with a five-meter long covered with 16 liters;
  • TOYOTA Tundra at 6.2 m with complex processing will cost 20 liters.
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what is the price of painting a car with raptor

In 50% of cases, Raptor painted cars have a black color tone. It is believed that this format is the most practical. If desired, the buyer, you can choose a different color. Usually, the base color is white, which is mixed with the selected color, and then the resulting top is applied to the surface.

Variants and features of the application

It should be borne in mind that such a coating can be applied not only on cars, but also on other surfaces that you want to protect from external exposure. This composition is used by builders or energy, as it has high adhesion and antifungal characteristics.

The elastomers included do not contain volatile substances (solvents). This approach makes the complex non-flammable and non-toxic. Also in the liquid there are no harmful for man concentrations of tar or aggressive resins. Manufacturers have excluded plasticizers from the Raptor, because the presence of such chemicals can lead to shrinkage of the coating after drying.

Preparatory work

High-quality anti-gravel compounds are two-component substances. The raptor is no exception. Before use, it is necessary to combine the paint from the vials with the hardener in a strict ratio of 3: 1. Packing is provided in such a way that to 750 ml of paint it is necessary to top up 250 ml of hardener in order to obtain a liter volume of the product ready for application.

pokraska avto Raptorom

You can stock up in advance sufficient containers for mixing. The manufacturer recommends that before applying a protective coating Raptor carefully for a few minutes to mix the mixture to a uniform consistency. You can simply shake the closed container for a while.

The composition may be offered one of the types of hardeners, which are of different concentrations and chemical characteristics. When buying, you can pick up substances with optimal values. Even formulations that are able to dry in 20–40 minutes after spraying are offered are offered.

Branded sprayer is offered in a set or it can be purchased separately for 1.5–1.7 thousand rubles. You can attach it to any spray gun. It is important to keep the nozzle at a distance of about 45–55 cm from the painted part, which will ensure uniformity of application.

It is important to know that the recommended number of stacked Raptor layers should be limited to 2-3 coats, since increasing them can lead to negative consequences.

Application Methods

In fact, painting a car with Raptor is not much different from the use of traditional paint coatings. However, newfangled material is less "capricious" than ordinary car paints. It can even be applied outdoors, but it is advisable to avoid such an approach so as not to get negative from dust, moisture, wind or other external factors.

Raptor coating for cars

We recommend to follow a specific order of application:

  • Before proceeding to the treatment, it is worth getting rid of removable elements on the body, including mirrors, wheels, bumpers, etc.
  • If there are problem areas with rust, mold or other types of external damage, you will have to clean these areas from lesions. It is also necessary to level, putty and flatten possible dents or cavities.
  • We get rid of the glossy layer using special abrasive discs, which will help the new anti-gravel to be better kept outside.
  • It is important to pre-etch with a proprietary ACID # 8 U-POL special primer. If plastic elements are present, then adhesive primers are used.
  • Layers are applied evenly with pauses to dry.
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It takes some time (about three weeks) after processing to refrain from extreme conquest of difficult trails. This will give the opportunity to fully form a quality coating.

The result is a shagreen layer. The degree of its relief can be adjusted with the spray gun during processing. At higher pressure, the format will be smoothed.

Positive and negative factors

Future owners of cars with a protective layer should know its pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • You can apply yourself, which reduces the cost of processing costs.
  • The noise level increases, which is felt in the cabin when driving on dirt roads. Bouncing pebbles almost inaudible.
  • The metal body is protected from moisture, winter chemicals, minor scratches.
  • Increases the service life of the machine, as blocked rot and corrosion.
  • The raptor fits perfectly on metal or plastic and does not exfoliate for a long period.
  • A minimum set of tools is required.
  • The possibility of using different types of processing.
  • No need for careful bodywork.

The manufacturer guarantees a positive result only from the use of proprietary components.

painting raptor reviews the pros and cons

The disadvantages of processing include factors such as:

  • the coating is exclusively matte, and the gloss can not be achieved;
  • roughness visible on the metal, even unarmed;
  • after covering the body, you need to wait three weeks to dry completely so that you can use the machine “but full power”;
  • the removal of such antigravia is very problematic.

Such negatives are easily compensated by the resulting pluses..

Also worth knowing that on average for most cars will have to stock 3-4 sets, which will cost 18-20 thousand. Rubles. Third-party masters take on the work of another 20 thousand for each car. Accordingly, the total cost will reach about 40 thousand rubles. You can save on the square, treating only the lower part of the car at the thresholds, spending 1 bottle for 2 thousand rubles.

It is necessary to take the firm hardener together with the paint, although some users save and buy 650-647 solvent. The result is coarser grains outside. Such a large roughness looks less aesthetic.

When working with a brush, problems are found in the form of furrows from the pile. Since the material quickly hardens, the furrows are fixed forever. It is advisable to immediately use the original spray gun from the kit or by purchasing separately.