Best car shelter: carport or garage?



In the constantly developing large metropolis, the problem of an insufficient number of garages and parking spaces is quite acute. Each car owner, living in a cottage or apartment, prefers to leave his vehicle in the immediate vicinity of the place of residence. Current trends are such that anyone can maximize the safety of their cars, you just need to purchase a specialized carport or build a safe shelter. Quite often, car owners are wondering about purchasing a carport and building a garage. We will reveal in the article all the advantages and disadvantages of various kinds of shelters for vehicles, having considered all points of contention.

Shed and garage

Canopy or garage - which is better

A facility that provides great benefits

So, when it was decided to build a safe shelter for the car, the driver would have to choose one of two possible options: build a carport or a garage. It should be noted that modern carports can be made even by the car owner who does not have experience and certain knowledge in construction, you just need to find drawings, free time and desire. Before embarking on a rash construction, you should figure out what will build better, cheaper and more profitable? Each of the questions posed needs to be considered in stages, since it is very difficult to unambiguously answer.

Читать далее о том, какое укрытие лучше для автомобиля - навес или гараж-->Что касается более лучшего варианта, то, строительство полноценного гаража, расположенного рядом с частным домом, станет, естественно, оптимальным решением, которое повлечёт за собой массу важных преимуществ. Во-первых, в холодное время года автомобиль будет располагаться в тёплом закрытом помещении, а в летнюю жару — в прохладной солнцезащитной среде. Во-вторых, проливные дожди и снегопады также не смогут причинить вред машине, укрытой в гараже. Единственный минус стационарного гаража — его вместительность, которая в большинстве случаев позволяет ставить всего одно транспортное средство. Имея полноценное сооружение со всеми достоинствами при покупке ещё одного автомобиля, перед владельцем снова возникнет необходимость возведения дополнительного строения. Иметь двухместный гараж в городских условиях — это не только редкость, но и большая роскошь, поэтому, вероятнее всего, лучше остановиться на создании навеса.

Double garage

Have a double garage in an urban setting big luxury

Pros and cons of garages

Is building a full-fledged garage really profitable? If we take into account the number of service centers that existed only twenty years ago and now, you can see a huge difference. Previously, specialized organizations involved in all kinds of car repairs were very few, car owners tried to maintain their cars as far as possible. In such a situation, of course, it was difficult to do without a private garage in which everything necessary for repairing the vehicle could be stored. In the current situation, the situation is completely different. The cardinal growth of various services is available to every car owner, when there is no need to tinker with the repair of his car.

Due to the fact that, along with men-drivers, a great number of car enthusiasts of the fair sex appeared who, for the most part, cannot independently produce, for example, replacing a punctured wheel with a spare one, it turns out that the garage will not be used as a place for regular maintenance of cars. self-repair has lost relevance. Having a garage that will only be used as a shelter is very unwise. Although on the other hand, the garage is the most reliable structure, through which the best safety of the vehicle is ensured, especially when the building is located near the apartment.

Garage in the city

The garage provides the best car safety

Garage in a private house

When the car owner is the happy owner of his own house, there’s even no question about the choice between the garage and the carport. Modern drawings of private houses are such that the garages are not a separate building, but present together with the cottage a large building. It is worth noting that in such a construction there is one huge advantage, in the room where the vehicle is stored, the temperature in winter is higher. Leaving the frost from a warm or heated room, a sharp temperature drop can adversely affect the paintwork.

The car, the condition of which the owner is trying to monitor regularly, should be subjected to polishing and additional protection that can protect the paintwork. It is not necessary to deprive of attention wheel arches and the bottom. The stationary massive construction must be provided with exhaust ventilation. It would be better if such a device is not independent, but forced. All of the above actions will require considerable expenses for electricity.

If there is an additional entrance through which you can get into the garage without going outside, then, in addition to convenience, the car owner will have cash costs for installing double doors equipped with fire protection.

In addition to all of the above, the structure located in the basement should have a well-functioning drainage system, due to which water from the machine could not freely flow into the room. Before you leave the car in the garage, it must be cleaned of accumulated snow and ice, which are particularly concentrated under the bottom and in the arches of the wheels.

Garage built in the cottage

Discounts for new cars! Profitable loan from 9.9% installments 0% The garage built into the basement of the cottage must have good ventilation

Such a shelter as a garage is not always the most justified and beneficial. Continuous use of the car will negatively affect the safety of the body, otherwise, rarely used in winter time, the car will be reliably protected from the cold, standing idle in a warm room.

The most profitable building

Without prejudice, it is safe to say that carports are more profitable and justified buildings that will not only protect the car from bad weather conditions and actions of intruders, but also save a considerable amount of money.


The carport will protect the car from bad weather conditions.

To date, polycarbonate shelters have become widespread, whose drawings are presented in sufficient quantity on various Internet resources. Independent construction of a specialized shed will require the cost of a smaller amount of cash savings. In addition, it is possible to build a shed in a matter of days, which will relieve the car owner from the long-term construction of a fixed structure. Through the canopy, the machine will be protected from all sorts of precipitation, as well as from fruits that fall from fruit trees. The presence of constant airing will not allow summer dew to accumulate on the surface of the vehicle.

The main advantage of this shelter is the location, which can be determined only by the personal preferences of the owner. Modern canopy can be built close to the wall of the house or carried to the far corner of the site. If it is installed just before the departure, high-quality gates will be able to become the front wall of the shelter. When the canopy is located near the border with the adjacent section, one of the walls can be made of metal profiles.

In order to build a complete shelter for the car, you need racks and a frame consisting of metal pipes. All racks will have to be concreted. When attaching the roof, it is better to resort to welding or bolts that will ensure reliable adhesion of individual elements to the uprights.

The roof can be made of polycarbonate - a material that is quite simple to install through roofing screws. Polycarbonate has sufficient flexibility and excellent strength. The roof of such material creates scattered penumbra over the stored car, protecting it from direct ultraviolet rays.

Polycarbonate Canopy

Shed with polycarbonate roof

Some car owners have resorted to the use of metal, such a roof will provide the vehicle a solid shadow. Another budget option is a metal profile that allows you to bend along the waves. Such material as ondulin, does not have sufficient strength in the manufacture of a flat roof, in addition, its cost is much higher than other materials. Plastic slate, due to its properties, is also better not to use for these purposes.


The machine in any case needs a good shelter, which will extend its life. Only the car owner can decide what is best suited for this purpose: a carport or a garage. From all of the above, it becomes clear that the canopy is the most profitable and simple structure, which in many respects can notice the massive stationary structure, providing the car with reliable protection.