The best devices for communication between truckers, taxi


Most drivers are accustomed to the fact that the connection can be reached via a mobile phone. There are situations in which it is impossible or unprofitable to use a cellular phone - the radio allows you to communicate more quickly and more economically with several interlocutors, even in places where there are no television camera aerials.

Using a walkie talkie

There are many transmitters on the market, the choice between which depends on a variety of parameters. The bulk of the sales of radios falls on the drivers - most often truckers and taxi drivers. Anyway, not all transmitters can be used by ordinary people: the first range of communication is civil, and the second requires permission.

Читать далее о лучших автомобильных рациях-->Рации находятся в свободной продаже и приобрести их может любой человек. Автолюбители используют их для связи со службой спасения или другими водителями, а работающие за рулём — для контакта с коллегами или диспетчерским центром.

Criteria for choosing a car radio


The optimum power rating is 10 watts. This is enough for proper full operation of the device. Those owners who need more power should choose transmitters with the ability to connect an external amplifier.

The working range depends on the requirements of the driver, as well as his rights - a license is required to enter certain communication channels. The common ranges for radios are CB, PMR and LPD.

The number of channels is closely related to the working range of the radio. The greater this indicator, the greater the distance over which communication will be carried out. The civilian range (CB) has from 1 to 40 channels, which is enough for contact at short distances. LPD talkies can have 69 channels.

Radio in car

The modulation type is a property on which the ability of the radio to receive AM and FM signals depends. There are transmitters that work in both modulations, or one of the two.

The presence in the radio GPS system. With its help, you can quickly and accurately determine the coordinates of the location of the owner, to transfer them to the interlocutor or rescuers. This feature is indispensable for hunters and tourists, but it can be useful for drivers.

The noise reduction control system reduces interference. The effectiveness of this function depends on the distance and quality of communication.

physical characteristics

The body of the radio can be made of metal, plastic, or both. All metal transmitters have the greatest reliability, practicality and security.

The weight of radios varies in the range of 50–700 grams. Lighter ones, as a rule, have less functionality, and heavy ones are perfect as powerful mobile radio stations in a car. Anyway, this indicator is not directly related.

Complete set of a car radio

The height of the device is indicated in two variations - with and without antenna. As a rule, car radios are a device similar to a radio tape recorder, from which a microphone goes off on the wire, and the dimensions of such transmitters fit perfectly in the palm of your hand.

Waterproof or shockproof housing. These parameters are also relevant for pocket radios. Protection from external factors will need anglers and hunters, as well as tourists.

Functional features

The ability to instantly go to the channel SOS. Walkie-talkies that maintain fast communication with rescuers have a corresponding button on the case.

The power of the battery, which determines the time of the transmitter. Portable radios have their own battery, and car powered by batteries. Mobile devices can work from 5 to 65 hours, but this information is based on the fact that the reception and transmission will be spent no more than 10% of the time in each case. With the constant work of a full battery charge, respectively, enough for less than ten times the time. Thus, the indicators are relevant for the preferential stay in sleep mode.

Placement of the radio in the car

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Additional functions

The ability to lock the keyboard of the device from accidental clicks. The presence of vibration mode, which can be used in situations that require maximum silence. The presence of the LED in the case, which can be used as a flashlight.

These options are more suitable for pocket radios. They do not affect the overall capabilities of the transmitter.


Physical properties:

  • Height. For each machine there is a limit on its length. For truck drivers, it is often limited by the location of wires or other barriers such as bridges and arches.
  • Type of mount. The simplest are magnetic. They allow you to quickly connect the antenna to the car, but at the same time its metal roof can not be used as a signal amplifier, requiring additional wires. They can also damage the paintwork. The most reliable fasteners are mortise, but they, respectively, require the creation of a hole in the body.

The functional properties of a walkie-talkie antenna are responsible for the signal reception radius and its quality. More reliable instances ensure smooth operation.

Radio antenna

Manufacturer, model and equipment

Companies specialize in various types of communication devices - amateur or tourist, automotive, service (for police and military) and even toy. It should be selected on the basis of personal requirements in terms of functionality and characteristics. Various configurations allow you to choose the number of associated devices - whether it is only a charger and a battery, or also an external headset, covers, etc.

For serious activity, it is recommended to look towards more well-known manufacturers with a good reputation. Their products will fail the owner less likely.

Advice from experienced users of car radios: practice shows that when choosing a transmitter, the main criterion is the purpose of the acquisition and the intended use. Based on the needs, you can decide what functions and characteristics the device should have. A simple transmitter is suitable for communication over short distances, and for rare use it is not worth buying expensive items.

Alan 100 Plus

Car radio for truckers

Professional truck drivers are a special niche of radios users. They have long used various transmitters in order to communicate with the dispatcher or colleagues, warning them about an emergency on the road. Truckers need powerful radios with a wide range of work, as they move long distances, sometimes moving away from civilization.

Alan 42 Plus

Almost all truckers use the civil channel band, namely, the fifteenth (27.135 MHz). As for the modulation mode, AM (amplitude) is common. These criteria are fundamental when choosing a car transmitter for truckers.

Megajet MJ-300

Top devices

Based on the requirements, you can select the best copies of the radios for truck drivers:

  • Alan 100 Plus is a fairly simple and compact, but reliable transmitter. Its analogue is the German Albrecht AE-4200.
  • Alan 42 Plus is a multifunctional device that can be used both stationary and portable.
  • Megajet MJ-300 - the leader in the number of sales. Truckers love her for compactness and reliability.
  • Alan 78 Plus has long been used not only in trucks, but also in taxi cars. The device has been tested for years and is great for getting in touch with a car.
  • TTI TCB-551. The new model in the world of walkie-talkies, which is characterized by an affordable price, as well as the presence of an automatic noise suppressor. The model managed to win over many users.

Alan 78 Plus


The length of the radio antenna for truckers

Longer antennas, as a rule, provide better communication without interference. Unfortunately, in the case of trucks, this indicator has limitations - it is not recommended to install more than half a meter on the roof. Too large antenna can cling to various obstacles, breaking off, or worse, by touching the wires, which can not only destroy the radio, but also injure the driver.

Alan 9 More

Top antenna specimens:

  • Alan 9 More is the most common mortise model.
  • Lemm AT. The series includes models numbered 550, 900, 1200 and 1500. All of them are notable for availability.
  • Sirius T3 27 — довольно популярная врезная антенна. Имеет короткую длину, что делает её оптимальной для многих грузовиков, которым не остаётся выбора.
  • Lemm AT 71 Magnum. Mortise model, which has excellent reliability and is similar to the first antenna in the list.

Lemm AT

Sirius T3 27

Lemm AT 71 Magnum

Car radio for taxi drivers

Taxi services are the most numerous users in the urban environment. Daily dispatching services of companies receive hundreds of messages from their drivers, so radios should have a special range of work and high reliability.

Such transmitters are powered by a cigarette lighter, which can temporarily fail, while dropping all communication parameters. It is recommended to choose instances with volatile memory of channels and settings, which will prevent arbitrary resetting of settings and will allow not to expose them every time.

Automatic noise suppressor will allow you not to be distracted by manually setting indicators while working at a fast pace. Signal without interference is often the key to the correct execution of the order.

The function of alternately scanning two channels will be indispensable for those taxi drivers who work simultaneously in two companies. With this system, you can follow the news of both services, which will increase the chance of receiving an order.

The number of communication channels influences the size of the radio for which city it is suitable for and in which ranges it can work. The larger the indicator, the better the model is suitable for megacities (the ideal would be a figure close to 450). The wider the range, the more broadcast channels will be able to receive the device, providing communication with different dispatch services.

Walkie talkie

Walkie talkie — необходимый атрибут современного такси

The power of the walkie-talkie also directly affects the number of orders - weak devices can transmit a signal poorly, while owners of more powerful ones will take over the job, informing the dispatcher. 10 watts will be enough for work, besides, an external amplifier can be connected to such a transmitter. On the model capacity of 15-25 watts amplifiers do not exist.

The best radio manufacturers for taxi drivers are Megajet, Midland, Alan and Kenwood. Their products have all the necessary functions, as well as renowned for excellent reliability. One of the best amplifiers is RM KL-203.


The choice of radio is a responsible event. Acquire the model is based on the calculation of needs. Among professionals, a wide range of channels, power and reliability are appreciated, and amateur models will suit simpler models. Mobile radio is an excellent alternative to a mobile phone, allowing you to keep in touch with several interlocutors at a great distance at the same time, without wasting money.