Compare reno daster and nissan terrano

Crossovers are now at the peak of popularity, and therefore produced a large number of different models of cars of this class from a variety of brands. But there are among crossovers and those that are practically no different from each other, because of what they are compared to determine what caused the higher cost of one of the models.

Terrano photo

So, the only question that is brewing when you look at cars Renault Duster and Nissan Terrano: what is the difference? Of course, if you do not take into account the price, which is significantly more than a Japanese car. Let's try to figure out which similarities and differences between the Nissan Terrano and Renault Duster, as well as which car will be more optimal.

Outwardly, these 2 crossovers look almost like clones, especially if you look at them from the side. The cars have almost the same size, identical design, so it is almost impossible to distinguish which car in front of you: Renault Duster or Nissan Terrano. But still there are certain details that suggest that the French and Japanese crossovers still have differences:

Renault Duster

  • Nissan's bumper shape is a bit more aggressive;
  • lighting system. Here, too, Japanese win, whose headlights and lanterns are more suitable for use in the city;
  • also the Nissan Terrano, positioning itself as a premium car, got a grille lining that looks richer than that of its French opponent.

But after the restyling, Renault significantly tightened in terms of appearance, the model looks unusually modern, definitely, more expensive than its real value. The machine is compact and functional, in addition, raised high enough. The car embodies the current trends in engineering. But the Japanese opponent focuses on tradition: aggressiveness, brand grille and other details, which immediately make it clear that Nissan is in front of you.

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Nissan Terrano photos

But in addition to these parameters, compare the Nissan Terrano and Renault Duster in terms of appearance is useless, because the cars are exactly the same, until the roof rails. Even the platforms of these crossovers are absolutely identical, because they are unified. Therefore, there is no unequivocal winner: even though Terrano looks a bit more representative, it costs significantly more.

Следующим пунктом ответа на вопрос: «Renault Duster или Ниссан Террано что лучше?» станет интерьер машин. И здесь вновь возникает сложность в поиске отличий. Если говорить о мультимедиа и панели приборов, то разница только в деталях:

  • blower deflectors have a different shape: round in French and rectangular in Japanese;
  • the multimedia system differs seriously and is not at all in favor of Terrano: Duster has a 7-inch touchscreen screen and the ability to view rear parking sensors;
  • Nissan can boast only a 5-inch screen, which is far from being so functional.

In other parameters of the interior of the car are almost identical, therefore, if you choose a Nissan Terrano or Renault Duster based on the level of comfort in the cabin, then this is the wrong choice. In both cars, the main finishing material is high-tech fabric. Both that and that crossover have identical dimensions of an internal part. By the way, the passengers sitting in the back, often feel uncomfortable because of fairly close-established seats.


Если говорить про багажник Ниссан Террано и Renault Duster, в чем отличие не скажет вам никто, так как параметры и габариты абсолютно одинаковые. Правда, полноприводный Рено, всё же, отличается по вместительности от переднеприводного аналога и японца: у него объём составляет 410 л против 475 л. Кстати, грузовой отсек можно расширить более чем до 1600 литров, что позволит перевезти абсолютно всё, что угодно.

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But the main difference between many cars rightly consider the engines and power indicators, perhaps these parameters will allow to compare the Nissan Terrano and Renault Duster with a large margin in one of the parties? But it seems that there is a failure here: both cars are equipped with the same gasoline engines:

фото renault Duster

  • 1.6 liter gasoline engine, capable of delivering 102 “horses”;
  • engine gasoline 2-liter 143 liters. with.

At the same time, the car from the French brand after restyling overtakes a competitor in terms of diesel engines. The Duster is equipped with 109 powerful diesel, which consumes less than 6 liters per 100 km, and this is definitely an excellent variant of the power plant for the crossover. So in terms of savings, the victory will be for Renault Duster.

Nissan Terrano Salon

In both cars, it is possible to install both an automatic box and “mechanics”. With that, initially the automatic on the all-wheel drive version was only Renault, but later Nissan added this option to his Terrano 4x4. In terms of the chassis there are no differences: the principle of switching all-wheel drive, the main indicators are the same.

Terrano comparison

Но так как Ниссан Террано и Renault Duster являются внедорожниками, обязательно нужно сравнить их проходимость. Можно смело говорить, что после рестайлинга Рено выйграл в углах подъёма, в целом, сам кузов больше приспособлен к бездорожью и экстремальным условиям. Дело в том, что он лишён особых изысков, практичен, поэтому на нём вы без проблем решитесь на штурм любой местности. But you cannot say this about Terrano, since the car has some decorative elements that add solidity, but not practicality.

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Duster photo

Когда смотришь на Ниссан Террано и Renault Duster, в чём отличие практически непонятно. На деле, машины практически равнозначны. Но если вы хотите сделать упор на солидность, то покупайте японский автомобиль. А если вам больше важна практичность, то лучшим вариантом станет именно Renault Duster. В остальном же машины практически идентичны, а значит, раз Дастер дешевле, значит, тем, кто хочет сэкономить - стоит приобретать именно его.

And further video test drive by Nissana Terrano: