Seven hundred foton sauvana frame suvs arrived to russian

К российским дилерам приехали семьсот рамных SUVов Foton Sauvana Российский офис китайского автобренда Foton сообщал о скорых поставках в нашу страну SUVов Foton Sauvana almost a year ago, but for some reason supplies became possible only now. Perhaps, the integration of the ERA-GLONASS module into the car took so much time, now it does not matter: the cars arrived, there are seven hundred of them, and the prices for the poorest equipment start, do not fall! - from one million seven hundred thousand rubles. Before us is a typical mid-size frame SUV with a wheelbase of 2 m 79 cm with a length of 4 m 83 cm, a width of 1 m 91 cm and a height of 1 m 88.5 cm. The model's clearance is 22 cm, SUV Foton Sauvana, as they promise, it will easily overcome the ford with a depth of up to 80 cm. All configurations that have already been delivered to Russian car dealers and will be supplied in the future are all-wheel drive.

К российским дилерам приехали семьсот рамных SUVов Foton Sauvana However, when driving around the city, it can be switched to rear-wheel drive. In automatic mode, the front chassis receives power through a multi-disc multi-plate clutch, which is automatically locked in 4L mode. The rear axle is equipped with a limited slip differential. К российским дилерам приехали семьсот рамных SUVов Foton Sauvana Under the hood of the Russian version Foton Sauvana стоит пока один двухлитровый турбодвигатель, спаренный с пятискоростной механической трансмиссией либо с автоматом. Мощность его зависит от типа трансмиссии. С механической коробкой двигатель может выдать 201 "лошадку" при пяти с половиной тысячах оборотов, с шестискоростным автоматом этот же мотор может показать мощность в 217 лошадиных сил. Позднее китайцы пришлют к нам дизельную версию SUVа. Это будет 2,8-литровый турбодизель на 163 "лошадки", точно такой же стоит под капотом пикапа Foton Tunland, также продающегося у нас. К российским дилерам приехали семьсот рамных SUVов Foton Sauvana Basic build Foton Sauvana with a manual box, for which one million seven hundred thousand rubles is requested, is equipped with a stabilization system, electronic assistants to help the driver when driving uphill and downhill. The car has two airbeg, air conditioning, music system with four speakers. The pressure in the tires is controlled automatically, cast "rollers", fog, rear parking sensors. Installed on the roof longitudinal rails. К российским дилерам приехали семьсот рамных SUVов Foton Sauvana Maximum "assembly" - Premium with an automatic transmission costs already one million nine hundred twenty thousand rubles. This includes climate and cruise control, third row passenger seats, more chrome-plated parts in the bodywork, moisture and light sensors, keyless access and engine start from a button, leather upholstery, a multimedia unit with a seven-inch touchscreen and six speakers, a rear-view camera.

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The price tag, of course, for the Chinese SUV - horse. Our dealers have completely lost their conscience. If you even buy a car for that kind of money, then when choosing between the “Chinese” and “Japanese” one hundred percent of the buyers would prefer the “Japanese” - by paying eighty thousand, you can buy TLC Prado in the basic assembly with a gasoline engine. This is the car that in ten years, according to auto dealers, it loses only two percent of the initial cost. But the “Chinese” in ten years to sell at least half the price will be unlikely. К российским дилерам приехали семьсот рамных SUVов Foton Sauvana Nevertheless, the Chinese are confident that their photons will diverge in Russia without any problems. They are going to deliver to us for the current year and a half thousand of their SUVs. These seven hundred Foton Sauvanathat they came to our car dealers are collected in Belarus, in the future the Chinese want to organize their localized assembly directly in our country. It is unlikely that this will greatly reduce the price of Chinese SUVs. Although miracles in the automotive industry also happen.

By the way, the Foton Tunland truck started selling from us last year, the price tags start with a half million rubles.