Updated acura rdx - acura rdh 2018: prices, performance,

Like most automakers, the Japanese manufacturer Honda has its own divisions, focusing on a particular market in its work. One of these units (Acura) specializes in the development and production of cars for North American (Canada and the USA) and European (EU countries) consumers. Motorists from these regions, as is known, impose the highest demands on product quality, which can only be met by local manufacturers and Japanese, who have long been known for their special attitude to the reliability and safety of their cars.

Domestic motorists have a happy opportunity to use the latest developments of the best Western and Japanese manufacturers - including buying an updated version of Acura RDX 2018 (photo below), the date of entry into the Russian market, although related to the future (approximately the beginning of 2019), but no less rapidly approaching, leaving the potential buyer less and less time to think.

Photo: Updated Acura RDX 2018

Photo: Updated Acura RDX 2018

But first, about the brand itself. The word “akura”, although it seems to be Japanese, is actually derived from the purely European, Latin basis “aku”, denoting, in fact, accuracy and accuracy of calculations. Hence the difficulty with stress: in spite of the seeming logicality of such a choice, it is placed not on the second, but on the first syllable of the word. The division was created by Honda more than twenty years ago with the same purpose for which it currently operates - for more effective expansion in the countries of North America and Europe. At the same time, Honda itself, while continuing to supply products under the parent trademark to the same regions, still concentrates on the domestic market and nearby territories. But neither direct nor reverse isolation is out of the question: the updated Acura RDH (photo below) will be available not only in Asia, but also in Africa, and you can buy it in Australia now.

The 2018 Acura RDX (photo below) is not, as the manufacturer directly states, a new generation of mid-size crossover; This is a restyled version of the third generation, which saw the light about three years ago. Accordingly, it makes no sense to talk about fundamental changes in the appearance of the car, the approach to the design of the cabin or in the technical equipment. Of course, the “appearance” of the updated RDH has become more attractive, sportier and at the same time more solid: now no one can call the crossover heavy or outdated, much less ugly.

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