Recommendations for choosing the color of the car


If we take into account that when buying a new car in the first place is always a specific brand and model, then the second place can be safely given to the color of the car. It is this factor that often becomes a stumbling block between family members - women prefer bright colors, men - practical (and they can be easily understood). Automotive pioneer Henry Ford argued in all seriousness that the color of the car does not matter and can be any, provided that it is black. In those days, the range of automotive colors was really small, but today the situation is completely opposite. If you still doubt which car color to choose, we will try to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the basic shades so that you can thoroughly justify your choice.

How to choose the right color of the car

Recommendations for choosing the color of the car.

Читать далее про то как правильно выбрать цвет автомобиля-->Во всех практических руководствах, посвящённых выбору цвета автомобиля, основной упор делается на три критерия:

  • psychological aspect;
  • safety in terms of road accidents;
  • practicality.

We will not deviate from this approach, considering it really justified.

Psychological aspect

And let's begin, perhaps, with psychology, because the emotional component is prevalent in most cases, regardless of what we are going to buy.


One of the most popular colors. It is preferred by people with a calm, docile nature. Indeed, from the point of view of physics, the white color is neutral, and at the same time it contains all the spectral diversity of the surrounding world. It is believed that the owners of white cars are distinguished by accuracy in the care of the car, and in driving. They prefer to abide by the rules of the road, rather than violate them. If you make a small historical excursion, it turns out that the owners of white cars were many famous personalities, including big businessmen, for whom white is the color of luxury.

White psychology

When choosing which color of car to prefer, you need to take into account that recently the positive image of white cars turned out to be very spoiled: many automakers (especially the Japanese who are zealous in this) paint the most budget models with the minimum bundle of colors exactly white. So today in the trend other colors.

The black

From the point of view of classical psychology, black is associated mainly with negative. It is believed that it is preferred by people who perceive the environment in gloomy tones, individuals who are unsure of themselves and notoriously complex. There is an opinion that black cars are the lot of quick-tempered people who make decisions quickly and not always deliberately. The statistics partially confirms this opinion - the majority of crimes related to the use of cars were committed on black cars. In addition, it is the most emergency color of the car. And yet this noble and very rich color is extremely in demand and popular. If you look at the parking of public institutions, at least 90% of the entire park will be painted in a black color scheme.

Black psychology


Among psychologists, gray is considered neutral, but not as unambiguously as white. Usually we call gray people inconspicuous, nothing to stand out. But there is another aphorism, claiming that gray is incompatible with gray people. One way or another, but this is one of the most controversial colors, because in the color palette the richness of shades makes monochrome unmatched. People who prefer gray are considered reasonable, but secretive and at the same time suspicious. But for drivers of gray cars this does not apply. In most cases, they are very restrained, always focused on the traffic situation, preferring not to take risky maneuvers.

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Perhaps the most ambiguous color. According to statistics, half of the population he is madly in love, and the other half cannot bear it, regardless of gender, nationality and other characteristics. People who prefer red are distinguished by courage and authority, strong character and will. And if you keep in mind the female half, then this is a very sociable person who loves life in all its manifestations. The dark side of the adherents of red are impulsiveness and tendency to aggression. What is interesting - the owners of red cars usually do not like. Even psychologists cannot explain what this is about, but if the opinions of others are precious to you, the red car will not work for you. However, for many people, red is the best color for a car.

Red psychology


Automakers do not strongly favor this color, obviously, because of its impracticality. But from the point of view of psychology, he is very positive. Preferred yellow people are characterized as balanced, sociable, moderately active and differing in intelligence. It is believed that the owners of yellow cars are almost the main culprits of urban traffic, because they prefer to drive very slowly. But if you remember that many taxis and minibuses are painted in yellow, then it is hard to believe in such associations.

Yellow Psychology


Many consider orange to be a kind of yellow, but this is certainly not the case. Colorists consider orange not as catchy as yellow, but unequivocally more vivid, expressive, fun. From the point of view of psychology, this is really a coloring with a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect. An anti-depressant machine is quite an interesting combination, but after hibernation it would be really great to get out into the orange car! In any case, close attention and positive emotions from pedestrians and other drivers will be provided to you, so orange can be easily counted among the best car colors.

Orange Psychology


This color in the vast majority of people is associated with the summer season, with the riot of nature, therefore, it symbolizes the vitality and thirst for freedom. True, the car colors of this shade are rarely so bright. Nevertheless, owners of green cars can be confident in a positive attitude towards themselves from other people. If we talk about the prevailing dark green colors, then they are for drivers who are serious, practical, not frivolous and not inclined to show romantic feelings. But they don’t like “drawing” in front of others, preferring comfort and safety.

Green psychology


Another very ambiguous, but quite common shade. Psychologists say that spiritual people prefer it, not burdened with unjust deeds, but in reality such a generalization seems at least controversial. It is believed that the owners of blue cars tend to be melancholy, that for driving, requiring an instantaneous response, is not very good. On the other hand, they are more disciplined than the owners of bright cars. If you do not want to annoy other road users, buy a blue car - it has a calming effect.

Psychology blue


Небесный оттенок машины – это вполне однозначная ассоциация с бездонным простором небесной глади. Blue цвет очень красив, особенно если он насыщенный. К сожалению, встречается он на дорогах нечасто, и если вы убеждены, что именно этот цвет авто – лучший, вам придётся потратить немало усилий, чтобы воплотить свою мечту в жизнь.

Psychology blue


This color can be classified as neutral, but with a certain degree of conventionality. It is believed that its adherents - people are conservative, respecting traditions. For them, in the first place, always and everywhere, are family values. So for a family this low-key hue is very good, especially considering that brown car drivers prefer a relaxed driving style, do not fuss in difficult driving situations and practically do not make mistakes.

Brown psychology

Light green

Something between yellow and green has little to do with that, and with another, as paradoxical as it sounds. Owners of light-green cars are considered to be people who do not shine with intelligence, and their driving culture (as well as the culture of behavior in general) is far from the generally accepted ideals.

Psychology of light green color


There is an opinion (and it is quite true) that the pink car is the ideal of glamor blondes. But from the point of view of psychology, pink is the color of life, full of positive and positive emotions. Therefore, it is preferred not only by secular lionesses, but also by those who hold a positive attitude towards life and those around them. And let them, these people are very vulnerable and also sentimental, these qualities can hardly be called worthy of blame. So, when you meet a pink car, do not try to hurt the driver with a word or deed, remembering that you are dealing with an open, fun, but vulnerable kind.

Pink Psychology


It is unlikely that you can boast that you often see purple cars on the roads. Meanwhile, despite the rarity, this color has pronounced positive qualities. People who prefer violet colors are considered spiritual personalities, for whom rudeness and impatience are absolutely alien qualities. Of course, in order to purchase such a car, you will have to run around more than a dozen car dealerships.

Psychology purple


In the past few decades, this shade has clearly become prevalent on the roads. In contrast to the inconspicuous gray, silver car looks very presentable and at the same time democratic. And if you believe the results of research conducted by American scientists, then this color, it turns out, is the sexiest. In any case, more than half of the women respondents said that they considered the color of the car a weighty reason to study its salon and, of course, its driver, and, on occasion, to start a conversation with him, that is, flirt. At the same time, the silver shade turned out to be more popular than red or black. So, dear male bachelors (and not only), take into account this interesting fact!

Silver psychology


It so happened that when buying a car, its color is associated with anything, but not with driving safety. Meanwhile, impartial statistics of road accidents suggests otherwise. Moreover, a considerable amount of research has been conducted on this subject, the results of which generally coincide.


As is known, the white surface is able to reflect the sunshine, so in hot weather, a white car is the coolest. So for people who, due to the characteristics of the body, do not tolerate heat and heat, it is recommended to buy cars of bright colors, the most suitable of which will be white.

If you put in a row cars of all imaginable shades, white will be more noticeable than others. This means that, while driving such a vehicle, you risk less than others being unnoticed by other road users, and this is another significant argument in favor of white. From the point of view of optical effects, white shades are able to visually enlarge objects, so your white car is a little bit, but it will stand out from the rest. Another plus for security.

White car safety

A completely different situation will be observed in winter, when the white car almost merges with its surroundings. However, in the cities of the road trying to clean the snow, so this problem in metropolitan areas is not as urgent as on the country roads. If you live in the north - it is better to refuse to buy a white car. But in all other cases it is the safest color of the car.

The black

Is there a connection between the fact that black cars are preferred by wealthy people and the proven fact that cars of this color more often than others appear in police reports? Many citizens are sure that yes: the rules are not written to the rich, and therefore the accident statistics with the participation of black cars looks so depressing. In fact, if there is a reason for this, it is definitely not decisive. Just against the dark pavement, black vehicles are the most inconspicuous, merging with the road. And even if you are not going to buy such a car, it does not guarantee your safety on the road. That is why tired drivers are advised not to get behind the wheel, because their color perception deteriorates significantly, which threatens the most unpleasant consequences. Stay away from black cars!

Black car safety


If we talk about visibility on the road, then gray cars here can give odds to black. They are really unobtrusive, and at dusk they can even be compared with invisible ones. And if the optics is not turned on - it will be possible to notice such a car only from a very close distance. Owners of such cars should always remember this.

Security серого автомобиля


It is believed that the red color more than others can cause an influx of adrenaline in the blood. Perhaps that is why such cars usually behave extremely inadequately on the road, creating a mass of emergencies literally out of the blue. From a security point of view, it’s better to stay away from red cars - it's quieter. On the other hand, if you yourself are the owner of the red "iron horse", you have practically nothing to fear - this coloring is considered one of the most noticeable. But again, optical illusions should not be discounted. In this regard, the red color of the car on the road is not the safest, and this is why: when driving (no matter what - oncoming or passing), it always seems that the red car moves much faster than it actually does, causing you to tense up and undertake maneuvers in this situation are redundant.

Red car safety


From the point of view of physiology, yellow shades promote involuntary activation of brain activity, sharpening such feelings as attention and concentration. That is why road construction equipment has yellow-black stripes (in this case, black stripes are used for contrast). So, according to statistics, this is one of the safest colors of a car. In fairness, we note that the yellow color visually hides (reduces) the distance to the object.

Yellow car safety


Orange cars are also among the most visible on the road, and regardless of the time of year. Is that in pre-sudremernogo time they become the same as all, with the exception of cars of very light colors. Like red, orange color helps to activate the central nervous system, but without overexciting it. And if orange is present in the cabin of your car, you are unlikely to need various stimulating effects on the road.

Orange car safety


Statistics state that green cars belong to a high-risk group, since the most common are dark shades that are hardly noticeable against the background of the road. The second disadvantage of green is its ability to create the illusion of a greater distance of the object than the actual distance.

Green car safety


Accident reports indicate that blue cars become complicit in road accidents a little less than black and red ones, and if you still doubt what color it is better to buy a car, keep in mind that blue cars are safer.

Blue car safety


The bright blue hue is deceptive: in hot weather, against the background of a cloudless sky, it will definitely be barely noticeable. At the same time, if a blue car moves in front of you for a long time, it may prevent you from correctly assessing the changed traffic situation, since it will involuntarily attract the eye.

Security голубого автомобиля


This is one of the shades that are unobtrusive in cloudy weather or in pre-dusk time. Therefore, the owners of such machines are recommended to drive in the specified conditions with the included dimensions. Against the background of snow, brown cars look very expressive, but if we take into account that today's winters do not differ much from autumn and early spring slush, it can be argued that in terms of safety of brown color, it is better to avoid.

Safety car brown


In terms of visibility on the road, pink cars occupy an intermediate place between dark and bright colors. But the attitude of male drivers to such cars can hardly be called gentlemanly. In this case, the color sign most clearly indicates that the woman is driving, and this factor will always create various troubles for the owners of pink cars. Blondes, keep this in mind!

Pink car safety


In the afternoon on a sunny day, a purple car will definitely stand out, which cannot be said about twilight and overcast weather, but this is a feature of any car of dark colors. At the same time, the attitude towards purple cars from other drivers is benevolent, so that owners of such a vehicle can feel calm on the road.

Safety purple car


Despite the huge popularity, silver cars can hardly be called very prominent among other shades. And in the rain they become completely invisible. Impartial statistics asserts that a significant number of accidents involving silver cars happen precisely in bad weather. By the way, silver is the color of the most stolen cars. The reason for this phenomenon is by no means the love of the hijackers for this shade - it is simply the most common. And avtovory do not like to get involved with rare and distinguished cars, including the color.

Silver car safety


Experienced drivers who buy their next car, put this criterion in the first place. The explanation for this is quite prosaic - spending on washing is often quite impressive, so saving the family budget is a good thing.


Of course, the new white car "with a needle" always looks very impressive. But even small scratches and even dents on a white washed car are almost imperceptible. Another advantage is the lack of fear of direct sunlight. If you do not like the heat, then this color will be perfect. Road dust on the white surface is not very noticeable, but the dirt - is another matter. In inclement weather, you will have to wash the car almost daily, so you will be provided with substantial expenses for detergents in the fall and spring.

White car practicality

The black

This color is the most practical car can not be called. Any scratch will be visible from afar, and as for the dust, it seems that black cars are a variant of a vacuum cleaner on wheels. In the summer, you can't do without the air conditioner turned on, which may not cope with its tasks due to the ability of black surfaces to attract the sun's rays, which create a greenhouse effect inside. The cost of washing, according to the workers of these services, is twice as high for black cars, so you should forget about the cost of caring for such a vehicle. Well, except that if you live in the Far North, then the purchase of such a machine will be financially justified.

Practicality черного автомобиля


This is definitely the most unmarked color of the car. Let it not look very presentable, but in terms of saving the family budget for caring for him, he is an absolute record holder. Neither dust nor dirt in the dried state is practically visible on it, since they themselves have the same shade.

The practicality of the gray car


Red always looks very impressive, but it is this color that is most prone to fading. So temperamental Southerners have to reckon with this. As for scratches, dents and other surface defects, they are not as noticeable as on black cars. The same can be said about dust and dirt.

Practicality красного автомобиля


Strange, but dust and even dirt on a yellow car looks quite presentable, if not aesthetically pleasing. Perhaps because in itself this color is bright, causing only positive emotions. Scratches are almost invisible, but dents will definitely stand out.

Practicality yellow car


Although orange is very close in its optical characteristics to yellow, red is present in its spectrum. Therefore, it can be considered as something of an average of practicality. So, the cost of washing will be low, and small scratches will be barely noticeable.

Practicality оранжевого автомобиля


Like any dark and cold color scheme, green is not very practical: it burns out in the sun, gets dirty quickly, dust, dirt and scratches can be seen from afar. You will have to wash often, but in a washed state it looks very presentable - no worse than a black car.

Practicality green car


Here the situation is similar with green colors. The practicality of blue cars is low, and if this is a representative class car, then you are simply doomed to frequent visits to car washes, and you have to be very careful while driving and parking, scratches will stand out against a dark background.

Practicality синего автомобиля


By their optical characteristics, blue cars are comparable to gray or silver, that is, they are non-marking and practical. But if we consider that there is practically no men among the owners of such cars, the problem with dust and dirt ceases to be relevant - women are very scrupulous in this regard.

Practicality голубого автомобиля


Dark shades of brown are almost the same as black, with all the ensuing consequences. However, pastel colors, which are quite common in Russia, will reduce the cost of auto chemical goods almost by half.

The practicality of a brown car

Light green

From the point of view of the visibility of dust, light green cars are not inferior to yellow: it looks to them like some kind of additional decor, but not like an alien inclusion. Scratches are also almost invisible, but the problem is that such a color is a rarity on our roads.

Practicality lettuce car


It’s even indecent to talk about pink cars: what blonde will there be at least a piece of dirt on her pet? But seriously speaking, the practicality of such machines is comparable to gray and silver.

The practicality of a pink car


Rare color, beautiful, but not too practical. Depending on the shade, it is closer to either blue or red cars.

Practicality фиолетового автомобиля


Like his gray brother, silver car can confidently be ranked as the most practical. Neither dust nor scratches are noticeable on it, it will not often have to be washed.

Practicality silver car

Car colors popularity rating

What are the most popular colors in the US and Europe? Here is the data released by the famous global manufacturer of car paints - by PPG Industries for North America:

  • white - 21%;
  • black - 19%;
  • gray / silver - 16%;
  • red - 10%
  • blue - 8%
  • pastel, natural shades - 7%;
  • green - 3%.

European preferences:

  • white - 23%;
  • black - 21%;
  • gray - 17%
  • silver - 10%;
  • red - 7%
  • blue - 7%
  • natural shades - 7%;
  • green - 2%.

In Russia, such data was provided by the portal "From hand to hand":

  • black - 28%;
  • silver - 20%;
  • blue - 12%;
  • white - 12%
  • gray - 11%
  • red - 8%;
  • green - 5%;
  • natural - 4%
  • blue - 2%.

As you can see, color preferences among Americans and Europeans are about the same, but the Russians have their own opinions on this matter.