What roads are considered the most beautiful in the world


A really beautiful road is not just a section of a route where high-quality and even asphalt is laid. Beauty and attractiveness is determined on the basis of many components. This concept is quite subjective. But often people's opinions converge when it comes to specific roads and directions. Therefore, we tried to collect the most beautiful roads and tell about them in more detail. Motorists can get real pleasure even from long and long journeys. If the path passes through the most beautiful roads in the world, then you literally enjoy these kilometers, try to remember every detail, sometimes you want to stop, just look at it and go further. The beauty of the road is largely determined by the uniqueness of the world around it, the particular twists and turns, nature, ideas of architects and designers who created this road masterpiece.

The most beautiful roads

TOP of the most beautiful roads of the world.

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Roads of four continents

The famous National Geographic magazine carried out a large-scale work, collecting the most beautiful, scenic, memorable and unique roads from all four continents. In some cases, it is almost a full-fledged highway, a regular road, direction or path through interesting places. Therefore, you can get acquainted with the most beautiful roads of Europe, learn about the most beautiful road in Russia and not only. This information was collected by experts for travelers who want to go not just to a regular trip to the sea, but to see the world, see its unusual places and enjoy the combination of nature and human creations. Roads are ideal for this purpose. According to the results of numerous surveys and studying the geography of our planet, it turned out that the most beautiful roads of the world are located in such countries:

  • France;
  • Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan;
  • USA;
  • China;
  • Romania;
  • Norway;
  • Argentina;
  • Australia;
  • Russia.

And now we will tell about each road separately. And you can already decide for yourself whether to go on the most beautiful roads, how interesting the chosen path in Russia was, and how to plan your route for the next trip. Explore all the tracks themselves are quite difficult, because they are scattered around the world. But if you set such a goal, having studied the most beautiful roads of Europe, the USA, Russia and other parts of our planet, you will get unforgettable emotions and impressions for a lifetime. After all, each road is unique and inimitable. It's hard to argue with that.

Chui tract

So they call the road, which begins near Novosibirsk, and ends almost at the border of Mongolia. This is the southern part of the endless Russian Siberia. This road is part of the Great Asian route. One of the starting points is the city of Karachi, in Pakistan. The total length of the path is more than 950 kilometers. If you ride on it, you can notice an interesting feature. People who have been there say with confidence that she will give unforgettable impressions to any traveler. The fact is that the road has three conditional parts into which nature has divided it:

  • mountain;
  • in advance;
  • flat

There are no special and unique places on the foothill and flat parts. But the nature around fascinates with its originality. If you get to the mountain part, there you will find a real scattering of all sorts of interesting places. The first really unusual sight of the route is located not far from Altai, not reaching the republic. At first it may seem that there is nothing unusual in this village called Srostki. But this is the historical birthplace of V. Shukshin, a famous figure in the whole of Russia and the world. In his honor, every year a big festival is held here, to visit which is extremely interesting. After 100 kilometers, the most amazing mountain part of the path opens, where the raging Katun River flows on one side, and on the other side - huge and powerful mountains. Here you can enjoy the beautiful view from the rocks, explore the unique, almost untouched by nature nature. Tourists consider this segment the most beautiful and attractive.

Chui tract

In this case, you can enjoy all the benefits of civilization. It built tourist bases, gambling zones. There are invited to cope on the river, do extreme, stroll through the cities and the forest, or just spend the evening at the disco. Rivers are replaced by steppe, plains are replacing mountains. Just imagine how high and mighty mountains look like on the background of a steppe landscape. This road is worth a ride. And what is most interesting, all this is almost a thousand kilometers away from us, in Russia. And many do not even suspect that there are such unique, outstanding and unique places. Chui path can not be visited in passing, travel. It is better to stock up on time and pay special attention to each kilometer of the road. Nature, sights, interesting places, landscapes will give you real pleasure from the trip. And the quality of the road pleasantly pleased.

Great Ocean Road

That is how they called the 243 kilometers of path that stretched along the Pacific coast in Australia. To be precise, we are talking about the state of Victoria. Construction began after the First World War. The soldiers, who managed to return home alive, began to create the road on their own. So they wanted to preserve the memory of comrades who could not survive in these terrible years of war. The road is positioned as a highway. It was opened only in 1932. It is one of the largest memorials in the world. 30 years after the discovery, the highways were added to the list of the most beautiful on our planet. The route runs literally along the edges of the coastal cliffs, thanks to which travelers can watch the endless ocean, fantastic lagoons and various sights.

One of the most interesting and incredible places is the shipwreck. For some strange and sometimes mysterious circumstances, ships often sank here. The view is fascinating, but at the same time a little frightening. According to experts, there are now more than 640 ships. Also of interest are limestone cliffs that stand alone in the middle of the ocean, towering 30 to 50 meters above the water. In order to attract tourists, this site with the rocks was called the Twelve Apostles. Why 12 is difficult to say, because these rocks were 8. But the travelers themselves call them pigs and piglets. The ecosystem is fantastic. If you have little contemplation of nature, you can look at the migration of huge southern whales, to emus, kangaroos, koalas and not only. Do not forget that this route is part of the Australian safari.

Great Ocean Road

Big circle

Те, кого привлекает дикий Запад, просто обязаны посетить Big circle, который находится в штате Колорадо, США. Это место находится с западной стороны от Скалистых гор. Когда американцы начали осваивать индейские земли, сюда направили огромные военные силы, призванные уничтожить все находящиеся здесь природные ценности. В наше время этот участок называют Большим кругом. Сначала это название использовали при организации автобусного тура. Потом оно плотно вошло в обиход. Круг обусловлен тем, что маршрут начинается с одной точки, где собирали туристов, а затем их туда же и привозили обратно. Истинные ценители Большого круга советуют начать свой путь с Денвера. Это позволит вам заскочить в национальный парк, посвящённый Скалистым горам, который находится около истока одной из красивейших рек Колорадо. Она так и называется. Далее вы движетесь к Аспену, доезжаете до плато Колорадо. По дороге вы встретите земли, которые когда-то заселяли индейцы из племени Навахо.

It is highly recommended to visit the city of Page, since it is located near the amazingly beautiful Antelope Canyon. It is also worth renting a boat to ride on the lake, which is called Powell. And just south of the city is the world famous Grand Canyon. This is a dream of millions of tourists from all over the world, as it is one of the most famous attractions on the planet. Having passed all this, you will find yourself on the Hoover Dam. Incredibly powerful and unique structure, which was built in the 30s of the 20th century. From there there is a direct road to the most reckless and fun city in the USA. As you understand, we are talking about Las Vegas. Overcoming the whole Great Circle, you visit 4 states at once. But you just do not have enough 1 - 2 days to appreciate the beauty of the area. Only national parks are worth. This place has the highest concentration of parks in the United States. Because here you want to return at least a few more times.

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Route 40

Behind a simple and concise name lies an incredible highway, which is located on the territory of Argentina. What is most interesting, this route runs through almost the entire country and moves parallel to the Andean ridge. The total length of the road is over 5 thousand kilometers. Plus it crosses several climatic zones. Such an unusual route allows for a long trip to see:

  • fields;
  • the woods;
  • rocks;
  • lakes;
  • deserts;
  • sand;
  • meadows;
  • gravel, etc.

First, the hot sun burns you, and already on another stretch of the path the wind knocks people off their feet and blows cars off the road. In total, along the entire length of the route there are 27 mountain passes, about 20 major rivers and two dozen national parks. The greatest interest among tourists is a park called Los Glaciares. Here is the largest freshwater glacier. Its size corresponds to the area of ​​a city like Buenos Aires. At the same time every day the glacier shifts by 2 meters. For tourists there are special viewing platforms. Moving along the Argentine road, you can get into the Cave of the hands. It is so called, because on the walls everywhere you can see handprints left by primitive people. Travelers are advised to visit the Kalchaki Valley. This is the name of the famous Argentine park, which allows you to enjoy the mountain peaks and the subtropical forest in one day. Really unique natural object, by which drive just a crime.

Route 40

The road of the big gate

The Chinese mentality is literally overflowing with different numbers, symbols and signs. This is clearly seen in their roads. The most interesting road section on the territory of China is the Big Gate Road. It is located in the province of Hunan. Without preparation, and physical and moral, it will be difficult to drive along this road. After all, it is considered the coolest serpentine. The highway passes through a mountain called Tianmen. The most interesting is that the length of the road is only 11 kilometers. But for this segment you have time to climb to a height of 1.3 kilometers, making 99 turns parallel. And the number 9 is not at all accidental. It is sacred to the Chinese people. It is associated with the number of Chinese emperors, as well as the number of palaces that a person receives when going to the afterlife. Because the highway is also called by many, the Road to Heaven.

The Gate of Heaven is very unusual, charming and a little scary. So called cave, which is found on the way to the top of the mountain. She appeared here many centuries ago. A huge stone separated from the rock, creating such a miracle of nature. The gate created by the nature has height more than 130 meters. The very top is hidden behind the thick thick fog hanging over the mountains. There is a belief that a person who has passed through this fog can find a way to heaven. But with this car you just can not handle. Although this road turned out to be the shortest in length in our rating, it definitely deserves your attention and must necessarily be included in the list of the most beautiful, incredible and amazing roads in the world.

The road of the big gate

Cretan road

In fact, this French highway has the official name D23. But agree that it is not so interesting and intriguing. Regardless of the name, this road runs along the Verdon Gorge. It is considered the largest in Europe, and also belongs to the main attractions of France. The total length is 100 kilometers. But if you want to enjoy the unique landscapes and picturesque part of the road, then go to the site, passing near the gorge. Extreme fans love this road. After all, if you drive along the old Cretan road, as well as go through the Cretan Loop, you will find yourself in very narrow sections, literally passing over a huge precipice. But there is practically no real danger here. The authorities provided for the possibility of accidents, because they made this way one-sided, and also built special viewing platforms. Near them you can stop and enjoy the views of nature. Experienced autotravelers advise to start from the city of Castellan, and then gradually move up to Lake St. Croix. So you will be able to fully enjoy all the charms and sights of this road.

Cretan road

Pamirski Tract

Если вы собираетесь посетить соседнюю Киргизию или Таджикистан, обязательно стоит проехаться по Памирскому тракту. Эта дорога занимает примерно 720 километров. С её помощью соединили Душанбе (столица Таджикистана) и Ош (город в Киргизии). Автодорога была построена ещё во времена Российской империи, когда россияне боролись с британцами за влияние в Центральной Азии. Pamirski Tract выступал как очень важная стратегическая дорога. Также это шоссе занимает лидирующее место среди самых высоких дорог на постсоветском пространстве. Проходя через разные горные перевалы, вы оказываетесь на высоте от 3,6 до 4,3 тысяч километров относительно уровня моря. Полноценной трассой или автодорогой этот путь назвать сложно. Для путешествия потребуются специальная подготовка и определённая сноровка. Не стоит забывать, что внушительная часть пути вообще не имеет асфальтированного покрытия. В подобные поездки лучше отправляться на хорошем внедорожнике с надёжной подвеской.

Pamirski Tract

Dalton Highway

This route is 660 kilometers and is located in the state of Alaska in the United States. The road literally halves the state and passes from the north through the south. It is called the most isolated route in the world. After traveling all six hundred kilometers, on your way you will meet literally several settlements where up to 100 people live. The road was named after the engineer Dalton, who built it in 1974, as a link to the Pradho area, where large oil fields are located. If your car absorbs a huge amount of fuel, go here without a few jerry cans with gasoline in the trunk can not. For all 660 kilometers there is only a couple of gas stations. Count on technical and medical assistance is also not necessary for objective reasons. But if you are an avid autotourist, have a wealth of experience and a reliable car, the journey through the Dalton Highway will be an incredibly interesting and exciting event for you. The region is very harsh, but this is what makes the track so attractive and unusual.

Dalton Highway

Transfagaras Highway

The road with a rather complicated name began to be built in 1970. It passes to the highlands in Romania, connecting Wallachia and Transylvania. The idea of ​​creating the road belongs then to the leading country president, who found a simple and fairly fast way to connect these two regions. The tragedy in the Czech Republic and the military threat were the main factors in the emergence of this route. Without these events, the road itself would never have appeared. This highway had an important military function. But now tourists rush to get there to enjoy the scenery and incredible engineering thought of the creators of this part of the road. The length of the route is about 260 kilometers. She passes through the valleys and fields, like a snake, having sharp turns, serpentine and much more. The road passes through lakes, reservoirs and along rivers. Also on the way you will meet authentic Romanian villages, small towns and simply amazing nature. Here you can ride along the Carpathians, visit many hotels, viewing platforms, visit local forests and reserves. If you love beautiful nature and want to enjoy places where a person has barely touched anything, you should definitely go to Romania.

Transfagaras Highway

Atlantic road

This track was built in Norway. Its main features are elevation above the ocean and passing through various bridges and tunnels. All this is combined into one small track. You will be surprised, but with a length of some 9 kilometers, on the way you will meet 6 bridges at once. One of the most beautiful is considered the Bridge to Heaven. As you approach the mainland, you will think that the route is terminated, and upon reaching the summit a precipice awaits you. But do not worry, this is such a feature of the road, allowing you to experience incredible sensations. Travelers strongly recommend coming here in the fall. They explain this by the fact that in the autumn period the ocean behaves most violently and aggressively. Waves hitting the rocks and mountains create the impression of a powerful storm. Very fascinating view that allows you to feel all the power and strength of nature. From this road along the Atlantic Ocean begins an incredible journey through the Norwegian fjords. Because you should not stop. Move on, go towards Oslo and do not forget to turn to the Troll Ladder. This is the most popular serpentine in Europe, which definitely deserves your attention.

Atlantic road

To describe all the beauty and singularity of these roads is extremely difficult. They need to be seen with their own eyes and felt with their own hands. Therefore, plan your upcoming vacation in advance so that it must pass through at least one of the roads that fell into our rating.