Another chinese will come to us in august: jac s2 compact

One more One moreавтомобиль китайского производства начнут продавать в России к началу осени текущего года. Очередной автопроизводитель из Поднебесной - JAC - запланировал поставки своего compact crossover JAC S2 at the end of August. This defiantly, in a bright red color scheme, the painted SUV is intended primarily for young drivers, whose desire to stand out is dictated by youthful maximalism with a still modest budget. Chrome elements of the front bumper, on the borders of windows and door handles, are in perfect harmony with the main color of the car. An unexpected solution for Chinese designers is the S2 brand nameplate placed on the rear body pillars. One more Interior design of the compact crossover JAC S2 as fresh and cheerful as outside. Tidy, doors and seats have bright inserts similar to the body color. On the steering wheel are compactly located multi-system control buttons with a touch screen, traditionally located on the center console.

Under the hood parquet SUV JAC S2 nestled 1.5-liter gasoline engine, at the peak of squeezing its four-cylinder capacity of 115 horses. In a pair to him is a six-speed manual gearbox or CVT. One more Final price tags on picking JAC S2 are still unknown, but the approximate cost of the basic version in terms of the Russian national currency will be slightly more than 473 thousand rubles. Behind JAC S2 top option interested buyer will have to lay out about 615 thousand wooden.

Today in our car market you can find JAC S5 crossovers, which are sold in two versions: with an atmospheric two-liter engine and the same volume of turbo engine. Their power is respectively 176 and 136 horsepower. One more How are the Chinese going promote jac s2 in our marketIt is not entirely clear, given its "overpopulation" by models from the Middle Kingdom. Just yesterday, we already wrote about the fast deliveries of the company Dongfeng, which will bring to our open spaces as many as four models of its brand, among which there is also a Fengshen AX7 crossover.

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