Good old mitsubishi dsg in chinese

good old Mitsubishi DSG по-китайски good old minivan Mitsubishi DSG (Mitsubishi Delica SpaceGear), which Russian drivers with experience, always upgraded by Chinese engineers and designers of Dongfeng, always remember with sincere warmth, began selling in China under the name of Dong Feng Lin various IM5. Actually, the engineers here didn’t put a lot of hands on, but the designers gave the Mitsubishi DSG carriage a more modern shape. In the sale came the version with a regular and elongated body. The price list for the "novelty" is striking in its democracy. Many Russian drivers with experience today would gladly buy Mitsubishi DSG - so it was a strong, roomy and passable car. But, unfortunately, the Japanese minivan the fifth generation, affectionately named "Delicacy", anywhere in the world is no longer sold. Mitsubishi sold the Chinese automaker Dongfeng Motor a license to clone this model. That's why Lin various IM5 was born. Sales of this Japanese clone minivanа and started yesterday in the Middle Kingdom. good old Mitsubishi DSG по-китайски Basic build семиместного minivanа с колесной базой в 2 м 80см и длиной 4 м 74,5 см обойдется китайскому покупателю в 72 тыс юаней. Если переводить на наши деньги, это порядка 585 тысяч деревянных. Под капотом "вагончика" трудится 1,6-литровый 122-сильный бензиновый атмосферник в паре с  механической коробкой-пятиступкой. Привод - только задний. Basic build не имеет ни одного эйрбега, но автомобиль оборудован антиблокировочной системой, кондиционером, задним парктроником, простенькой магнитолой. Стекла поднимаются и опускаются электроприводом, в наличии противотуманки. За удлиненный вариант модели с колесной базой ровно в три метра и длиной в 5 м 14,5 см, с девятью посадочными местами китайским автолюбителям придется выложить на восемь тысяч юаней больше. В обвес добавлены два эйрбега, электропривод для боковых зеркал, литые колесные  диски, обшитые кожзаменителем кресла. good old Mitsubishi DSG по-китайски The photo shows the most advanced build.  Lin various IM5 - Luxury, it is only short. Under the hood has a 147-strong two-liter aspirated, paired with a six-speed manual transmission. They ask for it in translation into our 803 thousand rubles. In this "luxurious" version there is a fancy multimedia with an eight-inch touchscreen. A rear-view camera is installed, which supplies a picture to the screen, the sunroof opens and closes with an electric drive. good old Mitsubishi DSG по-китайски Equipment and equipment is not the most advanced, but the price tags, as we see, are quite tasty. Besides Lin various IM5, Dongfeng also releases Lingzhi V3 "trailer". It is real Mitsubishi DSGwhose appearance was not touched by the hand of Chinese car painters. So, its basic assembly is generally cheaper than our Largus - only 454 thousand wooden ones. good old Mitsubishi DSG по-китайски As part of the Shanghai auto show, which starts on the nineteenth of April, Dongfeng managers will show the new Fengshen AX4 subcompact crossover. At last year's Moscow Auto Showcase, Dongfeng shone with a large number of new cars, but not one of them has come to us so far. The Chinese have officially confirmed the speedy deliveries of only the AX7 compact crossover.

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