The preliminary price for suv renault kaptur is announced.

Озвучен предварительный прайс на SUV Renault Captur

Today, according to numerous ratings, Renault Duster is the most popular crossover on the Russian car market. How will the situation in connection with the appearance in the crossover segment of another off-road vehicle - Renault Captur, it is premature to guess, especially since it will be one and a half times more expensive than the so-beloved heart of the Russian motorist Duster.

Mass production Renault Captur It is already in a month at the Moscow facilities of the Renault Russia plant. It began at the end of March. The novelty will reach the dealerships by the summer. The final price tags for the crossover have not yet been established, but there is a so-called preliminary price list. It is the cheapest KaptyurThe one that is in the basic configuration costs about nine hundred thousand rubles.

Озвучен предварительный прайс на SUV Renault Captur

The most "luxurious" комплектация Kaptyurа will cost about a million two hundred - a million three hundred thousand wooden. Finally, brand managers will be determined with price tags in just a couple of weeks. And the first Renault Capture it will be possible to take away from dealers on June 15th.

В кроссоверной линейке Рено новый вседорожник Kaptyur займет свое место между Дастером и Reno Koleosom. Duster 2016 model year of release can be bought for 630 - 995 thousand rubles, Koleos of last year of release will cost the buyer in the range from 1 300 to 1 948 thousand wooden.

Озвучен предварительный прайс на SUV Renault Captur

Собранные на московском заводе Renault Russia Kaptyurы будут продаваться не только россиянам: они отправятся на экспорт к бывшим братьям по СССР - казахам и белорусам, и кроме того, уже под измененным названием и за пределы Союза независимых государств. До конца текущего года Reno Russia will release from its production lines about fifteen - twenty thousand Renault Capture. There is evidence that the French do not particularly put on a novelty, their basic rate remains on Renault Duster, since for several years there has been a steady demand for it, which has somewhat drowned in a crisis, but not enough to wring its hands of grief.

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Озвучен предварительный прайс на SUV Renault Captur

Renault Captur заводится с кнопки и дистанционно, имеет ключ-карту, в салоне наличествует мультимедийник с семиюймовым тачскрином и навигационной системой. Сиденья и лобовое стекло подогреваются. Для того чтобы каждый покупатель мог персонифицировать своего Kaptyurа, доступен большой выбор цветовой гаммы, "обвеса" и обшивки салона и несколько видов 16- и 17-дюймового литья.

The leadership of the French company itself officially called the new crossover only a “bright, true crossover” during the press conference.