“uaz assistance” will allow to call a tow truck for cars

If before the problems that had arisen with the car on the road, it was only the driver of the affected vehicle that solved it, now the first step has been taken towards civilized maintenance of the cars by the manufacturer. Such an innovator made UAZwhose managers have developed a program "UAZ Assistance"- a set of measures to provide assistance on the road in case of breakdowns of cars of the brand UAZ, not allowing them to fix without the intervention of qualified auto mechanics. In particular, the program allows send a tow truck к месту поломки и отправить сломавшийся автомобиль в ближайший сервисный центр марки. Новость эта, безусловно, приятная, и остается надеяться, что в скором времени все российские производители автомобилей последуют примеру UAZа. Однако спешить радоваться не стоит. У каждой программы есть свои ограничения и целевая аудитория. Под действие "UAZ Assistance"only cars that are not more than ten years old from the time they leave the assembly line of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. In general, every auto brand that respects itself and its customers is engaged in client support, and around the clock. When the problems of breakdowns on the road are not only a problem for the driver, but his own company carefully watches him, appearing in front of the injured driver in the form of mechanics and a tow truck a few minutes after he makes a phone call, it greatly strengthens the driver's loyalty to the selected car brand. But here, in Russia, this, with reference to domestic cars, is still very rare. Well done, they will send technical support, and if necessary, tow or will be taken to the tow truck car to the place of repair.

Connection to the program "UAZ Assistance"

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Connection to the program "UAZ Assistance" made completely free, but we have already mentioned the ten-year "age" restriction for "UAZ". The second limitation is geographical: the car must be located exclusively in the territory of our country, and all technical maintenance must take place on time and in the authorized service centers of the company. The driver enters the program immediately upon arrival at a scheduled inspection, and "UAZ Assistance"begins to act for him until the next visit to the technicians, but no more than one year or no more than fifteen thousand kilometers of run from the moment of connection to the program An unpleasant driver must call UAZ Customer Support Centerexplain in detail the situation and leave a request. The application will be immediately reviewed and the experts will take the necessary decision: to consult by phone or send a brigade of technicians. Evacuate a car with a malfunction workers "UAZ Assistance" могут только в случае, если он встал на автомобильной трассе. Если же водитель сидит на крыше своего утонувшего по окна UAZика где-нибудь в лесном болоте, понятно, вертолета ему никто не пришлет. Не платить за приезд эвакуатора водителю можно будет лишь в том случае, если он поломался в пределах пятидесяти километров от границы любого города. Если же его авто угораздило сломаться где-нибудь в тундре, где ближайший населенный пункт находится в двухстах километрах, то за прибытие эвакуатора придется заплатить из своего кармана, радует, что только в одну сторону.