Choose the best car between kia rio and hyundai solaris



In the past couple of years, on the streets of almost every Russian city one can notice a noticeable increase in Korean cars. Most of the cars of this manufacturer pleases consumers with a relatively low price, compared with the more popular foreign models, good driving parameters and attractive extraordinary interior. Among such cars are Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris. For a person who wants to buy a Korean horse, it is quite difficult to choose between these vehicles, in the article we will know which car is better and more practical. In spite of the fact that it is very difficult to draw a demarcation parallel, because of their belonging to middle-class cars.

Hyundai Solaris and KIA RIO

At first, one can only say that the Kia Rio's car, which had entered mass production, entered the world market before its rival, however, this circumstance did not allow him to take a leading position. Presentable Hyundai Solaris in a short time overtook fellow sales in the number. Hyundai with particular trepidation was adopted by citizens of the CIS countries, which became its main consumer category. It is not known what influenced such a demand, because the models are so similar that in order to conduct a comparative analysis, cars will have to be disassembled practically for parts.

Читать далее о том, что лучше выбрать Киа Рио и Хёндай Солярис-->Главным различием этих машин, естественно, является внешность. Для Хёндай Солярис характерен атлетичный экстерьер с нотками манящего спортивного стиля. Киа Рио, в свою очередь, влечёт солидностью и привлекательностью. Стоит отметить, что оба автомобиля обладают таким внешним видом, который делает оптимальным соотношение цены и качества. Хёндай Солярис и Киа Рио — достойные транспортные средства для езды по городу, их обладатели зачастую подчёркивают презентабельность авто. Специально созданные для российского рынка автомобили обрели увеличенный клиренс (16 см.) и вместительный бачок для омывателя переднего стекла, объём которого достиг 4,6 л.

Technical characteristics of power units

To find out what is the best Hyundai Solaris or Kia Rio, we will conduct a comparative analysis of the body. Solaris, as practice has shown, has a somewhat longer service life than Kia, which directly depends on the presence of galvanizing on the device. Korean sedans and hatchbacks are bought mainly by consumers of young and middle ages, which suggests that these cars can be highly recommended for long trips, which entail an active leisure of the owner.

As for the engines, then the situation is very simple. Both cars, like Hyundai Solaris, and Kia Rio are equipped exclusively with gasoline power units, which are equipped with the latest innovations of direct multi-point injection “Gamma”. Koreans have a volume of 1.4 liters and 1.6 liters, with recoil and torque equal to 108 liters. with. / 136 Nm and 124 l. with. / 156 Nm, respectively. More recently, Hyundai Solaris and Kia Rio were completed with the same type of gearboxes, the device was equipped with a five-speed mechanics or a four-speed automatic. More recently, Hyundai design engineers have made significant changes to the starting car, by installing a six-speed automatic or mechanical transmission.

Kia Rio car engine

Interior decoration and interior

As for the interior trim of Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris, it is impossible to single out someone who is better than their Korean counterpart, since both cars in the interior have the same material, which is not a very expensive plastic of the most expensive price segment. It is worth noting the fact that all the seams and joints on the panels neatly fitted, the average cost of equipment is at a decent level.

Of the significant shortcomings that the outwardly fashionable Kia Rio has, it is worth noting the highlight with a red tint, inharmoniously fitting into the overall interior of the car.

Salon car Kia Rio

The organization-manufacturer does not limit its potential customers by purchasing the budget version of the car, anyone can additionally replenish it with the following original accessories:

  • various kinds of cast disks;
  • extraordinary front and rear wheel arches;
  • specialized plastic hinged protection designed for the preservation of thresholds and two bumpers;
  • grille, attractive textile mats that can fit not only in the interior, but also in the trunk;
  • specialized container installed on the roof of the car, which greatly simplifies the transportation of oversized cargo;
  • original navigation system;
  • parktronics;
  • firm substance for additional processing of the bottom interfering rotting and formation of a rust.

Both considered models (Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris) have in many respects a fundamental similarity. However, over the past two years, the Hyundai Solaris sales level is much higher than the Kia Rio. Oddly enough, Kia, during its existence, could only be a few steps ahead of the Russian Lada Granta.

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Characteristic features of Kia Rio

Kia Rio, which so far cannot boast such popularity as Hyundai Solaris, has many attractive features, the main ones of which are:

  • appearance with obvious sports features;
  • quality assembled parts that allow the owner to move freely along the pavement;
  • simple affordable repair that does not require fabulous investments;
  • high-quality chassis, allowing even on strong irregularities to steadily hold a car (there is no “Bad road” option in the car);
  • a huge number of specific options;
  • medium luggage space;
  • good ground clearance provided from rear-view mirrors;
  • fuel economy.


One of the downsides is the inability to fundamentally change the model of the car. After every 120,000 km. You will have to revise the climate control, which can be serviced qualitatively only in the branded service centers, which imposes on the vehicle owner the need to additionally search for the appropriate auto repair shop.

Individuality Hyundai Solaris

There is a certain list of parts, which puts Hyundai Solaris above Kia Rio. The list of elements that make Solaris better:

  • elegant appearance;
  • good average ergonomics;
  • high-quality engine and PP box, which provide the owner with the opportunity to squeeze the maximum power out of the car;
  • excellent acceleration dynamics;
  • good equipment even the simplest basic version (for modest money, the car owner will receive airbags, ABS, power steering, the possibility of electronic seat adjustment and front windows). At the request of the buyer can be installed electric power steering and additional heating mirrors.

Hyundai Solaris Car

Despite the fact that only 16 years ago, in the near 2000, when Korean cars only appeared on the world and, in particular, the Russian market, most Russians were wary of them, questioning the quality of these cars, today the situation has changed completely. Korean cars have found consumers in the face of buyers from South Korea and Ecuador, the Philippines and Indonesia.

Remarkable is the fact that the best designers who worked on the design of the world-famous Audi, Mercedes and Volkswagen were involved in creating the unique design of Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris.

Cons Kia Rio

People who use this car for the first year, note the following faults that occur during operation:

  • the appearance of an indefinite knock, distributed near the front of the rack damper as a result of a run reaching 10,000–14,000 km;
  • breakage of the air conditioning hose, which often breaks as a result of the passage of 50,000 km;

Kia RIO rack

  • the emergence of a front bearing hum, which appears after a run of 130,000 km. This minor malfunction is due to insufficient lubrication applied at the factory. In view of this circumstance, it would be advisable to make a diagnosis in advance;
  • sometimes the power steering ceases to function, however, this occurs even during the warranty repair;
  • the gaps, located between the hood and the wings, can stand out strongly, spoiling the appearance of the car.

Clearances between hood Kia

Disadvantages of Hyundai Solaris

Unlike the Kia Rio, the Hyundai Solaris has a smaller number of flaws, however, like any other device, it cannot function forever. To Hyundai Solaris:

  • the synchronizers located in the transmission may fail as a result of a run of 100,000 km;
  • damage to the front glass, which does not have a good level of resistance to mechanical stress, may occur;
  • trunk seals may wear out too fast.

Hyundai Solaris Trunk Seal


As shown by a comparative analysis between Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris, the machines of the Korean manufacturer are in many ways similar, which is why it is very difficult to choose someone who is better than his fellow. The only thing that can be said with confidence: Kia Rio will save some of the money, and Hyundai Solaris will give extra comfort and prestige.