Nothing more: compare uaz patriot suvs and ssangyong kyron


Can I buy a classic frame SUV, without spending a lot of money? Of course, experienced lovers of terrain equipment will answer you, because you can buy a used Japanese or American, and if you do not trust second-hand equipment, then UAZ Patriot or Siron Yong are represented. Both cars are already well known in the Russian market - and the UAZ Patriot is famous for being a true off-road vehicle capable of taking part in raids across rough terrain of the highest degree of difficulty of the terrain. But SsangYong Kyron, despite the four-wheel drive and the presence of a rigid frame, is bought mainly for city driving and highways with good surfaces. We had the opportunity to compare the domestic UAZ Patriot and the Korean SsangYong Kyron, to conclude - are these cars competitors or they have too different applications?

UAZ Patriot and SsangYong Kyron - competitors or not?

UAZ Patriot and SsangYong Kyron — конкуренты или нет?

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Style and practicality

On the face of terrible ...

It seems that Ulyanovsk designers seriously decided to choose an alternative to the generally accepted vector of development. The updated UAZ Patriot in its appearance resembles not European or American cars, but Asian ones, such as the SsangYong Korando of the first years of production or even the Indian Mahindra. Of course, the headlights have become more serious due to giving them an acute-angled shape and introducing optics with individual lenses, but they can not be combined with the Patriot grille, the broken lines of which are more like the consequences of overheating than the original design idea. LED strips of running lights, and the entire upper part of the front end also enter into discord with the very solid bumper of the UAZ Patriot, whose classical proportions already fit in with the world trends. There is nothing to say about the sidewalls of the body, as they retained their usual form - I just want to once again unflatteringly answer about the rear lights, whose area has increased due to the wings reaching the surface - behind the lighting equipment of the UAZ is still poorly visible after a trip through the mud, and the side surfaces are not correct this situation.Автомобиль UAZ Patriot

Если выбирать Кайрон или UAZ Patriot, то неказистый при другом сравнении внедорожник SsangYong сразу заслужит приз зрительских симпатий. Округлые формы кузова Kyron кажутся не тяжеловесными, а стремительными, а подштамповка, проходящая по всей длине бортов, навевает мысли об оригинальном дизайнерском решении в сопоставлении с плоскими поверхностями UAZ Patriot, хотя обычно её воспринимают, как дизайнерское излишество. Даже передок в стиле Mercedes предыдущих поколений кажется ультрасовременным и невероятно гармоничным. Задняя часть SsangYong Kyron выглядит просто превосходно при такой конкуренции — фонари с большой площадью поверхности соответствуют современным стандартам, а отсутствие крепления для запасного колеса на пятой двери позволяет сделать стекло широким и обеспечить достойный обзор через него.Car SsangYong Kyron

Good inside!

Осмотрев рестайлинговый UAZ Patriot снаружи, ничего хорошего от его интерьера уже не ждёшь — и ошибаешься! Salon looks rather rude and unassuming - but isn't that what we expect from a real SUV that can conquer hills and muddy dirt roads? Наиболее примечательной частью интерьера нового УАЗа стала центральная консоль, отделанная серебристым пластиком, стилизованным под алюминий, а также оснащённая крупным дисплеем мультимедийной системы. Крупные, почти квадратные дефлекторы системы обдува в Патриоте не только очень эффективны — они придают дизайну салона завершённость и делают его солидным без малейшего намёка на тяжеловесность. Приборы, устанавливающиеся на UAZ Patriot, почти не изменились — они легко читаются и снабжают водителя всей необходимой в дороге информацией, однако имеют очень простой вид и снабжены чересчур яркой подсветкой.In the car UAZ Patriot

The chairs are completely devoid of lateral support - but here you can sit in a rough winter jacket, capable of withstanding the most severe frosts, without experiencing any inconvenience. The same can be said about the pedal assembly of the UAZ Patriot - the huge lining does not contribute to improving the convenience of working with them, but they allow you not to remove fishing or hunting boots before boarding the car. The rear sofa UAZ finally lost its unsightly simplicity and got two full-fledged molded seats with individual head restraints Discounts for new cars! Profitable loan from 9.9% installments 0%, as well as the transformation mechanism in the 40:60 ratio, typical for the global automotive industry. You don’t want to talk about the Patriot’s open space once again - you can put three big people here, and if three more sit on their knees, it’s not very crowded in the car!

Before sitting in SsangYong Kyron, you want to take off dirty expeditionary or touristic clothes, and wear a classic suit with a tie - the salon looks so modern and neat. Immediately you pay attention to the center console deployed in the direction of the driver - however, it looks quite primitive, since apart from a number of round switches and a control unit for the microclimate of the cabin there are no clearly distinguished parts. Then the eye attracts and four-spoke steering wheel with an abundance of multimedia keys - it was here that their designers SsangYong moved, for some reason clearing the center console. The devices are also unpretentious, but in Kyron they look much better than in the UAZ.Inside the car SsangYong Kyron

Если сопоставить Кайрон против Патриота, то передние кресла SsangYong будут намного удобнее, чем в УАЗе — во многом благодаря ярко выраженной боковой поддержке, способной удерживать даже крупных людей. Однако в SsangYong Kyron сразу становится заметным недостаток высокой крыши, который выражается в ограниченном пространстве над головой, заставляющем нервничать при проезде крупных неровностей. Кроме того, Kyron не может предоставить такого удобного заднего дивана, как UAZ Patriot — во внедорожнике SsangYong места между двумя рядами сидений очень мало, что вынуждает пассажиров сидеть с широко расставленными ногами. Поэтому сажать сюда трёх взрослых противопоказано — дополнительным пассажиром может быть разве что ребёнок или некрупный подросток.

We are going on an expedition

Loading equipment

Before you go on a long journey, you need to collect all the things - and in this the best assistant will be the UAZ Patriot, the volume of the cargo compartment of which with fully folded seats is 700 liters. However, the data of the UAZ company is a simple formality - the high glazing line and the considerable size of the seat back allow the UAZ Patriot to load up to 1,200 liters of luggage in the cargo hold - provided it is properly secured. When folding the back of the sofa Patriot turns out to be a space of 2.3 cubic meters, which is quite possible to increase to 3.0, if you load above the lower border of the glass, using the means of fixing heavy things. The completely flat floor of the UAZ Patriot makes it possible to transport not only travel bags and backpacks, but also to transport large purchases for the home — modern flat-panel TVs and pieces of furniture that are impressive in size.

Car model:UAZ PatriotSsangyong Kyron
Producing country:RussiaКорея (Сборка — Russia, Владивосток)
Body Type:SUVSUV
Number of places:55
Number of doors:55
Engine capacity, cubic cm:26932295
Power, l. c./about min .:128/4600150/5500
Maximum speed, km / h:150167
Acceleration to 100 km / h, from:16,013,5
Type of drive:FullFull
Fuel type:Gasoline AI-92Petrol AI-95
Consumption per 100 km:In the city 14.0 / Outside the city 10.4In the city of 14.9 / Out of town 8.7
Length, mm:47004660
Width, mm:21001880
Height, mm:19101755
Clearance, mm:210210
Tire size:245/75 R16225/75 R16
Curb weight, kg:21251862
Full weight, kg:26502530
Fuel tank capacity:7275

However, SsangYong Kyron is in no hurry to give in - in its normal state, it is able to take up to 630 liters of payload, which corresponds to preparations for a sortie outside the city that lasts 1–2 days. When folded, it seems that the resulting compartment is not less than that of the UAZ Patriot - and the measurement results confirm this - its capacity is also 2.3 cubic meters! The step on the floor, characteristic of modern cars, is also absent - because SsangYong Kyron is a frame car with a classic layout and the need for transmission tunnels, as well as the powerful elements of the power structure of the body is absent.

Better slowly yes reliably

From the very beginning of the production of the UAZ Patriot, its owners complained about the major shortcoming of a large domestic SUV, which is a frankly weak gasoline engine. In the city and on the highway, you need to try very hard to keep the UAZ within the stream and not become an irritable obstacle for others. At the same time, even new supports are not able to change the unpleasant character of the Patriot's engine - in any mode of movement, the body is shaken by vibrations, which make it after a couple of hours to complain of fatigue and headache. Among the advantages of the updated version of the UAZ can be called excellent sound insulation - at least the sound of an outdated power unit stopped annoying passengers. Very pleased with the five-step “mechanics” of the Patriot, which is produced for it by Koreans from the firm Dymos - the gears were chosen successfully, and the former stiffness of inclusion is not observed, although it would not hurt to further reduce the length of the lever strokes.

Test drive car UAZ Patriot:

In comparison with the 2.7-liter ZMZ engine, the licensed Mercedes 2.3 engine on the SsangYong Kyron looks like a real motor sport unit. Машина достаточно легко ускоряется и без лишнего труда совершает манёвры — хотя в городе SsangYong не всегда хватает крутящего момента на низких оборотах для того, чтобы своевременно трогаться от линии на светофоре. Кроме того, далеко не новый двигатель тяжёлого Kyron расходует даже больше топлива, чем древний агрегат UAZ Patriot с большим объёмом — положительная разница достигает 1–2 литров на 100 километров в зависимости от режима движения.

Outside good roads

If the cars had been given nationality, then the UAZ Patriot would be unmistakably recognized as Russian - moreover, of those who harnessed for a long time, but then quickly travels. The reason for this is an interesting algorithm for preparing for off-road adventures, inherited by the Patriot from the military UAZ - for this you need:

  • Fully stop;
  • Get out of the car, clean the front hubs of dirt;
  • Rotate the hub couplings, making sure that they close in the “LOCK” position;
  • Return to the salon, squeeze the clutch and move the transfer case lever to the “4L” mark.

Зато после этого UAZ Patriot может преодолевать самые крутые склоны и грязные грунтовые дороги благодаря огромным углам въезда и съезда, а также немалому клиренсу. За пределами асфальта УАЗ не уступает таким признанным лидерам класса, как Toyota Land Cruiser и Nissan Patrol — а в чём-то даже превосходит их при условии, что сравниваемые автомобили не проходили специальную подготовку.

Test drive car SsangYong Kyron:

Full привод в SsangYong Kyron подключается вакуумной электромеханической муфтой, поэтому для активации механизма достаточно лишь выбрать соответствующее положение переключателя, расположенного на передней панели. Однако сам узел склонен к перегреву — в результате после активной езды SsangYong может отказаться переходить во внедорожный режим либо напугать вас срабатыванием устройства со 2–3 раза. Немалый клиренс является преимуществом перед остальными автомобилями, однако бамперы явно рассчитаны на езду по городу без преодоления каких-либо препятствий. Если устраивать сопоставление Патриот vs Кайрон, УАЗ однозначно выиграет по проходимости. Владельцам автомобилей от SsangYong стоит ограничивать свои вылазки на бездорожье грунтовками и лесными просеками, лишёнными крупных кочек и пней — в противном случае вам придётся выложить немалую сумму за восстановление хрупкого пластикового обвеса.

After updating the UAZ, both cars became comparable in reliability - the Russian SUV got rid of many problems associated with the chassis, and the transfer case no longer upsets the driver with breakdowns, as well as frequent “knocking out” the lever. Of course, there are enough problems with all-wheel drive clutches in the front wheels of the Patriot and the engine, but in general the car has already reached a level comparable to Korean vehicles. Complaints about the reliability of the owners of SsangYong Korando relate only to the hubs, collapse during a long ride on rough terrain.

Competitors or not?

Our assumption is confirmed - the UAZ Patriot and SsangYong Kyron are too different characteristics to be used in the same conditions. For UAZ, long off-road raids with a huge amount of equipment are natural. A lot of SsangYong Kyron remains asphalt roads, to which it is adapted much better.