Alcohol tester rating


Most drivers at least once in their lives were tested using a specialized device used by the police. Breathalyzer is able to preliminarily assess the content of ethyl alcohol in a person’s blood and determine the degree of intoxication, although final results can only be given by professional medical examination. Such a device can be bought for personal use - it will help you determine whether to get behind the wheel in the morning after a long party, or it is better to give preference to public transport. In addition, the transport departments of large enterprises are advised to get a good breathalyzer - it will allow the cargo owner to be sure that he will be transported by a sober driver who will be able to respond in time to the critical situation that has arisen. Therefore, the ranking of the best breathalyzers will be useful for almost every person who has his own car or is engaged in professional activities related to cars.

Use breathalyzer

Low cost devices

Most low-cost breathalyzers recommended for use in 2015 use semiconductor sensors. The principle of their operation is very simple - the air passes through the analyzer chamber, which the driver exhales. The oxygen contained in it condenses around the helix through which electricity is passed - if ethanol is added to it, the sensor's conductivity increases, which is displayed on the device screen. The advantage of such breathalyzers is the ability to buy them cheaply, without parting with huge amounts. However, for professional use, it is worthwhile to choose another device, since even the best semiconductor device responds to volatile substances contained in drugs, as well as to vapors of stomach acid produced in respiration during heartburn and diseases of the digestive system.

Читать далее о лучших алкотестерах-->Для личного использования лучше приобрести устройство под названием CitiTech Pr 2, которое стоит примерно 2000 рублей. Он станет лучшим помощником водителя благодаря наличию функции будильника — можно получить уверенность, что замер будет произведён в нужное время. Модель 2015 года производства содержит обновлённую прошивку, которая обеспечивает высокое быстродействие прибора. Однако если вы хотите делать экспресс-тесты, стоит выбрать альтернативный алкотестер, поскольку CitiTech Pr 2 даёт максимально точный результат только при четвёртой проверке в течение дня. Его преимуществом являются компактные габариты, наличие чехла, а также возможность определения нужных показателей без установки дополнительных мундштуков.

CitiTech Pr 2

Выбор бюджетных алкотестеров может привести вас и к корейскому устройству, которое поставляется на российский рынок под названием Dingo-025 — оно оценивается в 4 тысячи рублей. Его по праву можно назвать лучшим полупроводниковым алкотестером 2015 года, поскольку прибор практически не даёт сбоев, позволяет получить исключительно точную информацию и не требует калибровочных анализов. Существенным минусом можно назвать только ограничение количества измерений десятью в день. Выбрать алкотестер Dingo-025 стоит и благодаря его компактным габаритам — устройство можно носить в небольшом кармане. Комплект поставки включает фирменный чехол, который защищает прибор от ударов и воздействия низких температур.


Owners of Android-based smartphones can buy an IPEGA ultra-compact breathalyzer. The device, produced in 2015, does not need additional power, because it connects to the phone via the microUSB connector. His choice will help as quickly as possible to obtain data on the content of ethanol in the blood, as well as save them in the memory of the smartphone and even accumulate statistics. However, to obtain extremely accurate information, it is better to buy a device of a higher class, since a breathalyzer worth 1.5 thousand rubles gives an error of 5–10%.

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Professional models

Professional breathalyzers use a more reliable method of determining the content of ethanol in the blood of the test. To understand what level of alcohol is in the exhaled air, it condenses the vapors on an electrochemical sensor, which changes its conductivity only when ethanol molecules hit its surface. Such devices are much better semiconductor copes with their tasks, because they do not respond to other volatile substances, gastric juice or drugs. That is why they are recommended for use by traffic police in 2015. However, even in this class, you can not trust all the devices - the rating of professional-grade breathalyzers will help you choose a truly reliable model.

The AlcoHunter Professional + device, which won thanks to a combination of an affordable price of 8 thousand rubles and perfect measurement accuracy, entered the top of Alcohol Testers. Unlike the devices described above, it has no expiration date or limit on the number of studies conducted during the day. The interface of the breathalyzer is extremely simple and clear on an intuitive level, so every driver will be able to deal with it. Another advantage of the device is the triple system of isolation from the environment, which reduces the error to 0.5–1%. However, AlcoHunter Professional + spends too much time on calibration for the 2015 release device.

AlcoHunter Professional+

The AlcoScan ALP-1 professional appliance manufactured by the German company was also included in the 2015 Alcohol Tester rating. To acquire it for a private person does not make sense, since it is estimated at 25 thousand rubles. But a large organization will probably make a choice in its favor, because for such an amount it will be able to make up to 5 measurements per minute, transfer data via Bluetooth to a phone or laptop, and also save them to a server on the local network or even send to print immediately. The package includes a branded case, a set of disposable mouthpieces, as well as a wire for connecting to a computer - it is used to upload data to a special program, as well as calibration. A minus can only be called a sufficiently long setup time after the first powering up during the day - you will have to wait about a minute.

AlcoScan ALP-1

If you are interested in what device the traffic police officers use in 2015, then you should pay attention to the DRAGER Alcotest 6810. His choice will allow you to carry out up to 10 analyzes within a minute, and also transfer the results to a wireless printer that can be installed in the machine or workplace. In addition, this breathalyzer has all the certificates of conformity from the metrology laboratories, which allows you to get confidence that you will not be deprived of rights. Experts even advise to use such a top device in the event of a dispute - if you have a certificate for its verification, the court may find the printout a convincing proof of your innocence. A private person is prevented from choosing such a breathalyzer only the price, which is equal to 100 thousand rubles.

DRAGER Alcotest 6810

В рейтинг попал и достаточно компактный прибор TIGON M-3003, изготовленный в Корее. Выбор в его пользу делают многие водители, поскольку стоимость устройства равна всего 20 тысяч рублей — неплохой показатель, учитывая рассмотренные выше модели. Для его калибровки и восстановления после каждого измерения требуется всего 15 секунд, а точность показаний соответствует алкотестерам, которые используются полицией. В комплект поставки входит чехол и мини-принтер, которому требуется всего 10 секунд на создание документа, подтверждающего вашу невиновность. Среди минусов можно назвать только чересчур малый дисплей, требующий внимательно всматриваться в цифры.

TIGON M-3003

Out of scoring

Surely everyone remembers the phrase “blowing a pipe” - back in Soviet times, inspectors were issued disposable breathalyzers, which changed their color in the presence of alcohol vapors in human breathing. Such primitive breathalyzers were used for some time in Russia, until they were replaced by electronic devices. In 2015, this method is no longer used due to its low accuracy and non-compliance with hygienic requirements. Instead, drivers are offered indicator strips, very similar to litmus paper - they need to be applied saliva, which also contains alcohol after it enters the body.


However, is it worth to trust such pieces of paper? In our rating we included only those products that showed results identical to those displayed on the screen of a professional breathalyzer with a metrological certificate. Number one was the Alco-screen tape breathalyzer, which is sold at a price of 360 rubles for 20 test strips. He showed a positive result at the same time as the professional DRAGER breathalyzer, and agreed to the driver’s admission at the wheel only with the complete processing of alcohol in the blood. The IPAB AT-003 indicator strips, which differed in price of 50 rubles each, and the “Sobriety Control” set from the Uralsk Chemicals Plant also gave good results. But the nameless models of production in Russia and China gave the result "a finger to the sky."

Other options

If you want to buy a professional breathalyzer, be sure to ask the seller if he has passed the metrological control - the certificate will give you confidence in the ability to defend their rights. But cheap semiconductor breathalyzers are not certified, so a sign of their quality will be an error of no more than 5%, indicated in the passport. In addition, numerous manufacturers offer professional devices for fixed installation. Such complexes can be used:

  • In clubs and restaurants;
  • At the entrance of the enterprise;
  • In the medical office of the pre-trip control;
  • In offices and shops.

The choice of a particular model depends on you, but carefully monitor compliance with the regulations, so as not to put yourself at risk of deprivation of a driver's license.