Automobile museums in retro style - legends are preserved


Like people, cities keep their history. If you want to feel the spirit of a bygone era, one of the best places for this is museums of retro cars.

Museum of retro cars on the Rogozhsky Val

On August 21, 2004, the largest Museum of retro cars opened in Moscow. He collected an impressive number of exhibits representing different countries and eras - here you can see motorcycles, bicycles, buses, trucks, and cars, and special equipment.

Читать далее о лучших музеях ретро-автомобилей-->В музее представлены в том числе и очень редкие машины, выпущенные в нескольких экземплярах для партноменклатуры, одна из них — темно-зелёная «Волга», принадлежавшая Л. И. Брежневу. Но генсек ездил на ней не по Москве, а на охоту, уток стрелять. Среди раритетов встречаются также концепт-кары и экспериментальные модели АЗЛК.

On excursions, guides will tell about the evolutionary development of the automotive industry, about the people who created the most famous cars, and will introduce interesting facts from the history of the creation of many exhibits, each of which is a living legend. For example, initially the GAZ M-20 models planned to give the name “Motherland”. Stalin grinned: "Well, and how much will we have a homeland?". The car was decided to rename the "Victory".

Unusual exhibits of the museum

GAZ-3111 — «Волга», которую не увидишь в Москве нигде, кроме музея. Её не стали производить, потому что она не понравилась В. В. Путину.


In the museum's collection there is one of the most formidable symbols of the Stalin era and the NKVD brigades - GAZ M-1, among the people - the black “craters”. Gone are the days when the black "funnels" terrified people, but once the word "Emka" was synonymous with the word "fear." The prototype GAZ M-1 was the famous American model FORD V8-40, and Soviet engineers made significant changes to the original design to meet the conditions of our country: bad roads, low-quality fuel (they say, “Emka” was so unpretentious that it could even drive on kerosene). But at the same time, the GAZ M-1 was the first Soviet executive class car, in fact, a domestic limousine.


Of the interesting exhibits can be identified homemade electric car "Proton", built in 2002. The test drive demonstrated amazing homemade capabilities - the Proton managed to develop a decent speed from 40 to 110 km / h, while covering a distance of 118 km.

Electric car

Most of the museum’s cars have been preserved in excellent condition, some even take part in retro races and reconstructions of historical events. For example, retro-rally is held in Moscow every year. This is a unique event of the Club classic cars, traditionally it takes place on the penultimate Saturday of April. And for the filming of the film “Mods” the museum provided the Hudson Eight car.

In 2015, the exposition of the Moscow Museum of retro cars was provided for the exhibition Motion in St. Petersburg Discounts for new cars! Profitable loan from 9.9% installments 0% .

How to get to the museum of vintage cars

The Museum of retro cars on Rogozhsky Valu works from 10 to 21, the day off is Monday. A spacious parking lot is organized in the courtyard of the museum (important for those who live in Moscow).

In St. Petersburg, retro cars can be seen at: Primorskoe shosse, 536, Zelenogorsk recreation park.

5 famous museums of retro cars of the world

  • The largest museum of retro cars in Europe is located in the French city of Mulhouse.

Initially it was a private collection of Fritz Schlumpf - the owner of a textile factory. Revenues allowed him to buy one car after another, and soon the manufacturer’s collection became more than impressive. Bugatti cars alone had more than one hundred copies. After Schlumpf escaped to Switzerland in the 70s of the 20th century, the collection remained rusting on the territory of the former textile factory until the state took up the task. In 2000, the National Automobile Museum was opened in Mulhouse.

Museum of retro cars in Mulhouse

  • The most sad fate befell the Japanese museum of retro cars. Once there was such a museum in Japan, but then for unknown reasons, the cars were left unattended. Now the museum is abandoned, and rare cars are rotting and rusting year after year. They say that the owner of the collection died, not having had time to dispose of the further fate of the museum.
  • The largest private collection of British cars belonged to dentist James Hull. He collected it all his life, managing to buy even a personal car of Winston Churchill. At 53, Mr. Hull decided to part with his collection and sold it to Jaguar. He wanted cars to have a more reliable owner. They say that the wife of the dentist was very happy, and now she hopes that her husband will have a hobby for which less space will be required.
  • Unfortunately, none of the existing museums of retro cars can boast that it has the oldest car in the world. The steam car, officially recognized as the oldest in the world, was sold at auction in Hershey for $ 4.62 million. The buyer wished to remain anonymous. The oldest car in the world
  • The history of the creation of the first museum of retro cars in Uzbekistan turned out to be very unusual. The basis for the collection of steel cars, confiscated from one of the rich people of the country. It is rumored that he is still on the run, allegedly hiding in the United States.

Museums retro Rossi

  • Vadim Zadorozhnyi Museum of Technology (Подмосковье). Это самый крупный в России частный музей ретроавтомобилей и ретротехники. Всё начиналось с уличной коллекции из 10 образцов военной техники. Ну а сейчас музей обзавёлся и своим помещением, и реставрационными мастерскими. В экспозиции представлено 68 автомобилей, 115 мотоциклов, 112 экспонатов военной техники и даже 82 единицы авиационной техники (между прочим, налоги за 12 самолётов составили 4,5 млн рублей в год). Ретромашины музея неоднократно принимали участие в различных выставках, парадах и ралли в Москве. Цели у основателя музея, Вадима Задорожного, высокие. В планах — стать лучшим музеем в Европе. «Мы развиваемся, и у нас всего одна просьба: не мешайте». Vadim Zadorozhnyi Museum of Technology
  • Museum of retro cars in Zelenogorsk (Ленинградская область). В 1982 году энтузиастами-автолюбителями был приобретён первый раритетный автомобиль 1936 года выпуска. Так было положено начало будущей коллекции музея, который открылся в 2008 году при поддержке клуба «Ретро-Юнион». Среди экспонатов есть такие жемчужины, как персональные автомобили Мэрилин Монро, Юрия Гагарина, Элвиса Пресли. Правда, увидеть их можно не в любой день — машины часто уезжают на выставки в другие города. Museum of retro cars in Zelenogorsk
  • Lomakov Museum of vintage cars and motorcycles (Moscow). The history of the first avtomuzeya Russia began around the middle of the XX century - by that time the collectors of Lomakov collected more than a hundred cars and motorcycles, and the oldest exhibit was released in 1914. In 1959, Alexander Alekseevich Lomakov had a chance to restore even his personal Rolls-Royce V. I. Lenin, it is likely that Nicholas II’s brother Mikhail Romanov went to Lenin on this car. In 1987, Dmitry Alexandrovich Lomakov continued the work of his father, creating a museum on the basis of a private collection. The museum exhibits are regularly filmed, they can be seen in dozens of films, for example, “The Master and Margarita”, “Hello! I am your aunt, Golden Calf. Lomakovsky museum of vintage cars and motorcycles
  • Museum of retro cars (Chelyabinsk). In 2015, the opening of the museum of retro cars took place in Chelyabinsk, the exposition of which is a private collection of entrepreneur Vladimir Spiridonov. There are 22 cars here, and they are located on the second floor of the Mayak shopping center. Spiridonov is an admirer of the Golden Calf by Ilf and Petrov. Is it any wonder that one of the main exhibits is the car of the legendary “Loren-Dietrich” brand. All exhibits on the go and in excellent condition.
  • Historical and Technical Museum Autoshots (Vladivostok). One of the goals of the museum’s founders is to acquaint visitors and residents of Vladivostok with the history of automotive industry in Russia. In addition to the unique collection of Soviet cars and motorcycles, here are the German and Japanese models of motorcycles (formerly once military trophies), military equipment since the Second World War. Historical and Technical Museum
  • Annual exhibition of vintage cars in Yekaterinburg. About 40 American and Soviet vintage cars are represented here. Free admission. The exhibition organizers promise constant replenishment and updating of the exhibition. Exhibition of retro cars in Yekaterinburg
  • Exhibition of retro cars in the Museum of railway equipment (Новосибирск). В народе его прозвали музеем паровозов, поскольку на входе в музей стоит макет первого отечественного «сухопутного парохода» (так в XIX веке называли паровоз), построенного отцом и сыном Черепановыми. Несколько лет назад в музее открылась выставка ретроавтомобилей. Экспозиция довольно скромная, в основном это грузовики, тракторы, вездеходы, советские легковые машины: ГАЗ, «Москвич», ЗАЗ разных лет выпуска. Exhibition of retro cars in the Museum of railway equipment

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