Choosing the right dvr with remote camera


Recently, car owners have stopped paying attention to the overall gadgets, which take up a lot of space and distract the driver while driving, which is why the demand for compact DVRs, which do not have the above disadvantages, has increased. Buying such a device does not require huge costs, the principle of installation is quite simple, and the benefits are more than justified, because the presence in the cabin of a small DVR with an external camera can alleviate controversial issues arising between the participants of the movement. In addition, this useful device is designed to solve any traffic accidents, proving the correctness of a driver.

DVR with remote camera

DVR with remote camera

The design of an important device

Видеорегистратор скрытой установки с выносными камерами является цифровым агрегатом, соединяющим свойства нескольких отдельных гаджетов, в частности, GPS-навигатора и радар-детектора. Неотъемлемый прибор каждого авто состоит из:Читать далее о секретах выбора видеорегистратора с выносной камерой-->

  • video camera, which is equipped with IR illumination, which makes use of the device especially convenient in the evening and at night;
  • microphone;
  • LCD display, which displays a picture of the road in real time. This design element allows you to view any video files stored on the memory card;
  • memory cards on which information is recorded while the vehicle is moving;
  • battery, through which the device has the ability to operate offline.

Features of devices with remote cameras

An extraordinary situation from which no modern motorist can be insured may arise “out of the blue”, and it is not necessary that a collision or other incident will occur directly ahead of the vehicle in the course of its movement. In view of this circumstance, it is advisable to purchase not simple DVR camcorders that have a standard mount only on the windshield of the car, but devices with one, two or even three remote cameras. The use of such a gadget allows you to record an incident that occurred both behind the car and on the side of the side doors. A car owner who purchases a DVR with a remote camera can organize a round-up view of his vehicle not only while driving, but also during the parking period. In addition, the shooting can be done with a hidden camera, about which attackers or other unscrupulous citizens can simply not guess.

DVR with remote camera

The above-described DVR provides a full-scale overview of both the road surface and the situation around the car, and the situation prevailing in the vehicle cabin.

DVR hidden photography with remote cameras has a huge number of advantages, which makes it stand out from other typical devices. By purchasing such a device, a motorist will acquire a gadget, the component parts of which are smaller in size than the combined devices, so that the compact element does not take up too much space on the windshield, blocking part of the review to the driver of the car. Among the main advantages should be noted the miniature size of all included in the kit remote cameras, as well as their various and very original mounting options.

The DVR of the hidden installation with remote cameras contributes to the invisible shooting, fixing on the memory card what is happening at this moment in the cabin of the car, while having the "correct" viewing angle. In addition, miniature cameras do not have a direct relationship with the location of the device block.

Naturally, the purchase of a device with only a single remote camera will become a more budgetary acquisition, more functional devices, as a rule, are more expensive, however, several separate remote cameras will be provided in their complex. Remarkable is the fact that each of these cameras has built-in memory up to 32 GB. In addition, the device will have a control unit with an LCD display, a “hub” (designed to connect video cameras and a unit), Wi-Fi and a GPS module. The latest innovation contributes to the definition of police posts, tracking the speed of the passing vehicles.

DVR with remote camera

Costly devices have multi-lens optics and high-performance processors, qualitatively recording incoming signals. In the Russian market in a huge variety of such models are DVRs, which have remote cameras and built-in GPS / GLONASS modules.

Criteria for competent selection of the gadget

When buying a DVR with a remote camera, a motorist should, first of all, start from his technical characteristics.

The first criterion is frame resolution. This parameter is responsible for the quality of detail in the resulting image, which is especially important when playing a recording. According to this criterion, devices are classified into various classes (VGA, HD, Full HD). Choosing such a device you need to be extremely careful, as some unscrupulous sellers pre-paint the capabilities of the unit. In particular, resorting to the usual interpolation, give VGA-recorders for HD devices, and HD-devices for Full HD. However, by raising the grade, the image does not get better.

DVR with remote camera

The second parameter is sensitivity. The units depend on the amount of light that the fixture needs in order to provide high-quality recording. Higher sensitivity indices make it possible to get a high-quality picture even with low light. In addition, the sensitivity affects the detail of the fragments at the time of playback of the shot.

The third criterion is the frame rate. It reflects the possibility of a registrar. Discounts for new cars! Profitable loan from 9.9% installments 0% do a certain number of frames recorded per second. Most often there are models that can do 15-30 frames for a specified period of time. The accuracy of the video taken at the time of frame-by-frame viewing depends on the number of recorded pictures.

DVR with remote camera может совершать 30 кадров за секунду, если он имеет минимальное разрешение.

DVR with remote camera

No less important is such an indicator as the viewing angle, because it is the area of ​​the surrounding space or part of the passenger compartment that will be present in the frame later. A larger criterion value determines the ability to cover a large area. The viewing angle can be measured diagonally, high-quality devices relative to this indicator vary between 90–178 degrees. Experts recommend stopping your choice on units with a viewing angle of 120 degrees, since a too large review parameter distorts the picture obtained on the screen.

Hidden gadgets

DVR with remote camera скрытой установки даёт владельцу транспортного средства возможность не снимать устройство на ночь. Дело в том, что типичные приспособления, оставленные на ночь на лобовом стекле машины, привлекают внимание недобросовестных людей, которые хотят обладать ими.

Of course, different opinions may arise regarding this issue, because the devices fitted with quick-release fasteners can be removed and reinstalled in the usual place in just a few seconds. However, even the speed of the manipulation of time begins to create inconvenience, irritating the owner. Unlike a simple device, a video recorder with an external camera of a hidden installation does not need to be permanently removed and then installed. Among other devices are popular:

  • AXiOM Car Vision 1100. Due to the separate layout, a motorist needs to install only a small video camera. All other components can be in any convenient place in the car.
AXiOM Car Vision 1100

AXiOM Car Vision 1100

  • Parkcity DVR HD 460. Has a pair of cameras hidden installation. It does not have a monitor on the unit; it simultaneously records data from both devices.
Parkcity DVR HD 460

Parkcity DVR HD 460

  • «KARKAM-Duo». Российский вариант гаджета с парой камер и углом обзора 170°. Отличается высоким качеством съёмки.



Installing a DVR with a remote camera needs the right location, which is why, when purchasing a device for the first time, it is advisable to seek help from qualified craftsmen who have experience with such devices.

By the way, those motorists who wish to buy a flush-mounted unit can choose among the models on the market, gadgets with remote camcorders that look and shape like rear-view mirrors located inside the cabin.