How can i pay a traffic police fine without a receipt?

Sometimes it may happen that you urgently need to pay a fine, but you do not have a receipt. With a receipt, anything can happen: lost, did not come, How can I pay a traffic police fine without a receiptвынули из почтового ящика, по ошибке выбросили или почистили рыбу на ней. За не своевременную оплату начисляется пени в размере 10 % от суммы. Лишние расходы никого не обрадуют, поэтому выплачивать штрафы нужно вовремя, чтобы их избежать. Каждый день просрочки будет бить по карману. Необходимо сразу же принимать меры. How can I pay a traffic police fine without a receipt?

You should not panic, if you lose the receipt, all is not lost. There is always a way out!

Paying a fine without a receipt is no more difficult than doing the same with it. You are not alone, this happens often. There are several ways to solve the problem. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.


  • 7 options for paying a traffic police fine without a receipt
    • Option number 1: pay instantly on the spot
    • Option number 2: pay online
    • Option number 3: pay a fine, if there is no receipt, from a mobile phone
    • Option number 4: payment of a fine in the bank
    • Option number 5: terminal on the street
    • Option number 6: a visit to the traffic police
    • Option number 7: pay an overdue fine from bailiffs

7 options for paying a traffic police fine without a receipt

Option number 1: pay instantly on the spot

If you know that you have a problem with paying fines and you constantly lose receipts, then you should think about paying for violations on the spot. In this case, you will not lose the receipt and you will not forget to pay the bill on time. At the same time, the traffic police officer must have a cash register and subsequently you will receive a payment receipt.


Option number 6: a visit to the traffic police

Still wondering how to pay a traffic police fine if you lost your receipt? Go to the traffic police department where you were fined. Police officers are required to provide a copy of the protocol, receipts and orders.

Then you can choose any payment method convenient for you.


  • No need to rack your brains and look for alternative methods to solve the problem.


  • Temporary loss. The process can take from several days to several weeks.

Option number 7: pay an overdue fine from bailiffs

If you received a notice from the bailiffs, and you do not have a receipt, you can go straight to them. And there is already in place to pay the available traffic police fines.

However, do not pull up to that point. Pay any fine on time - save time, nerves and money.