How to get category a rights

Practically everyone can drive a motorcycle today, but one should not forget that an occupation is no less responsible than driving a car. A motorcycle is not worse and not better than a car, it is a different means of transportation, to the operation of which the same standards apply as to the car.

Motorcycle rights are a mandatory requirement of road traffic inspection. The legislation of the Russian Federation allows to become their owner from the age of 16, therefore adolescents show particular interest in motorcycles.


  • 1 Hard to learn - easy on the road
  • 2 “Good” or “unfit” - the inspector decides
  • 3 Duration of training

Hard to learn - easy on the road

how to get a motorcycle license

In the motorcycle school, in addition to theoretical classes, the future motorcyclist is undergoing practical training.

In order not to break the law and feel confident on the roadway, you need to learn how to drive a motorcycle. In all major cities there are specialized courses for novice drivers (motor schools), in which experienced teachers will teach basic driving skills on a “two-wheeled friend” and will advise on how to get the rights of category A.

Be prepared for learning to take some time. First of all, you need to listen to a theory course, after which you will receive admission to individual practical exercises. After “rolling” a certain number of training hours in a driving school, an internal exam is taken to determine the level of readiness of a student to ride on public roads.

For all the time of learning to ride a motorcycle, you will have to learn not only to hold the steering wheel properly, to keep balance and to drive confidently in a straight line, but also to tack in a stream of vehicles and perform various turns. You will learn to ride a "snake", "figure eight", recognize the gestures of the traffic controller and give signs about planned maneuvers to other road users.

“Good” or “unfit” - the inspector decides

how to get category a rights

The procedure for obtaining a driver's license category "A" is not much different from the exam for category "B"

Так how to get a motorcycle license возможно только после проверки навыков будущего байкера госавтоинспекцией, то по окончании курсов нужно явиться в ГИБДД на экзамен. Оценивающему вас инспектору нужно будет продемонстрировать свои практические умения вождения и знание теории. Последовательность сдачи экзамена на категорию «А» ничем не отличается от проверки готовности к категории «В». Первый этап – сдача тестов на знание правил дорожного движения. В случае успешного преодоления этой ступени проверки, экзаменуемый получает допуск на тестовое вождение, по итогам которого выносится вердикт – выдавать ли будущему водителю права либо отправить его работать над ошибками.

The future rider must confirm not only his qualifications, but also good health. Therefore, before the appearance in the traffic police, you must pass a driver's medical examination.

Duration of training

The average duration of training in a motorcycle school is 2 months. This includes 16 theoretical topics and hours of practical driving. At the lectures, the same rules are studied as in the training on driving a car. Prices vary everywhere: it all depends on the teaching staff, vehicle fleet and training techniques, the ability to take additional lessons. Also, before you pay for lessons in a particular school, ask about what you have to drive. It is more efficient to study on a motorcycle similar to the one you plan to purchase for yourself.

See also: How to get a driver's license