How to park between cars

An important quality for car owners is the ability to properly park. Throwing a car anywhere and in what kind of form is not worth it, since you can unwittingly block other road users or become the cause of a traffic accident.

Однако, не все начинающие автолюбители знают, how to learn to park a newbie в городских условиях. Ведь практические навыки должны совмещаться с хорошей теоретической базой. В подобных случаях необходимо оттачивать собственные навыки и учиться ставить сой автомобиль между двумя машинами передним или задним ходом таким образом, чтобы не повредить ни свое, ни чужое имущество.


  • 1 Possible problems
  • 2 Auxiliary devices
  • 3 How to park
  • 4 How to make a diagonal parking

Possible problems

It is recommended to know in advance what kind of inaccuracies or mistakes can be made during parking maneuvers. Knowing these facts, young drivers will be able to minimize their own lack of experience, taking note of someone else's negative experience. In this way, it will be possible not only to reduce the time for carrying out the maneuver, but also, perhaps, to save money on repairing or restoring your own or someone else's car.

how to learn to park a newbie

It should be borne in mind that the average machine takes about 6–7 square meters of space, and for about 6–7 square meters of space, and for parking, a zone is usually 1.5–2 times smaller.

Exercise is preferable away from urban conditions, where you can have your own time in unlimited quantities. To limit the space and determine the size of your own car is to install the pillars or walls of empty cardboard boxes. First, they are located at a considerable distance, and later the space is narrowed each time.

Do not repeat one of the most common mistakes and use only mirrors for review during parking between cars or other hard obstacles.. Most instructors recommend, if possible, not to turn his head, but this does not apply to this situation. It is believed that about a quarter of the time is enough to be half-turned, and the rest of the period of movement to operate with mirrors.

Also errors include the fact that novices do not take into account the technical features of their cars. It is often not enough to know the dimensions of the machine, it is also necessary to take into account the radius of its turn, which can be very rather big. To a greater extent this applies to rear-wheel drive vehicles.

See also: Duration of training in driving school on the right

Auxiliary devices

Inexperienced motorists in modern automobile shops have access to a variety of accessories that help them to drive an iron horse in cramped conditions. This technique includes:

  • front parking sensors;
  • rear practicals;
  • rear view camera;
  • all-round cameras, etc.

Kits can be independently installed even in garage conditions. Information for the driver is provided in different forms:

  • variable frequency audio signal;
  • the displayed image on the embedded multimedia system;
  • demonstration on a separate built-in monitor, etc.

On sale there are options for both expensive transport vehicles and budget vehicles. However, the main key to successful parking in all conditions is regular practice.

how to make diagonal parking

It is believed that there are the following types of car parking:

  • perpendicular - when the machine is installed to the edge of the roadway at a right angle;
  • parallel - the car becomes along the traffic flow;
  • diagonal - the machine is placed at an angle.

It is possible to master the most comfortable ways of parking a car when moving forward or when driving backwards.

How to park

One of the most problematic options for drivers with little experience is to implement parallel parking in reverse. Excellent theoretical knowledge that minimizes possible risks and reduces the time for decision-making contributes to practical success.

The basic rules include:

  • the process is carried out at the minimum speed mode;
  • Before starting the maneuver, it is necessary to switch the right turn signal;
  • Your car must be installed parallel to the car, behind which it is supposed to become, at a distance of 0.7–1.0 m;
  • the driver should start back by turning the steering wheel to the right until it stops;
  • peering into the left mirror, we gradually move to the extent that the left rear wing of your car aligns with the forward angle of the vehicle standing behind;
  • slightly unscrew the wheel to the right, continue to move until your rear bumper is close to the rear car bumper;
  • unscrew the steering wheel to the left so as to align the front wheels straight, move backwards, looking in the mirrors;
  • when aligning your bumper with the front bumper, turn the steering wheel to the left until it stops, in parallel we control the clearance from the curb or other side obstacle.

It is worth considering that to make the maneuver, you can move the car and directly, but in this case, you will need significantly more free space, as well as reduced vehicle maneuverability.

how to park properly

To perform perpendicular parking it is worth using the following rules:

  • first of all, the car enthusiast should inspect the free space, making sure that after installing the car there will be enough free space for opening the doors of your car and located on the sides of the cars;
  • it is desirable to leave about 1 meter from the nearest transport or obstacles;
  • turn on the right turn signal before the start of the maneuver, to designate their actions for others;
  • when the free zone for your car is located on the right side, we set our car so that the right-hand mirror is level with the front bumper of the car already standing there
  • unscrewing the steering wheel to the left to the maximum, slowly moving forward so as to set the machine at 90 degrees to the curb;
  • after aligning the wheels, we move backward until the left headlight of a foreign car, which initially served as a guideline, is visible in the mirror;
  • gradually turn the steering wheel to the right and slowly drive back, maintaining lateral intervals;
  • setting the body in parallel with the machines, dub the steering wheel and move back to the extent until we become in line with other cars.
See also: How to start the car on the machine

In such conditions, it is comfortable to use machines with minimal dimensions, since a minicar requires much less space.

How to make a diagonal parking

This type of parking is typical for areas where there are significant concentrations of vehicles. Most often, such areas are characteristic of the following areas located near large service areas:

  • shopping centers;
  • business centers;
  • stadiums;
  • concert venues, etc.

Even a beginner will be able to put his own car in a diagonal way. The convenience of the technique lies in the fact that you can leave the zone almost without maneuvering, moving back. You must first make sure that there is no interference in the rear.

To facilitate visual perception, you can use the scheme at the entrance / exit, where the arrows indicate the correct trajectory of movement. Also, pay attention to the cars that leave the parking lot or drive into free sites.