How to park in reverse

The ability to park is a very important skill that every driver must possess. However, in reality, a little paradoxical situation develops: in spite of the fact that parking skills are tested in all, without exception, in exams in the traffic police, most drivers as a result do not know how to do it. Particularly difficult parking seems to them, produced in reverse gear.

The greatest fear is connected with the need to move back when visibility becomes limited and there is a danger of accidentally hitting nearby vehicles. However, you just need to park backwards, because only in this way the driver can take the place that he is unlikely to manage to call in any other way.


  • 1 Highlights
  • 2 How to park correctly
  • 3 Parallel parking in reverse: instruction
  • 4 Subtleties rear perpendicular parking
  • 5 A few words about direct parking


Drivers who want to be perfectly trained on how to park in reverse should have pre-practice. To do this, you can make a special platform on which pegs and racks are placed. They will replace the car enthusiast neighboring cars. The correct distance between them should be approximately twice the length of the car.

How to park in reverse

Learning the rear parking is not possible if the driver does not feel the dimensions of his car. However, this task is very difficult, and the corresponding skills appear among car owners only after a few years of driving experience. And then parallel parking in reverse does not seem so difficult to them. Getting used to the size of your car, do not forget about such details as the degree of distortion of the mirrors and the depth of the seat in the chair. These parameters are individual for each brand of car. In fact, working with pegs is not only an excellent training, but also a great way to save the finances of a car owner: after all, a collision with a counter does not threaten him with anything, unlike a collision with another vehicle. It makes sense to work the entrance to the marked area to perfection: in the future, thanks to this skill, you will be able to avoid a number of problems.

How to park correctly

When a driver parks, the first thing that is required of him is the proper distribution of attention. In particular, reversing parking assumes that the car owner not only turns his head, but also looks in the mirrors. If you just look back, this will certainly increase your review, but at the same time everything below will be out of sight for you. Rearview mirrors, in contrast, allow you to get closer to the obstacle more accurately, with the result that the driver can control the situation completely, and the maneuverability of his car increases.

Reverse parking in the garage

When parking backwards, take into account the fact that cars equipped with rear-wheel drive, characterized by a minimum turning radius, at the same time, all-wheel drive cars have the maximum. If you are going to park, try to mentally draw a trajectory along which your car will move. Having such a picture in your mind, you will understand much faster how you need to manage your car in order to easily take a parking space.

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Parallel parking in reverse: инструктаж

Preparing for parking, first of all, catch up with the car, which stands next to the place that you are going to take. The distance between you should be at least 1.5 meters. In order not to be mistaken when parking, take a safe turning zone, which can be identified by the right rear wheel. This is done in this way: mentally draw from it to the glass of your auto line. Remember the resulting point: it is for her that you will begin to make a turn in order to finally park well.

Parallel parking in reverse

Distance map for parallel reverse parking

Drive in reverse until the line of safe turning of the car equals the end of the car to your right. After that, unscrew the steering wheel to the right until the end and continue to move in reverse until the car turns about 30 degrees to the initial position. After that, move the steering wheel to the upright position and move until you see the back of the car parked in front of you. When this happens, we can turn the steering wheel to the left and continue to move backwards so that your car will park in parallel with the curb. It is very important at this moment to monitor the front right side of your car, so as not to hook on the one in front. The final touch is to level the car, so that later it would be easy for you to leave the parking lot.

Thus, to learn how to properly park in reverse, it is realistic. The most important thing is to theoretically understand how this is done, and then to hone your skill on the platform with pegs and bars.

Subtleties rear perpendicular parking

Perpendicular parking is a type of parking, in which the car is placed parallel to other nearby cars, but perpendicular to the curb. The driver, who has mastered this skill, will be able to easily park in the parking lot, as well as drive into the garage.

The ideal place to practice is your own garage. Try every day to try to enter it, and then go back. Strive to make automatism appear in your actions. Many drivers in mastering such a skill are well helped by their own lined scheme.

Algorithm perpendicular parking in reverse:

  1. You choose a suitable place for your car and drive up to it;
  2. You stand at a distance of one meter from cars parked nearby;
  3. You mentally draw a conditional line that originates in the center of the rear wheel and ends at the driver’s seat level. Connecting it with a vertical line, you get the point of their intersection, which should be in the area of ​​the rear arch;
  4. You mentally find on the markup the point for which you need to rotate;
  5. You include the right turn in the reverse gear. When the line you mentally built connects with the point you found in the parking lot, you will need to turn the steering wheel one and a half turns. Drive slowly, try to feel the dimensions of your car, so as not to hurt the cars standing nearby;
  6. Direct your car to the center of the free parking space. When your car will stand parallel to the others, turn the steering wheel so that its wheels become smooth;
  7. Move back a little until you catch up with nearby cars;
  8. And finally, when you park in reverse, do not forget to look back and look around, as well as watch the reflection in the mirrors.
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How to park in reverse in the garage

Consider also the important point that you will need to get out of the car. Accordingly, there should be enough distance between you and your neighbors in the parking lot to open the doors. It is also not necessary to approach too close to the curb behind you. If you have not yet mastered the automatism of how to park in reverse, and feel badly about the dimensions of your car, then it makes sense to purchase parking sensors - it will greatly simplify the parking process for a novice driver.

A few words about direct parking

The simplest form of parking is linear (or straight). Everything here is elementary: the car is placed along a certain object, which is located in a straight line. When parking in this way, do not drive too close to the car in front of you: subsequently you may have problems with going back. Remember also that you will need to open the door of your car to exit. Therefore, pay attention to the presence of high parapets or borders near them. Such objects are not clearly visible in the side windows, but rear-view mirrors will help to notice them.

Front parking

When choosing a place to park, give preference to such options where the integrity of the wheels, body and chassis of your car will not be threatened. There are some simple rules. So, for example, if you park your car on the rise, its wheels should be turned towards the road, and if on the way down, then towards the curb. Knowledge and adherence to these subtleties will save your car from possible damage if its braking system fails. The fact is that the car will never roll down if it is properly parked.

If you were unable to park the first time, it is better to immediately inform the motorist in the car behind you to avoid a conflict with him. In addition, if your repeated attempts never end in success, it makes sense to look for another, more “simple” parking space.

Rear parking is considered very difficult, because the driver requires maximum concentration and attention. He should not only control the parking process, but also monitor the overall situation on the road. Only practice and training will help to master this art. Such a simple advice would be useful: to determine the required size of a parking space, add 1.1 meters to the length of the car. Be careful, follow all necessary rules, and parking will not cause you any difficulty.