Lukoil or gazprom - a comparison of popular gas stations


It is unlikely that any of the drivers will deny the fact that low-quality gasoline, diesel fuel or motor oil can significantly reduce the life of the power unit, worsening its performance. For this reason, the question of which gas station is better to refuel is relevant for almost all drivers. The problem is that each driver determines for himself the quality of the fuel, largely guided by the responses of other car owners or their own feelings, which are often subjective. And the point is not that there are criteria for determining the quality of the same 95th gasoline - if you wish to conduct laboratory tests, the results may be different even within the same network or brand. It turns out that it will not be possible to get rid of a certain subjectivity. How to determine where to refuel?

Which gas station is better: Lukoil or Gazpromneft

Choice of gas stations: Lukoil or Gazpromneft.

Отметим, что шансы залить некачественные горюче-смазочные материалы гораздо выше на несетевых заправках, коих немало в любом городе. Здесь всё понятно, не имея возможности конкурировать с такими «китами» индустрии, как Газпромнефть, ТНК или Лукойл, они просто вынуждены каким-то образом удешевлять свою продукцию, и часто это делается в ущерб качеству. Компании, которые занимаются переработкой нефтепродуктов самостоятельно, имеют гораздо больше возможностей, но и внимания к ним со стороны общественности привлекается гораздо больше. В данном обзоре мы сравним две, пожалуй, самые крупные сети АЗС в стране и попытаемся выяснить, какая заправка – Лукойл или Газпром – достойна называться лучшей. В первую очередь автолюбителей интересует качество топлива, поэтому начнём сравнение с основных продуктов, предлагаемых на любой автозаправочной станции.Читать далее про то какая АЗС лучше: Лукойл или Газпромнефть-->


The question of where gasoline is better, at Lukoil or Gazprom, is the most discussed in all relevant forums. The most interesting thing is that the ratings of car owners are often diametrically opposed, and in order to form a more or less objective opinion, we have to analyze hundreds and even thousands of comments. From a technical point of view, gas from Lukoil meets the Euro-5 standard, and it is ahead of Gazprom’s fuel in this indicator. In addition, he has among his numerous awards "Ecological sign", and the prices for this gasoline are quite democratic. The combination of these and other factors displays the gasoline of this brand in the first place. Gasoline from Gazprom meets the Euro-4 standard, however, it is possible to find fuel from other well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers at gas stations of this company.

Gasoline comparison

Diesel fuel

Unfortunately, the Russian-made diesel fuel is significantly inferior in quality imported. Swedish diesel fuel is considered to be of the highest quality, in which the sulfur content is minimal. Slightly inferior to the Scandinavian German and Japanese diesel fuel. Therefore, if there is a choice, it should be borne in mind that imported diesel fuel is quite expensive and is not everywhere, and if you refuel only domestic, it will reduce the life of the power unit.

However, it is possible to determine the quality of diesel fuel independently: a poor-quality fuel has a darker color, and there is sediment. There is another, more subtle test: it suffices to skip the diesel through a paper filter. If diesel fuel complies with regulatory indicators, a bright spot of uniform tonality will remain on the paper. Poor fuel will leave a darker and more blurred spot, on which black inclusions are visible in the form of dots. At our gas stations there is also the practice of diluting diesel with water. It is possible to determine its presence by pouring diesel fuel into a plastic or glass transparent container and sealing it tightly. Over time, the water will separate and form a clearly visible more transparent layer.

Diesel fuel comparison

If you ask which diesel fuel is better, Lukoil or Gazprom, then, according to official data, Gazpromneft has an advantage in cetane number (54.1 vs. 51.8 - 52.0 for Lukoil). But, according to users, this figure may vary depending on the region. In addition to the cetane number, you should pay attention to other characteristics of diesel fuel:

  • flash point;
  • specific mass;
  • filterability limit;
  • low wax.

Another thing is that in order to find out these figures, you will have to ask to show the relevant documents, and it’s not at all the fact that they will be given to you. Yes, and you can not check the compliance of the actual indicators with the specified ones without expensive laboratory tests. So to determine which diesel is better, Lukoil or Gazprom, will have to be sampled.

Motor oils

To say that about the same situation applies to motor oils, it is impossible. These products are sold in sealed containers, which makes it difficult for any manipulation of intervention in the composition of the product. Therefore, testing of oils is more objective than in the case of fuel. Here, the following characteristics are taken into account:

  • hardening / ignition temperature;
  • ease of starting the engine in the cold;
  • cost;
  • chemical composition;
  • influence on fuel consumption and power characteristics of the power unit.

Due to the combination of all these factors, Lukoil oil is considered to be of better quality, which indirectly confirms the fact that in many domestic cars Lukoil oil is the starting one and recommended for filling in the first place. Gazprom products of such support from automakers do not have, so the question of what is better, oil Lukoil or Gazpromneft, can be considered closed.

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What is the gas station better

Since most of the car fleet in our country is cars equipped with gasoline engines, for many drivers the question of choosing a gas station rests on the quality of gasoline. Unfortunately, this indicator is so inconstant that to focus only on it is a thankless task. Even gasoline of the same brand from one brand, supplied from one refinery, can vary greatly in quality from batch to batch, and this difference is not necessarily formed directly at the plant. Both gasoline and diesel fuel have a long logistics path from the plant to the consumer, and it is not possible to control it at all stages without an increase in overhead costs, which will affect the price of the final product.

It is no coincidence that many consumers point out that the quality of gasoline may differ even at neighboring gas stations of the same brand. In the end, the popularity of gas stations depends not only on the quality of gasoline or diesel fuel. Of great importance are other objective and subjective criteria that make up the marketing appeal of gas stations.

Quality of service

The human factor is important in any field, and car refueling is no exception. If the driver at a particular gas station Nakhamili, he next time will think three times, whether to refuel here again or drive around the refueling side. Therefore, recruitment work should be given paramount attention. Unfortunately, in our country, the relationship of sellers and buyers is still far from ideal. And according to this parameter, Lukoil, Gazpromneft are not far from each other.

Availability of additional services

Over time, this factor is receiving more and more attention, and many modern gas stations are entire complexes that provide many additional services. And we are no longer talking about the opportunity to purchase a bottle of cola through the window. Today, the driver is not averse to having a cup of coffee at the table or eating a hot hamburger. The presence of an equipped bathroom is also a de facto standard, and the ability to inflate tires or wash a car also adds points to a gas station. Comparison of gas stations Gazpromneft and Lukoil in terms of service gives approximately the same estimates, but many drivers point out that Lukoil’s outwardly refueling loses.

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For any driver, the cost of fuel is one of the most important parameters. The prices of gasoline and diesel fuel at gas stations Lukoil and Gazpromneft are about the same level. In general, these gas stations belong to the average price category. Their non-networked little-known competitors may offer more attractive products at a cost, but their quality raises many questions. On the contrary, branded gas stations are not inclined to dump, but many car owners say that their expensive products of improved quality with various prefixes and prefixes do not always justify their price.

Compliance with State Standards

Many manufacturers offer products that are certified according to industry specifications. If there is an opportunity to choose between such gasoline and fuel produced in accordance with GOST, preference should be given to the latter. Both Lukoil and Gazpromneft are large and well-known companies, therefore their technological process is oriented towards state standards.

Promotions and bonuses

Many gas stations seek to earn the loyalty of drivers through such effective marketing techniques as various promotions, discounts and bonus programs. Both Lukoil and Gazprom have never been particularly active in this regard, and the programs they offer (for example, Gazprom's bonus cards) do not allow saving so much that it is noticeable to the family budget.

As you can see, at what gas station to refuel - Lukoil or Gazprom - the question is quite multifaceted and depends on the personal preferences of the car owner. Some believe that the quality of fuel is not the main criterion, preferring refueling with the best service. For others it is important to save here and now, while others look far ahead, preferring to fill only high-quality gasoline. It is worth noting that both by the number of gas stations, by the number of regular customers and by the total turnover and sales volumes of fuel, these two companies are undoubted leaders.