Strengths of the injector and carburetor


Injection engines in our country appeared only after the appearance of the first foreign cars - in the USSR, electronic fuel injection was used only on expensive government limousines and certainly was not available to the ordinary motorist. However, in foreign countries, the first engine with an injector appeared as early as the 30s of the last century, and such power units began to be installed commercially on Mercedes-Benz sports cars in the 1950s. Since 1967, the mass distribution of injection engines began, since it was at this time that the Bosch D-Jetronic system with microprocessor control was developed, which allowed us to gain many advantages over carburetor engines. However, at present, the production of carburetor engines continues, despite their numerous shortcomings. That is why it is worth giving an answer to the question which is better: a carburetor or an injector.

Injector and carburetor


The carburetor is a purely mechanical unit that dispenses the fuel supply to the engine. It uses a rather primitive design - the amount of gasoline passing through the jet into the diffuser is regulated by a float suspended in a special chamber. The carburetor requires very precise manual adjustment to select the ideal amount of fuel entering the cylinders of the power unit. At the slightest failure of the settings, the engine starts to work very unstable - the mixture may become depleted or enriched, which in both cases will lead to breakdown if the owner of the car does not take appropriate measures. It is the need for frequent adjustment that is the main drawback of the carburetor - depending on the specific model of the node and other parameters, it has to be adjusted every 5–20 thousand kilometers.

Читать далее о том, что лучше: карбюраторный или инжекторный двигатель-->Кроме того, карбюратор очень чувствителен к качеству воздуха, поступающего во впускной коллектор — он не должен содержать крупных твёрдых частиц. При засорении топливной системы количество топлива, подаваемого карбюратором в цилиндры, увеличится относительно объёма воздуха. Результатом этого станет образование переобогащённой смеси, появление нагара на свечах и возникновение прочих проблем. Интересно, что источником загрязнения может стать даже некачественный или несвоевременно заменённый воздушный фильтр — от него может оторваться кусок пористого материала, который и «перекроет кислород» двигателю. В результате автомобиль может остановиться посреди дороги по такой маловажной причине, и карбюратору потребуется длительный ремонт с последующей регулировкой.


However, the reason for the gradual disappearance of carburetors from the automotive industry was another difference from the injectors. The difference between the two fuel supply systems is that the carburetor is not able to provide a uniform dosing of the gasoline mixture for each flash of the candle, resulting in a fairly large amount of toxic substances entering the exhaust. The inconsistency of carburetor engines with modern environmental standards and caused the termination of their production in the 90s. Of course, in the CIS countries, carburetor cars were produced until recently, but this was more likely dictated by the impossibility of quickly refitting factories and creating new technological developments.

Carburetor in the car

Nevertheless, carburetor engines have several major advantages, most important of which is their simplicity and low production cost. That is why carburetors are installed on cheap lawn mowers, trimmers, snow blowers, generators and other varieties of small motorized vehicles. In addition, they are easy to configure in the field, which is also important for the devices described above. The ability to adjust in minutes allowed the installation of these power units on buggies, maps and other small sports cars. For the same reason, upgraded carburetors with electronically controlled supply air pressure can also be found on many modern motorcycles - especially two-stroke ones.

But there are even stock cars, which are still equipped with carburetor engines - they are produced for the needs of military and special services. They are interested in ease of maintenance, the ability to quickly replace units, as well as configuration and repair in the field. In addition, the army is attracted by the complete absence of electronic components - machines with carburetor engines are able to continue moving even after a nuclear bomb breaks in line of sight or after passing through the area of ​​operation of an electromagnetic interference guidance installation. There are even rumors among those interested in military issues that cars with carburetor engines and steam locomotives, which the only ones can continue to work after nuclear bombardment are stored in special bunkers.

Injection engines

The main advantage, which the manufacturers of the first engines with electronic injection indicated in their advertisements, was the exceptional stability of work. Indeed, the installation of the injection, controlled by microprocessors, helped to accurately meter the amount of fuel entering the cylinders, and thus reduce fuel consumption, reduce the intensity of vibrations and noise, as well as achieve the latest environmental standards. The fact is that the mixing in the injection motor is carried out directly in the intake tract, and not in a separate unit - for this purpose, special nozzles are used, which play the role of a sprayer. In this case, they often do not need frequent adjustment - even if one of the parameters deviates from the norm, the electronics will give a command to automatically adjust it, and after a few flashes the balance of the system will return to normal.

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In addition, the automatic adjustment of the injection motor makes it possible to achieve a lightweight start-up even at very low temperatures, since the electronics selects the optimal dosing parameters for rarefied air. The essential difference between the two systems for supplying fuel to the engine cylinders is also that the injector is adjustable according to the needs of the motorist. To do this, simply load a new program into the control unit or change the parameters of an existing one. In some expensive cars of recent years, there is even the possibility of changing the maximum power or the response to the gas pedal by pressing one button located in the cabin.

Injector engine

Of course, advantages such as environmental friendliness, cost-effectiveness and the ability to control parameters are very important. However, the injector also has a number of rather serious flaws. The main disadvantage of such a system is its high cost - in the manufacture of the engine control unit uses many complex components, not to mention the injectors, sensors and electric drives. In addition, even the simplest damage may require contacting a specialized service station, since without a special electronic scanner and other equipment it will be impossible to eliminate it. Of course, almost any auto service company now has all the necessary tools, but you will still need to get to it, since repairing the car “in the field” will not work.

Almost all injection engines are also sensitive to fuel quality. If we talk about modern engines with direct fuel injection into cylinders, then it is unacceptable for them to even the appearance of small solid impurities or salts of heavy metals in gasoline. This is due to the use of piezoelectric nozzles, the components of which can be dissolved by many chemical compounds. It should be said that some engines with an electronic injection system require the use of gasoline with an octane rating of A-98 or more for stable operation. Finally, it can be said about the dependence on electronic components, which makes injection engines inaccessible for use in military vehicles.


Knowing the difference between the injector and the carburetor, you can choose the best option for the purchase. At present, carburettor machines of domestic or foreign manufacturers will be in demand rather in small towns and villages remote from large settlements. Here their maintainability will be useful, as well as the availability of spare parts and the ability to adjust on their own. In other cases, the best choice will be injection machines, which are distinguished by lower fuel consumption, easier start-up of the power unit and excellent stability of work.