Top autobloggers on



Most motorists recently independently try to deal with some irregularities that periodically arise with their vehicles. To help learn about the intricacies of the repair allow modern popular autobloggers who are active in the vast world wide web through the famous site The activities of these people can not be overestimated, as they acquaint car owners from around the world with the innovations of the automotive industry, conduct test drives, lay out various high-quality videos relating to current issues of automotive design and repair.

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Top autobloggers on

JoRick Revazov

Rating autobloggers can start with JoRick Revazov, which is known even among users of the global network, very remote from the automotive subjects. Most likely, the blogger himself, who is considered by many to be a somewhat controversial personality, brings huge popularity to the channel. Each video is watched by about 200 thousand people, and the channel itself has more than a million subscribers, to which another 2,000 people are added every day. One of the drawbacks of the top autoblogger is unstable content, high-quality video clips are mixed with plots with poor shooting quality. Fame JoRick Revazov at the time brought anti-test drives, beloved by many compatriots. The most popular JoRick Revazov videos are gaining up to 2 million views.

Autologist - Jorik Revazov

Autologist - Jorik Revazov

Ilya Strekalovsky

Ilya Strekalovsky попал в список, в котором присутствуют только самые популярные автоблогеры, совсем не случайно. На сегодняшний день на его канал подписано 834 048 человек. Такой впечатляющий результат немного вызывает сомнение у тех автолюбителей, который немного с насмешкой относятся к автору и его манере подачи материала. Некоторым кажется, что блогер на всё готов, ради огромного количества «лайков» и известности. Перенимая опыт у более раскрученных ведущих, входящих в рейтинг автоблогеров на Ютубе, Ilya Strekalovsky быстро учится, меняя скучные темы с пафосной подачей на более интересные и информационно-ёмкие сюжеты. Некоторые его ролики набирают до 1 млн просмотров, чего нельзя сказать, например, не только про работу JoRick Revazov, но и про видео AcademeG.

An interesting fact is that about a thousand people subscribe to the channel every day, who are most likely interested in cars, the cost of which does not exceed 500 thousand rubles. A promising young man talks about the features and content of budget vehicles, most often domestic ones.

Автоблогер - Ilya Strekalovsky

Avtobloger Ilya Strekalovsky

"Bearded Riding"

Третье место по праву можно отдать ребятам, именованным как "Bearded Riding". Блог ведёт целая группа молодых бородатых людей, которые насыщают каждое видео своим настроением. Четверо парней имеют приличный список подписчиков, на сегодняшний день 326 219 человек подписаны на их канал, в списке видеороликов преобладают видео про спорткары, внедорожники, отечественные легковушки. Интересная съёмка хорошего качества чаще всего насыщена дымом, криком водителя и пассажиров, а также неадекватным вождением. Сами автоблогеры шутят над собой, говоря, что в их работе практически отсутствует всякий смысл и полезная информация. На деле парни рассказывают о своих экспедициях.

The most interesting videos in a short time gain 700-800 thousand views, which is a good indicator, indicating the interest of motorists channel "Bearded Ride." As practice shows, they are visited daily by about 425 users of the global network. Basically, there are road "pokatushki", among which everyone can find something for themselves. I want to believe that the guys have great prospects ahead.

Autologist - The Borodata Riding

Autologist - The Borodata Riding

Anton Vorotnikov

Rating of autobloggers on YouTube would not be complete without Anton Vorotnikov, or Anton-automaton, as subscribers used to call it, which, to date, add 400 people each day. Regular visitors - 1 million people who love to watch in his performance not only a variety of test-drives of top cars from salons. During his vigorous and fruitful activities, Anton’s automat has created dozens of high-quality test drives that test not only expensive vehicles, among which mainly full-size crossovers and D-class cars, but also more budget cars B and C categories, and even used cars. Discounts for new cars! Profitable loan from 9.9% installments 0% .

Despite the fact that the channel describes mostly expensive vehicles, in the near future the autoblogger promises to surprise its subscribers with new action projects similar to the American plot “Pimp My Ride”. Many experts blame Anton Vorotnikov in the boring manner of presenting the material, however, this is a matter of taste of each individual motorist. Most likely, Anton's machine gun will be on the leaderboard for a long time, yielding only the autoblogger under the nickname AcademeG.

Автоблогер - Anton Vorotnikov

Avtobloger - Anton Vorotnikov


The most popular autoblogger is AcademeG, which has not lost its leading position for several years. Konstantin Zarudsky, with a bit of irony, referring to himself, chuckling at his thin physique, conveys to subscribers, who are already over a million, the most interesting stories - “pontorezki” His videos are different from the video reviews and test drives of other bloggers simply the perfect quality of shooting. A person who invests huge amounts of money into his work gets very useful high-quality videos that are rich in intelligent speech that excludes obscene language and swear words.

Its channel daily replenishes about 2 thousand new subscribers, the most interesting plots in a short time gain up to 3 million views. Constant feed of content, extraordinary stories, humor and self-irony highlight its reviews from the rest, in the same series should put a great picture (image quality), which is an order of magnitude better than most modern films. The most popular autoblogger AcademeG assures everyone that fruitful work can bring what they want.

Autologist - AcademeG

Autologist - AcademeG


The above article presents a unique top, whose autobloggers are constantly trying to please their subscribers with an interesting extraordinary presentation of test drives and video reviews. True, to choose for themselves the optimal and useful auto reviewer, every car enthusiast must independently, based on personal preferences.