Rating of new crossovers worth up to 3 million rubles


Crossovers are the most popular and frequently encountered cars on domestic roads.. Их популярность объясняется очень просто: повышенная проходимость и отличная приспособленность как к городским дорогам, так и к условиям незначительного бездорожья делают их просто универсальными транспортными средствами. Купив кроссовер достойного качества, владелец больше не должен думать о проблемах с дорожным покрытием в стране, так как его железный конь преодолеет препятствия в виде ям, ухабов и неровностей с показательной лёгкостью. Выезды на природу или на дачу также больше не являются проблемой с учётом проходимости кроссоверов.

Buying new crossovers

Как известно, спрос всегда повышает уровень предложений. Так как потребность в кроссоверах возросла, то значительно повысился и их ассортимент, что в какой-то мере затрудняет выбор подходящего автомобиля для потенциального покупателя. В этой статье рассмотрим, какие кроссоверы предпочтительнее покупать при бюджете в три миллиона рублей.Читать далее о рейтинге новых кроссоверов стоимостью до 3 миллионов рублей-->

Features of the choice of a crossover with a budget of 3 million rubles

The choice of a crossover in the price range of up to three million rubles can be called even more difficult than choosing a budget or elite class car. Although the amount is impressionable, it is quite difficult for a potential buyer to choose the car that will be of decent quality, emphasize the status of the owner and meet all the requirements and wishes.

The fact is that the budget of 3,000,000 rubles, although huge, allows you to purchase either fully equipped crossovers of the middle class, or choose from a more premium category of cars, however, to buy basic versions. At this moment, each potential buyer will independently bet on more important things for him that should be inherent in the purchased product.

Salon new crossover

The price of the crossover as a whole is influenced by such factors as status, equipment of the car and comfort in driving and operating. Premium status cars are included in the agreed price category within the lower limit, the buyer will be able to buy only the basic version of the car. There are buyers who do not pay attention to the exclusivity of the brand and choose the car just for technical characteristics and equipment, for them the choice of cars is more diverse.

For both categories of buyers, there is one general advice: regardless of whether you are buying a premium crossover or a complete middle-class car, the main thing is that it is distinguished by high reliability and practicality. This will ensure that you do not become a frequent visitor to the service station, and your vehicle does not turn into real estate in a few years. Next, we consider new crossovers up to 3,000,000 rubles, which are distinguished by a high level of reliability and durability, according to experts and users, are a worthy choice in this price category.

Luxury class crossovers up to 3,000,000 rubles

Авто Toyota Land Cruiser Prado

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado - Japanese-made all-wheel drive crossover. Отличный дизайн и повышенная проходимость делают машину очень популярной среди жителей России. Важно отметить, что, несмотря на передовые показатели по проходимости, в городских условиях авто показывает безупречные свойства по управляемости и динамике – эти показатели в большинстве случаев свойственны только легковым автомобилям. За три миллиона покупатель может выбрать модели с бензиновым или дизельным типом двигателя, автоматической или механической коробкой передач. Оговорённый бюджет позволяет подобрать достойную модель с максимальной комплектацией.

Honda Pilot - another brainchild from the Japanese manufacturer, which occupies a decent position in the Russian market, has a high level of sales due to the excellent price-quality ratio. A budget of three million allows you to choose a model with any type of engine, gearbox and maximum set of options to fit your requirements and wishes. In 2016, the Honda Pilot underwent a restyling, after which its exterior design and interior have changed dramatically for the better. As well as buyers who emphasize the purchase of comfort during operation, will appreciate the updated control panel, which is grouped into sections as much as possible, which allows you to easily manage each element of the vehicle. Electronics and car options on top. It seems that to control a person, it is enough just to press the necessary button, and the machine will do everything on its own. A decent indicator of the Honda Pilot is its internal capacity, which allows you to buy a car, even for a large family.

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Lexus RX is a Japanese middle class crossover, the cost of which base models in 2017 starts from two and a half thousand rubles. For this money you can buy a front-wheel drive model with a two-liter turbo engine. More powerful models far exceed the price limit. Excellent design, excellent controllability in both urban conditions and on country roads make it a priority model among the inhabitants of Russia.

The best premium class crossovers up to three million rubles

Audi Q5 is a German compact crossover that is recognizable not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Its popularity over the years only increases due to the high level of reliability and the corresponding class price. The choice of the buyer provided models with diesel and gasoline powertrains, as well as different types of gearboxes. With a budget of three million rubles, the buyer can purchase a top model with an average set of options, to purchase the most complete model, you will have to pay a little more than three million rubles. Stylish design, high-quality interior finish, impeccable build quality, excellent dynamics and controllability of the vehicle - these qualities put it on the top places for sales in Russia. Audi Q5 is a worthy purchase of a crossover at the agreed budget.

BMW x3 car

BMW X3 – это ещё один представитель немецких кроссоверов, который характеризуется как надёжный и практичный автомобиль премиум класса. Его стильный дизайн значительно повышает статус владельца, а отменные характеристики радуют слаженной и динамичной работой. With a budget of up to 3 million rubles, the buyer can choose an all-wheel drive model with an eight-speed gearbox. и минимальным набором опций, или же выбрать более простую версию с бензиновым мотором в 245 лошадиных сил и улучшенной комплектацией. Хотя BMW X3 и недоступен в максимальной комплектации при бюджете на покупку в три миллиона рублей, с учётом его положительных характеристик, отличного сочетания цены и качества – это автомобиль, который заслуживает внимания покупателей.

Volvo XC60 is one of the most prestigious crossovers on the Russian market. Attracts the attention of buyers interior with leather interior, beautiful exterior design, excellent technical characteristics and a decent ratio of price and quality. For the agreed amount, the buyer will be able to purchase a premium crossover that will be equipped with a new 8-speed automatic and an engine of 306 horsepower.

Mercedes Benz Auto

Mercedes-Benz GLC is a car of the German concern, which caused a sensation in the crossover market with its launch. Stylish and elegant design, reliable and modern electronics, roomy and comfortable interior - this is not all the positive qualities of this car. Unfortunately, with a budget of three million rubles, you can buy a Mercedes-Benz GLC only in the basic version, which is equipped with a two-liter gasoline engine, a decent set of options and electronics. It is worth noting that even the basic equipment has everything you need for comfortable operation of the vehicle.

The Infiniti QX70 is a premium car that is distinguished from its competitors by its stylish sporty design. с обтекаемыми формами. Обновлённый дизайн кузова делает его приоритетным для выбора среди молодого населения и любителей драйва, автомобиль рассчитан на динамику и управляемость при скоростных поездках, хотя неплохо себя показывает и в режиме лёгкого бездорожья благодаря достойному клиренсу и полному приводу, характерному практически для всех моделей этого типа. Интерес Infiniti QX70 вызывает также через разнообразие природы двигателей и разных комплектаций, что позволяет подобрать для себя приемлемую модель даже самому требовательному покупателю. Бюджет позволяет приобрести топовую модель с бензиновым пятилитровым двигателем V8 мощностью в четыреста лошадиных сил, а также достойной комплектацией.

Infiniti QX70

Let's sum up

With a sum of three million rubles, a potential buyer has many options for choosing a crossover. To make the right purchase, you should carefully consider the selection procedure, relying on your own wishes and preferences. For lovers of full stuffing, we have provided the best reliable models of luxury class crossovers that will delight buyers with an excellent value for money, decent technical characteristics and the ability to choose a model according to their preferences. More expensive premium cars significantly increase the status of the owner of the vehicle, however, the choice of such cars in most cases is possible only in the basic configuration or with a small number of additional functions. Considering that premium class is already crossovers, which are equipped with the necessary options and functions for comfortable driving, this type of car is a worthy choice with a budget of three million rubles.

The sum of 3,000,000 rubles allows you not to neglect your wishes and preferences, but to choose just such a car that will simultaneously combine all the technical specifications you need, an excellent design-enhancing status, and will also become your reliable friend and helper.