800 “horses” jeep grand cherokee excelled in drag racing

In the short distance sprint, the orange Jeep Grand Cherokee was out of competition. The owner of the car "pumped" his "horse" from the masters of AC Motorsportz in Chicago. After tuning the car's power increased from 392 horsepower to 800 "horses." Improvements cost the owner 13 thousand dollars.

Jeep Grand Cherokee

Кроме этого, SRT8 оснастили воздушным фильтром K&N и другим интеркулером на 4,5 дюйма.

Jeep Grand Cherokee 2

After the car was completely ready, it was sent to the track for drag racing tests, where the Jeep Grand Cherokee passed the F-150, and even the iconic Mustang.

Earlier it was reported that Jeep Renegade showed incredible demand in Brazil.