Gm-avtovaz shnivu finish

GM-AVTOVAZ доработает Шниву Project for the creation and development second generation Chevrolet Levels carsAs you know, it was frozen due to the economic crisis. However, the first generation significantly sagged in popularity among Russian motorists. And this is not only due to higher prices. Owners Shniv themselves know all the flaws of their "favorite". That is the beginning of work to address these shortcomings and announced the leadership of GM-AVTOVAZ. The company is planning improve the sound insulation properties of the cabin Shniv, and also to carry out work on reduce dust permeability. This is, in fact, all that they plan to do in terms of finalizing the car. At least, there was no other information from the management of the joint Russian-American automobile company. The standard package "anti-noise", introduced a year ago, will be significantly improved and used in the updated version of Shniva. The same applies to the package "anti-dust", after expanding its capabilities, it will also be implemented in Chevrolet Levels.

In addition, it became known that the management of GM-AVTOVAZ conducted a number of organizational works relating to the direct control of downstream componentsthat should only positively affect the quality of the cars produced.

GM-AVTOVAZ доработает Шниву Сегодня на нашем авторынке Chevrolet Levels можно купить начиная от полумиллиона рублей. Самая "нафаршированная" модель опустошит кошелек  покупателя на шестьсот тысяч. Сердце Шнивы представлено 1,7-литровым 80-сильным бензиновым двигателем. Трансмиссия только механическая.