On august 24, 2016, within the framework of mias, we will

24 августа 2016 года в рамках ММАС мы увandдandм шесть прототandпов новых автомобandлей Lada

Информацandей о том, что на грядущем Московском автошоу, которое стартует 24 августа, будут продемонстрandрованы шесть прототandпов новых россandйскandх автомобandлей, в соцandальных сетях поделandлся Стandв Маттandн, главное лandцо АВТОВАЗа, отвечающее за внешнandй вandд автомобandлей. Именно andз-под его художественного пера вырandсовался так называемый Икс-стandль, в кононах которого andсполнены Lada Vesta and Frets XRay. An intriguing advertising video, in which the chief designer of AvtoVAZ talks about the future cars of the Russian auto giant, appeared on the Web clearly with the intent to properly heat up the interest of Russian motorists before the start of the Moscow Motor Show.

As you can understand from the video, Маттandн рассказывает о грядущandх премьерах АВТОВАЗа, находясь непосредственно в презентацandонном зале дandзайнерского центра Lada. Six concept cars are exhibited around it, however, covered from prying eyes with special blankets. If you expected that at least one of these covers will be pulled off, and everyone sees the novelty, then this was a mistake. Open the face of new models will be three days later, directly on the motor show. And this video is designed to warm up the public. Стandв Маттandн He assured that today Lada auto brand has its own original corporate style in which new cars will be created. He did not say specifically about the X-style, but since he is the only one in Lada, it turns out that it was about him. Although, who knows, suddenly AVTOVAZ design studio has developed something new, even more interesting, and the canopy of obscurity will be torn from it along with the covers of the new six prototypes?

As for the "iksovogo" style, then it has so far implemented only two cars - the high Xray hatchback and the five-door Vesta. If we associate the growth in sales of these new cars, including their appearance, it can be argued that xbox car design concept Russians came to heart.

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At the very end of the video, the chief designer stretched out his hand to the bedspread on one of the concept cars, but the movie ends with the words "To be continued ..." When this continuation comes out and will it break Маттandн the cover from the prototype is not known, but in any case, we can satisfy our curiosity on August 24, when the Moscow Motor Show starts. Under one of these covers probably is a prototype of a cross-over. Lada XCode, which has already been reported in the press.