Tesla will soon show its first electric vehicle

Tesla скоро покажет свой первый электропикап Company Tesla decided to diversify its range of electric cars with a new pickup. Why suddenly developers Tesla pulled on trucks, when not all over the world their cars easily find their buyers? The company's management claims that since pickups are popular in America, then Tesla is simply obliged to enter this segment of the car market. And she will enter it.

Tesla скоро покажет свой первый электропикап

Tesla Model X

A new electric vehicle will be shown to the world only in a couple of years. Most likely, it will be based on the platform on which the officially presented in early April is based. sedan Model 3.

The developers promise that from all the closest competitors in the segment Tesla truck It will be quite easy to distinguish because of its bright original design. The engine will be electric only, no hybrids, only hardcore!

А вот чтобы и в остальном успешно конкурировать с дизельными или бензиновыми двигателями пикапов других автобрендов, Tesla должна вложить в свой электрический движок не менее четырехсот лошадок, и аккумуляторы установить такие, чтобы одной зарядки хватило на километров пятьсот пути. Ведь одно дело легковой автомобиль, и совсем другое - грузовик с его спецификой использования, связанной с тягловой работой - перевозками грузов. Причем аккумулятор должен еще и иметь неплохую скорость подзарядки, ведь если его надо будет слишком часто и слишком долго заряжать, сердца потенциальных клиентов не будут завоеваны никогда.

Tesla скоро покажет свой первый электропикап

Tesla Model 3

As this pickup will be called, as yet nothing is known, there is not even a provisional name. According to the site AutoBild, in addition to the truck, Tesla is going to release two more cars in the near future. This is about sports car Model R compact city car Model C. Americans will see the sports coupe already in 2017, and the second car will appear presumably in one year with a pickup, i.e. in 2018.

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Кстати, недавняя премьера компании Tesla - sedan Model 3 is wildly popular among American buyers. In just two weeks from the beginning of April, 325 thousand people have already ordered this electric car. What will be the order by the time of the start of mass sales, which is planned only in a year?

By the way, most recently Tesla published information about restyled Model S.