The chinese have launched a new parquet suv chery tiggo 3x

Китайцы запустили в тираж новый паркетный внедорожник Chery Tiggo 3X Residents of the Middle Kingdom can already order from dealers Cherry new compact crossover Tiggo 3X. Domestic lovers of Chinese front-wheel drive crossovers can exhale with relief, because this car will come to Russian dealers Cherry. Officially, the Chinese presented their Chery Tiggo 3X on the April Beijing motor show. Those who can recreate the image of the crossover Cherry Тигго, продаваемого в нашей стране, посмотрев на новинку, несказанно удивится: воистину, небо и земля! Старый Cherry Тигго по сравнению с Chery Tiggo 3X кажется просто вырубленным топором. И не удивительно. Новинка базируется на другой платформе, позаимствованной у хэтчбека Chery Very. В длину кроссовер растянулся на 4 м 20см (это на шесть сантиметров длиннее Chery Very), в ширину кроссовер раздался на 1 м 76см, высота его осталась "хэтчбековской" 1 м 57см.  Расстояние между центрами осей - 2 м 55,5 см. Клиренс тоже не блещет - 18,6 см. Китайцы запустили в тираж новый паркетный внедорожник Chery Tiggo 3X Under the hood of the Chinese assembly Chery Tiggo 3X a liter-and-a-half liter 105-horsepower gasoline aspirated is installed, paired with either a manual transmission, the traditional “five-speed” - or with an automatic four-band transmission. Exactly the same iron heart beats under the hood of the donor crossover - Cherry Вери. All new items are front-wheel drive.

Китайцы запустили в тираж новый паркетный внедорожник Chery Tiggo 3X What is interesting new crossover? Depending on the specific assembly, the sixteen or seventeen inch light alloy casting is included in the crossover package. There is a system of exchange rate stability, the sunroof is equipped with an electric motor, the pressure in the tires is controlled automatically in real time, the driver’s smartphone is easily synchronized with a modern multimedia system having an eight-inch touchscreen. Multimedia has a built-in Internet modem. The weather in the cabin can be monitored through on-time air conditioning.

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For Chinese money new Cherry Tiggo 3X Crossover costs from 63 to 80,000 yuan. Having converted to our wooden ones at the current rate of the Central Bank, we will get something between 594 and 743 thousand rubles. Китайцы запустили в тираж новый паркетный внедорожник Chery Tiggo 3X In our country, the Chinese are planning to bring a new product closer to the summer of 2017. We will call it differently - Cherry Тигго 1. The plans of the Chinese may be disrupted by a new round of inflation, a further fall in the exchange rate of the ruble, which, as it turns out, is very beneficial for our government caring for the people.

Кроме того, месяц назад в российском представительстве Cherry было сказано о появлении новой комплектации Chery Tiggo 5.