Camera for painting cars with their own hands

After a major body repair or a serious accident, the car usually needs painting. This type of work should be carried out in a specialized room. For those who wish to engage in painting at a sufficiently high level, you can be interested in a painting chamber, made with your own hands and equipped to your liking.

Industrial designs are sold at prices not always affordable for the average person. Well, the option of self-production will be able to reduce the cost and balance spending on this object.


  • 1 The advantages and disadvantages of self-production
  • 2 Required materials
  • 3 Spray booth requirements
  • 4 Ventilation equipment in painting chambers
  • 5 Room lighting
  • 6 Interior arrangement

The advantages and disadvantages of self-production

As in any business, in the construction of such an object has its pros and cons.

How does the camera for painting cars

Painting cars in the camera


  • the possibility to choose suitable drawings of the painting chamber and working systems schemes;
  • substantial savings in the initial stages of the construction of the object;
  • the ability to select the right (where expensive, where cheap, where homemade) units for the layout;
  • cheaper service than with the delivery of a large expensive complex of equipment.


  • there is no unambiguous guaranteed result upon completion of the entire assembly of such a structure;
  • the likelihood of erroneous decisions, deficiencies that reduce the rate of commissioning and create additional costs;
  • a waste of time and effort to adjust and debug in various modes of operation;
  • the lack of full automation of processes due to non-standard configuration of the entire unit and a flaw in the security systems.
how to adjust the ventilation of the spray booth

The scheme of the camera for painting

Necessary materials

Consider the option in which a garage or a hangar will be used as a room. The list of required attributes includes:

  • garage room;
  • heatpot;
  • heat generator;
  • forced ventilation.

This is from large objects. Also, "the little things" will need gates, high-quality fluorescent lights or LED lamps, fans, control unit and more. On the complete set of such an object as a camera for painting cars, affects the overall budget.

how much does it cost to make a painting camera do it yourself

Thermal insulation painting booth

In addition to the painting process, the finished vehicle must also be dried. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the presence of such a box as “drying”.

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Spray booth requirements

If the building for the camera has not yet been erected, it is necessary to take into account the basic parameters for such buildings during its design and bookmarks, or to adjust the drawings of the painting chamber to make their own hands to meet the desired output characteristics. In the case when the finished hangar or garage is reequipped, changes are made during the repair or rebuilding of the viscera.

In any of these cases it is necessary that the walls be:

  • with refractory coating;
  • splashes of paint were easily washed off;
  • their main color was white;
  • no draft was formed from the cracks.

If the walls of the hangar are made of sheet metal, then it is necessary to insulate it from the inside and close it with heat insulating plates in order to obtain a stable temperature regime without external influence.

In addition to walls, it is necessary to equip the floor in self-made cameras for painting cars. A prerequisite for it is to ensure satisfactory air circulation in the room. This effect is achieved by laying the base of several lattice layers, contributing to the air vent.

what floors are needed in the camera for painting cars

Sample floor for painting booth

For entrance doors it is also necessary to select fire-resistant materials. The door blocks unwanted dirt and dust from entering the outside. Its tightness is not the last factor. The opening should be simple and made outside to ensure the safety of workers in this chamber.

Ventilation equipment in painting chambers

Properly installed ventilation of the painting booth will not only ensure safety during painting and drying, but will also improve the quality of the result. The role of such a system is to clean the air in the room from dust, as well as to get rid of fine particles of paint formed after spraying.

It is customary to distinguish single-engine and twin-engine ventilation systems. In the first case, air is injected from above, and unwanted particles are deposited and discharged through an opening below. In the second case, two motors are used: pressure and suction. The second device is the removal of pollution.

The ventilation systems use powerful two-phase filters. At the first stage, larger particles are sifted out, and at the second stage, cleaning of small fractions of pollution is carried out. System performance is better to pick about 25 cm3/with.

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Filters must be cleaned regularly, and in case of unsuitability they must be replaced. Most often the bottom duct filter will be contaminated.

What does the camera do it yourself?

Equipment for painting chamber ventilation

With proper air circulation in the room, no additional undesirable turbulent flows occur. Contaminated filters also contribute to their appearance.

For drying chambers, a modern heat generator is selected. Such devices can operate on several types of fuel:

  • gas;
  • gasoline;
  • oil testing.

Apparatus for drying is selected optimal for consumption and power. Sometimes they are equipped with automatic timers. You can also use infrared lamps for drying. At the initial stage, they will reduce consumption and ensure sufficient results.

Room lighting

Inside the homemade camera for painting, besides moisture and cleanliness, it is necessary to provide high-quality lighting. This will make it possible to correctly assess the color obtained and notice in time any potential deficiencies that have appeared.

how to make a spray booth with your own hands

Spray booth lighting

According to the rules of sanitary standards, for such industrial premises it is necessary to provide a parameter at the level of 600-1000 lux.

A common option is the use of lamps with lamps "fluorescent" light. Such fluorescent lighting is located both on the ceiling and on the walls inside the building. To avoid unnecessary glare or shading, it is necessary to provide high-quality light from all sides.

Working with light should not be a hindrance, so you should avoid installing fixtures on tripods or other structures that do not imply fixation on the frame of the building.

Interior arrangement

When equipping the exterior of the painting chamber with your own hands, it is not recommended to finish the walls with wooden plates or clapboard. This is a violation of fire regulations. More suitable metal or other non-combustible materials.

where to get the drawings of the painting chamber for making your own hands

Painting camera drawings

Finishing should ensure tightness and non-proliferation of fine dust and debris. It is unacceptable to use carpets and rugs, as well as furniture with a fabric covering.

It is advisable to install or provide for the installation in the future of an automatic control panel. Although it will increase the budget of the camera equipment, but it will increase the productivity of the process, and the system will become more autonomous and commit. To improve maneuverability, a quick transition from the “automatic” to manual control and in the opposite direction should be provided.