How to drain gas from a tank

Practically every driver in the process of using a car got into a situation when it was necessary to drain completely or a certain part of the fuel from the fuel tank. In this case, it is really useful to know how to drain gas from a tank quickly and without consequences. Such an operation may be required when:

  1. The car is filled with low-quality fuel. The best solution in this situation is to completely get rid of bad fuel.
  2. Fuel must be used to refuel the generator, which is able to recharge the dead battery.
  3. Part of the fuel does not fit in the capacity of the car. Then you have to pour a small amount of gasoline.

The procedure for discharging fuel is performed through a gasoline pump, filler cap or plug, which is located in the lower part of the tank.


  • 1 Tube application
  • 2 Fuel line application
  • 3 Using a fuel tank cap
  • 4 Drain fuel from injector

Tube application

gasoline drain

This method can be called "classic." Unfortunately, it is not suitable for most modern cars.

Surely many have heard and know about this old method of pouring fuel into any free container. All you need is a regular tube or hose. A danger for a person is a rather barbaric variant, when you need to draw air out of a tube immersed in a tank with your mouth and then pull it out of your mouth in time to avoid swallowing fuel. Today, pear pumps are used to safely drain gasoline. Having bought such a device in advance, it is possible to significantly simplify the discharge of fuel from a car tank of a domestic or foreign production.

You can also perform the procedure with the tube using another safer method. This will require a rope that will easily pass inside the tube. Any braided ribbon with clothes or tied shoelace will do. At the edge of the rope is required to build a kind of piston. It is formed from a fabric or in the form of a knot. The piston needs to be slightly moistened in any available liquid substance and firmly fixed on the rope. The resulting structure is used as follows:

  • first the edge of the tube with the piston is lowered into the gas tank;
  • a tank is being prepared into which the fuel will be drained;
  • further required to pull the free end of the rope;
  • need to pull gently and slowly. When the piston reaches the end, direct the tube into the container and pull it out completely.
how to drain gasoline

Gasoline draining through the fuel line

After the tank is filled to the desired level, the tube can be pulled out of the tank. Further fuel is used at its discretion.

See also: What will happen if you pour petrol into a diesel engine?

This method is often used in emergency situations. In any case, the knowledge of how to drain gas with a hose will not be superfluous. Also, do not forget that it is impossible to perform this procedure if the neck of the gas tank has a protective net.

Fuel line application

When, for certain reasons, it is not possible to drain the fuel through the neck of the gas tank, the best alternative would be to perform the procedure using one of the fuel line hoses. If you remove the hose before the fuel pump, the fuel will flow slowly, if after - faster, you should not drain all the fuel, because the fuel pump can burn.

Using a fuel tank cap

Petrol can be drained through a special plug, which is located at the bottom of the tank. The inability to use this option can only be the fact that manufacturers of modern cars rarely provide for the presence of such traffic jams.

how to drain gasoline из бака

Some cars are equipped with a special drain hole in the gas tank

Drain fuel from injector

Cars produced in the period after the 90s, have a winding and thin filling line, so the method with a hose is not relevant for them.

To drain the gasoline from the injector it is necessary to adhere to the following actions:

  1. Open the neck of the tank.
  2. Under the hood, find a rubber tube through which gasoline flows to the ramp. It is fed to the engine below.
  3. Next you need to remove the clamp and disconnect benzooshhlang.
  4. After that, you need to find a unit with a relay and fuses.
  5. You must find a relay that turns the fuel pump on and off.
  6. Then remove the relay.
  7. Clip two corresponding pins in the socket with a clip.
  8. Turn on the ignition.
  9. Fuel is discharged into any free container.
  10. In order not to disturb the operation of the fuel pump, the ignition must be turned off at the moment when the outflowing gasoline starts to foam and bubble.
  11. Now we put in place all the clamps and hoses.
  12. At the final stage, you need to install the relay back and do not forget to tightly tighten the tank cap.
See also: Adjusting the carburetor, how to properly adjust

After the implementation of the entire algorithm of actions, the gas tank can be filled with a fresh portion of fuel and feel free to set off.

Note: it is forbidden to completely drain the fuel with the help of a benzanasos, otherwise it may fail!

As a result, it is worth noting that if you know how to properly drain fuel, but you are in doubt or not able to do it yourself, it is best to call for technical assistance and provide this work to professionals. At the same time, those who wish and love to do everything on their own, thanks to our advice, will surely successfully cope with this task.