How to replace coolant

The cooling system is one of the most important components of a modern internal combustion engine. Almost all cars have a combined cooling. This means that heat is removed from the cylinders with the help of fluid that enters the radiator, which is blown by a counter-flow of air. If the temperature is too high, then an electric fan is activated, forcing the cooling radiator with air. Therefore, the name of the system is not liquid, but combined. But there is one nuance - antifreeze (or antifreeze) performs most of the work on maintaining the working temperature. Therefore, the fluid in the system needs to be replaced in a timely manner, without waiting for the moment when all the additives necessary for normal operation evaporate.


  • 1 How often to change the coolant
  • 2 How to drain coolant
  • 3 Flushing
  • 4 Refilling the system with coolant

How often to change the coolant

how to replace coolant

To completely drain the antifreeze from the engine you need to unscrew the plug on the unit.

Производится coolant replacement примерно один раз в три года. При условии, что пробег у автомобиля небольшой. В противном случае замену следует делать каждые 60 тыс. км. пробега. Если продолжать использовать жидкость, которая отработала свой ресурс, то есть риск навредить всей системе. Стоит отметить, что пришедший в негодность антифриз имеет низкий резерв щелочности. А именно по этому параметру определяется количество и качество присадок. И чем ниже он, тем пагубнее жидкость влияет на систему.

But replacement can be carried out and unscheduled. Knots and units are not eternal and they fail. Most often, old pipes crack, the thermostat is wedged, and the pump bearing is broken. Less commonly, radiators or a surge tank, as well as a gasket in the cylinder head, leak. All these failures lead to the fact that the antifreeze is gradually leaving. And if in case of damage to the radiator of the stove, it will pour onto the mat under your feet, then if the gasket is damaged in the cylinder head, the antifreeze will go to the cylinders. From there it can get into both the exhaust gas exhaust system and the lubrication system.

See also: Which antifreeze is better to choose

How to drain coolant

antifreeze drain

Antifreeze drain through radiator drain hole

Ideally, the coolant should have a barely transparent uniform blue or green color (it also happens red and orange). If you have a brownish liquid in your tank, possibly with an admixture of rust, then immediately drain it and clean the entire system. Prepare in advance the tank into which you will discharge the mining. Pouring onto the ground is not recommended. On modern cars used sealed cooling system. Antifreeze is replaced through the neck in the expansion tank. In some cars, the filler cap is located on the radiator.

Never drain the antifreeze on a hot engine, wait a while, letting it cool. Otherwise, you can scald with boiling water. Be sure to open the stove valve (if any). There are two drain holes:

  • on the engine block;
  • on the radiator.

First, install a container under the radiator and unscrew the cap with your hands. In case the system is sealed, you will have to adjust the pressure on the expansion tank cap. As soon as the radiator is emptied, install a container under the second drain hole. Unscrew the stub and get rid of all residues. If there are no openings for draining, then you can simply remove the lower pipe from the radiator cooling. Now it is time to clean the system.


flushing the cooling system

For flushing the system cooling is best to use special tools.

This procedure is necessary to get rid of scale before replacing antifreeze in the system. The simplest is the way in which water is used. Of course, it should be clean, and ideally distilled. The main condition is a small amount of salts. The essence of the procedure is that water is poured instead of antifreeze and the engine runs with it for about ten minutes. Then drain this water and pour clean. It is necessary to repeat the procedure 2-3 times to have a positive effect. In the presence of rust and scale you can add a little vinegar.

See also: How to remove the airlock from the cooling system

But vinegar can harm the rubber parts, so you need to be careful with it. Much more efficient and safer special liquids that can be bought at any store. Pour it instead of antifreeze and start the engine. 10-15 minutes, let work and can turn off. Before the procedure, be sure to read the instructions, because it indicates how long the flushing fluid should be in the system. Next, drain the test and fill in a new fluid, repeating the whole procedure.

Coolant system refill

coolant replacement

New coolant is often poured directly into the expansion tank

At this stage, no difficulties should arise, since the procedure is very simple. Do not forget to screw the plugs into all drain holes. And if the nozzles were removed, then reinstall them. The stove valve must be open, and the pipe from the throttle unit is removed. Start slowly pouring antifreeze into the filler neck. Stop only when the coolant comes out of the tube going to the throttle. Now you can install this hose in its place and continue refueling. Keep the level in the tank between the Min and Max marks.

Теперь настало время избавиться от воздушных пробок, так how to replace coolant без этого не получится. Для владельцев герметичной системы с этим проблем не будет, так как ОЖ находится под давлением и пробки уходят сами. Достаточно только дать двигателю прогреться до рабочей температуры. В негерметичной системе придется обжимать ладонью патрубки, прокачивая жидкость и заставляя пробки (если таковые имеются) подниматься вверх. Можете даже поставить свой автомобиль в горку, чтобы передняя его часть была выше задней. Пара минут работы в таком положении и никаких пробок воздуха не будет.