Hydrometer for electrolyte: how to use

Длительность срока службы обслуживаемого автомобильного аккумулятора зависит от разных факторов. Однако, при правильном уходе за ним удается существенно продлить этот период. Важным фактором в такой ситуации является обеспечение оптимального значения плотности для электролита. При этом потребуется знать, how to use a hydrometer for the battery.


  • 1 What it is?
  • 2 Method of use of the device
  • 3 Important factors
  • 4 Popular brand hydrometers
    • 4.1 IP-1
    • 4.2 Orion AR-02
    • 4.3 Sparta 549125

What it is?

Thanks to a special device, a hydrometer, it is possible to measure the degree of acidification of the solution for each cell in the battery. In fact, density means the ratio of the mass of the mixed acid with the distillate to the total volume of the resulting solution.

The usual checking of the electrolyte density in a battery with a hydrometer is based on the classical physical law of Archimedes, when a body immersed in a liquid displaces a volume of liquid from a vessel that is equivalent to its own volume. Thanks to the laws of hydrostatics, it is possible to calculate with a high degree of accuracy the value of acidity in a particular fluid. Usually the parameter is indicated in g / cm3and defined to hundredths.

how to use a hydrometer for the battery

Visually, the electrolyte hydrometer is a transparent glass wide flask, inside of which a measuring scale is located. For the fence in the upper part of the device installed rubber bulb. Working with such a chemical unit is quite simple.

The components in most designs are such parts as:

  • rubber pear;
  • hydrometer block;
  • glass pipette, inside which the device is placed;
  • tight stopper;
  • intake part.

Some types of hydrometers are universal. With their help, you can additionally determine the temperature of the liquid.

Method of use of the device

Before checking the density of the battery with a hydrometer, you need to familiarize yourself with the operation of the device, so as not to get chemical burns and achieve the correct results. Usually for measurements carry out a preliminary intake of fluid from the cans of the battery.

It is important to know that each can of car battery is an independent container for liquids, so measurements will need to be carried out necessarily for each container separately.

When pumping out liquid for testing, it is necessary to observe security measures. Rubber gloves, resistant to acid and safety glasses are required. The apron from the rubberized material or a special protective dressing gown helps to save clothes. For the selection of the required volume, we use a glass tube, since this material is chemically neutral to acids.

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How to check the density of the battery with a hydrometer

The step-by-step algorithm for measuring the density with a hydrometer consists of the following points:

  • we lower one end of the glass tube into the mouth of the open can of the battery;
  • part of the liquid will penetrate into the tube, and its level will align with the remaining in the tank
  • tightly close the upper opening with the pad of your finger, and slowly pull out the receiver;
  • we lower the end of the glass tube into the flask prepared for measurements and then open the upper part of the tube so that the liquid flows into the vessel;
  • так how the hydrometer works правильно лишь в определенном объеме жидкости, то повторяем процедуру многократно до тех пор, пока не наберется нужное количество для измерения;
  • Inside the flask we place a hydrometer and wait for its alignment, since we need a figure that indicates the line of the surface of the liquid;
  • after stabilization, the desired density of the fluid will be known.

After measuring, return the liquid back to the jar in the same way as its fence was made. We carry out operations with each capacity from the battery to get complete information about the state of the battery.

When working with a hydrometer, it is necessary to squeeze the pear, and then immerse the pipette in a liquid so that it floats there like a float in a vertical position. After compression, the rubber is gradually loosened to smoothly fill the container. Measurements will be accurate when contact between the float and vessel walls is excluded. If there is sticking, then the testimony obtained will be unreliable.

Upon completion, wash the device with distilled water. This will help to extend its service life and get rid of errors in measurements.

Important factors

Car battery problems will be minimized when its density at 25C will be 1.28 g / ml. This parameter is typical for all new batteries coming from the factory. When a lower density was found in one of the cans, this is evidence of a likely short circuit caused by the contact of the lead plates with each other.

how to check the density of the electrolyte in the battery hydrometer

When revealed in one of the cans of low density, it is worth understanding that the probable causes are rooted in such events as:

  • the battery had a deep discharge, and it will not be able to perform further operations as usual;
  • a sulfation stage occurred inside the cavities, which became a problem for further chemical reactions;
  • for a long period, the battery worked without additional charge from the generator, which could fail;
  • there has been a physical deterioration of the battery, which does not allow its further use for its intended purpose;
  • poor quality of the solution and other components due to unscrupulous manufacturer or the use of counterfeit products.
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In the case when it is possible to bring the density to the optimum value, it will be possible to ensure the battery operability.

Popular brand hydrometers

The domestic market offers different models of solution density meters in the battery. Those interested can even find an electronic hydrometer for electrolyte. The main differences are mainly in the quality of the used materials.


Among the sought-after devices of the classical form stands out apparatus with a set of plastic cylinders inside. Opposite each of them is the density value. After filling the measuring tank, the set of cylinders begins to float. You can read the current density value according to the cylinder that rose last.

how the hydrometer works

The measuring interval of the model is limited. It is able to give a result if the density of the fluid varies in the range of 1.19–1.33 g / cc. The minimum price of division is 0.02 g / cc. Although the accuracy of measurements of such a unit is low, but it is popular among motorists. Success lies in affordable cost. The price is a little over 100 rubles.

Orion AR-02

The chemical device is manufactured at a domestic enterprise located in St. Petersburg. Detailed instructions describe how to use them. It is important to observe safety precautions while working with him.

how is the measurement of density by hydrometer

Find in popular stores meter can be priced at 150 rubles. The manufacturer provides a six-month warranty on the glass device.

Sparta 549125

The cost of the device is about 200 rubles. Produced in China under the German license. It works in the range from 1.16 to 1.3 g / cm3. The pear and the intake part are made of practical hardy materials. The manufacturer gives a one-year warranty on each product. Inside are floats.

how to use a hydrometer for the battery

We recommend to familiarize with the thematic video, which is presented below. It will be interesting to anyone who is interested in the topic of hydrometers.