Making a car muffler with your own hands

Постоянная тяга к улучшению и совершенству заставляет нас изменять даже самые простые вещи. В результате чего могут появиться действительно гениальные изобретения. Автомобиль, попавший в руки человеку с множеством идей, обязательно будет переделан. Такие улучшения зачастую не имеют в себе практического смысла, но некоторым без них трудно обойтись. В предложенной статье мы рассмотрим как сделать do-it-yourself silencer.


  • 1 The device and function of the muffler
  • 2 Reasons for self-manufacturing silencer
  • 3 manufacturing steps
  • 4 silencer resonator

The device and function of the muffler

car muffler device in section

Muffler device

Люди, которые не интересуются автомобильной тематикой, считают, что ничего особенного в данном элементе нет. Однако такая точка зрения абсолютно ошибочная. Чтобы это понять следует рассмотреть car muffler device in section. Выхлопная труба является неотъемлемым элементом транспортного средства и выполняет очень важную функцию. Главное предназначение устройства – глушить шум, который возникает в результате горения топливной смеси внутри камеры сгорания. В каждом отдельном цилиндре всего за одну минуту происходит несколько тысяч взрывов. Работающий двигатель создает много шума. Обычный мопед без выхлопной трубы звучит неприятно, при этом автомобиль создает шум в 10 раз сильнее.

A properly designed and installed muffler can almost completely remove this noise. Due to its special design, it perfectly suppresses acoustic oscillations by resonator chambers, which necessarily adjust to the frequency of a certain motor. There are usually several such chambers, and their design is very diverse and depends on the subtleties of the design of the exhaust pipe.

The reasons for self-manufacturing silencer

To make a muffler on a car with your own hands you need to spend a certain amount of money, time and effort. Therefore, the reasons should be really significant, and in this case they are:

  1. The silencer, designed independently, taking into account the specific features of a particular car, eliminates inaccuracies when mounting it on special seats.
  2. Often the materials of standard exhaust pipes and anti-corrosion treatment are of poor quality. The new muffler can rust in just six months of operation, so an individual approach increases its service life.
  3. The ability to change the configuration of the exhaust pipe, its length and the number of resonators.
  4. The ability to choose the material of the muffler and the method of its further processing. The use of quality pipes made of stainless steel significantly increases their service life.
  5. The ability to adjust the sound, which publishes a homemade muffler.
  6. Due to the special direct-flow exhaust design, it is possible to slightly increase the engine power.
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This is only part of a large list of benefits that make car owners do it yourself.

resonator manufacturing

Often in the internal tubes of the resonator simply drilled holes that are designed for turbulence of exhaust gases

Manufacturing steps

The design of the future silencer mainly depends on the ability to give the necessary form to the metal and financial possibilities. Options may be as follows:

  1. Use for reworking the standard exhaust of the car, while the attachment points should remain unchanged.
  2. Make a silencer of high quality stainless steel. This material is expensive, but such an exhaust pipe will survive the car itself.
  3. Use steel thin-walled pipes for the manufacture of structures.

If it is not possible to purchase an expensive stainless steel, then it is best to use simple thin-walled pipes for a new design. In this case, the silencer will weigh a little more, while its sound-absorbing properties will even improve. The main thing is not to be greedy. Old exhaust pipes that have been used for a long time are not suitable for the manufacture of a high-quality muffler. A metal has a certain margin of safety, which is determined by the cycles of its heating and cooling. There is absolutely no guarantee that a used pipe can withstand even a few days, even if it has a good appearance.

do-it-yourself silencer

The manufacture of the muffler housing

Muffler resonator

This element of the exhaust pipe can be made from scratch or use something instead of its body. A very popular solution is to use an old fire extinguisher. This is a fairly simple option, but the fire extinguisher itself weighs a lot, and its body is not able to withstand high temperatures. In the manufacture of the resonator should be remembered that the inlet and outlet openings must be shifted. Partitions inside the resonator are installed at its discretion. Usually they are not used at all. Instead, holes are drilled in the resonator, which are designed for turbulence of exhaust gases. You can leave the last resonator empty and leave it as an empty resonating box. It is also important to consider the weight of the muffler. With a significant discrepancy between this parameter and the standard exhaust, it will be necessary to reinforce its fastening elements.

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The advantage of the whole operation of the independent production of a silencer is that in addition to time, we do not lose anything anymore. At any time, you can return to using the old design or buy a full-time exhaust pipe.