Sunroof car: pros and cons

Motorists who want to buy their new or "new-supported car" with the hatch, probably, have repeatedly thought about its suitability. Let's analyze all its nuances.

Sunroof car

Take a good look

Firstly, if you decided to take a car from the second, and even from the third hands of such a car, carefully inspect all the sealing gum on the hatch itself. If you noticed not even large cracks on the elastic bands, I’ll rightly tell you (since I’ve dealt with such things more than once) that it’s better to refuse to buy such a car.

Well, of course, if the seller does not throw you 3 - 4 thousand. After all, sealing rubber bands on old cars are not cheap, plus you still need to find them in the online store, plus long delivery, plus installation, in general, it will not work out for you small penny.

Sunroof car

The next point is the same question. Do you need this? Even with a light rain, all the moisture will flow into the interior of your car, first leaving yellow spots under the roof plating. Then in the cabin may appear odor. When you get tired of all this, you will probably “pass” silicone around the perimeter of the hatch so that water does not penetrate into the car's interior. In the end result, you will absolutely be disappointed in this option of the 80s.

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Why do you need a sunroof car

Sunroof car, это уходящая опция. На такое «ноу-хау» сейчас никто не обращает внимание. А зачем, ведь есть открытые окна). К тому же вы при вождении автомобиле, вы не будете смотреть в прозрачное стекло на люке, дым от сигарет тоже не выветривается как при вытяжке на вашей кухни, и особой свежести при движении, в салоне не появится. А если серьезно, не нужно смотреть при покупке автомобиля на его люк на крыше. Это все осталось в прошлом!

Sunroof car

Cars with panoramic roofs

A roof with a panoramic view на автомобиле, это действительно «прикольная» вещь, ведь если при поездке на длинные расстояния всей семьей, и при этом открыть панорамную крышу, ваши детки и супруга откинувшись назад на удобных креслах вашего любимого автомобиля, с удовольствием будут смотреть на голубые облака или звездное небо. Вам как водителю будет приятно, что вас не отвлекают от дороги.

A roof with a panoramic view

To all this, such car models as AUDI, BMW, or not quite such legendary brands, make such options simply exclusive! Their sealing gum, quality of closing and opening are brought to perfection. The build quality and the quality of all the parts will not force you to ask for repairs for service.

A roof with a panoramic view

Today, such cars, as a rule, are also not in demand, but you must admit, this will really distinguish your car from other similar models, because this option is usually in luxury models!