How to choose a car mat?

Rugs for carsДля комфортной эксплуатации автомобиля потребуются дополнительные аксессуары в виде салонных ковриков. Последние способны гарантировать как чистый воздух в салоне авто, так и сохранение кузова от прогрессирующей коррозии. Rugs for cars считаются необходимым атрибутом. Если они вдруг порвались, то нужно незамедлительно покупать новые. Иначе, последующие серьезные расходы на кузовной ремонт, окажутся просто огромными.

It is still possible to include rubber mats in the budget line, which are excellent for their low cost, flexible base, low sides and the ability to easily fit almost every car model. Not without reason, they have the second name - universal. If the cabin carpet fails on the road, you can easily buy it at almost every car accessories store.

Rubber mat in the trunkFloor mats are also made from rubber. But in contrast to the salon, the first have higher sides, necessary for the safe transportation of goods. If something breaks and spills, the contents will remain inside the bowl of the above rug.

Polyurethane cabin mats are highly rated by most drivers for their increased flexibility, which remains unchanged in any weather — a valuable quality if the car is used in both winter and summer. The only drawback of polyurethane floor mats is - they are available only for specific models of cars. And they are relatively expensive. But the high price is leveled by their exceptionally high durability and long service life.

To operate the car in a cold and humid environment, it is recommended to buy only moisture-absorbing floor mats in the store, often made from polypropylene. The top layer, on which you can wipe the shoes, passes moisture inside. The middle layer is able to accumulate a significant amount of moisture, while the third layer, made of rubberized base, does not allow the accumulated moisture to get to the steel floor of the car.

Textile floor mats perfectly protect the soles of passengers and the driver from the heat, which comes from the heated asphalt in the summer. In addition, textile mats from well-known companies are able to hold not only dust, but also add an aesthetic component to the car interior.