The best trunk on the car


Many car owners are often tormented by the question of the need to purchase a boot on the roof of their car. Experts recommend buying this accessory only to those who deal with frequent shipments of large quantities of various goods and is the owner of a car with a small trunk. If you decide that you need this purchase, then you should know for sure which roof rack to choose and how to choose it at all. To understand this issue will help our article.

Roof rack

Roof rack

Why buy it

Folding tables, chairs, etc. taken with you to a picnic or cottage with a roof rack. no longer a problem. They do not need to push in the trunk or put in the legs of the passengers sitting on the back seat of the car. He will definitely be useful to people who lead an active lifestyle. Here you can put not only things, but also bicycles, snowboard, kayaks, skis, tents and boats. This accessory will not be superfluous for the family man. When traveling on vacation with the whole family, everything that brightens your leisure time and your loved ones will fit here.

Читать далее о рейтинге багажников на крышу автомобиля-->Еще один плюс багажника – транспортировка урожая с дачи или деревни. На багажник крыши поместится все, что не вмещалось во внутрь автомобиля и не нужно будет по несколько раз гонять туда-сюда машину или покупать прицеп. Также при необходимости можно перевозить различные строительные материалы.

However, in order to facilitate your life, you first need to think a little about the choice of this accessory.

Characteristics of manufacturers

There are many companies in the world that manufacture roof racks for cars. Opening the catalog with these accessories, it is very difficult to make a choice. Some manufacturers make automobile trunks only for specific models, and some, on the contrary, make the most versatile. In order for you not to get confused and make the right choice, we suggest you get acquainted with the most popular manufacturers of car accessories, as well as the features of their products.

Mont Blanc

car trunk Mont Blanc

car trunk Mont Blanc

First place in the ranking of the best manufacturers of roof racks for cars is the company Mont Blanc. A sufficiently large number of car enthusiasts buy it avtobagazhniki. This is not surprising, because it is a Swedish company and it has a series, which is produced specifically for domestic cars. These trunks are characterized by a universal type of fasteners, the presence of a large number of moving parts. They are not equipped with aerodynamic arcs, rectangular arcs are made of galvanized steel.

Swedish accessories for cars are sold unassembled, but in each kit there is a detailed Russified instructions for assembling them.

The great advantage of Mont Blanc products is its low cost.. Their luggage carrier can afford to buy a domestic buyer.


Автомобильный багажник Out

Автомобильный багажник Out

Еще одним не менее известным производителем багажников на крышу автомашин является немецкая компания Out. Их качество превосходно, упоры и лапы захвата крыши совпадают идеально, пластмассовых деталей практически нет. Они выпускают багажники со следующими типами крепежей: на штатное место, на рейлинги, на дверные проемы и на водосточный желоб. Их доставляют уже в собранном виде.

The only disadvantage of this manufacturer of luggage is their exclusivity. In Out, accessories are made only for a small number of makes and models of cars..


Thule car trunk

Thule car trunk

Another manufacturer from Sweden is located on the top of the rating - Thule. He releases the most expensive in the world Discounts for new cars! Profitable loan from 9.9% installments 0% racks for cars. Its products are characterized by great design and perfect fit of parts. In this case, all moving elements are made of high-quality metal alloy. This company manufactures luggage carriers for almost all makes and models of cars.

This manufacturer also produces car trunks in the form of boxes. They are very popular with travelers, as they are protected from rain, snow, moisture, sunlight and robbers.


Автомобильный багажник Atlant

Автомобильный багажник Atlant

Четвертую позицию предлагаем заслуженно отдать российскому производителю – компании Atlant. Ее продукция пользуется большим спросом не только у наших соотечественников, но и у водителей по всему миру. Подобное признание Atlant получил благодаря высокому качеству и безопасности выпускаемой продукции.

Перед запуском в массовое производство каждая новая модель проходит краш-тесты, лабораторные испытания и аэродинамические тесты. Автобагажники Atlant изготовлены из специальных легких и прочных композитных материалов, отдельные детали производят из алюминия и стали. Они универсальны и легко устанавливаются, благодаря модульной конструкции, производят мало шума и минимум вибраций во время поездки. Кроме того, их стоимость ориентирована на российского водителя.


Amos car trunk

Amos car trunk

Another company that deserves a place in our ranking is Amos. She paid our attention to herself, in particular, through the use of innovative technologies in the production of automobile luggage carriers. The great merit of the Poles is the use of new surface treatment of coatings, which involves the use of high-quality powder paint.

The luggage carriers of the Polish manufacturer Amos are easy to assemble and dismantle, they are as versatile as possible, reliable and inexpensive. Every year the range of models is growing, as well as increasing consumer confidence.

Criterias of choice

To make a correct purchase of a car trunk, it’s not enough just to choose a manufacturer, you also need to be familiar with the main selection criteria.

The video tells how to choose a trunk for a car:

There are several main criteria for choosing a roof rack for a car:

  1. Purpose of purchase. Understanding which roof rack is better to buy will help clear the purpose of its acquisition. When transporting goods once, pay attention to economy options. If you are going to transport things often enough, then you should be more selective. Here you should already look at the appearance of the trunk and its compatibility with the class and style of your car. Continuous operation of this accessory makes it an integral part of the car. In addition, it is important that the trunk does not interfere with the drive, is easy to use and easy to install and dismantle.
  2. Arc type. There are trunk with a rectangular and aerodynamic arc. Due to the presence of an aerodynamic arc during transportation of cargo, characteristic noise is significantly reduced. In addition, the trunk of this type in the unloaded condition allows the motorist to save on fuel, that is, reduces fuel consumption. It is clear that these two types differ in cost.
  3. Mount type. Properly chosen type of mounting the trunk on the roof of the car will save you from a lot of inconvenience and problems. It should be noted that not every model of car can fit one or another type of fastening. This accessory can be fixed on the car roof in the following ways:
    • on drains;
    • on rails;
    • on the T-shaped profile;
    • on a smooth roof;
    • on the integrated rails;
    • in a regular place.
  4. Mass of construction. A car trunk should not weigh a lot, because otherwise it will create a very large pressure on the roof of the car.
  5. Terms of Use. Our climate makes us think about this criterion, so the auto-luggage carrier must be frost-resistant, moisture-proof and withstand temperature changes.
  6. Manufacturer.

The video shows how to use the trunk with bike carrier:

That's all. Now you can buy exactly the trunk, which will be convenient for you and your car, it fits optimally. Dare!