Rating of the fastest cars of this year


For many, the love of a car is not determined by comfort, price, economy and other useful and understandable criteria, but by a simple and transparent function - speed. The faster the car, the cooler! And there are enough automakers who feel the same way, by practicing how to create faster and faster cars. We have compiled the rating of the fastest cars in 2018 so that anyone interested in the world of high-speed cars will easily find their way around this variety.

The fastest cars in the world

Rating the fastest cars in the world.

Современные технологии позволяют улучшать показатель скорости постоянно. Вчерашняя модель «к утру» получает парочку конкурентов, которые её уже обогнали. Цены на автомобили увеличиваются с той же скоростью, с которой они ездят. Вся эта суматоха своим драйвом и непредсказуемостью привлекает множество фанатов скоростных автомобилей – от владельцев целых автопарков, до простых зрителей, которые пока не могут себе позволить приобрести собственную машину и только любуются чужими. Итак, представляем вам ТОП-10 самых быстрых машин в мире.Читать далее про самые быстрые автомобили в мире-->

10 place - Noble M600

Dimensional Britons could not do without their own high-speed car. Gorgeous alloy of carbon fiber and steel - the body of the car will not leave anyone indifferent, who basically loves the appearance of sports cars. Eight by 4.4 liters - the most powerful engine under the hood, which hides 650 horses inside. The achievable speed declared by the manufacturer is 362 km / h. A good list of characteristics, is not it?

Noble M600

To pay for the Noble M600 will have a tidy sum - the cost of the sports car is 330 thousand dollars. However, the test driveways of the car were not as beautiful and indisputable as the manufacturer stated. For example, we managed to overclock the Noble M600 to a slightly smaller number: 345 kilometers per hour. Then it seemed completely unsafe, strong vibrations began, and the car began to operate much worse. Therefore, this cute Briton closes our hit parade: despite the excellent initially stated characteristics, in real terms the performance is still not good enough.

9th place - Pagani Huayra

The next participant of the charts is much more expensive than its predecessor: its current market value is more than a million (1.27) dollars. Yes, the Italians are not shy to ask for a decent payment for their equipment, but the car looks like its million! Just listen to these characteristics: V12 engine, 6.0 liters, 720 (!) Horsepower modestly hiding under the hood. Or immodest - in general, looking at this car, it is quite difficult to apply the word “modestly” to it. He is all so loud, loud and a little pretentious, but he still has the right to do so. And let him not in the first place in the speed rating, in the rating on the most stylish car on the planet, he would definitely fight for the first place.

Pagani Huayra

The maximum speed declared by the manufacturer is 370 km / h. And, unlike its predecessor, test drives confirmed this point. For lovers of lightweight versions, there is the Huayra BC, an even more powerful model, at 789 horsepower. In general, the Italians know how to make sports cars and pamper customers, you can not argue with that.

Eighth place - Zenvo ST1

The eighth line is occupied by a native of Denmark - from the long-established as a reliable manufacturer of the plant. This car is capable of accelerating to 375 km. / H. In any case, this is what the manufacturer claims. Under the hood is the engine of 8 cylinders with a volume of 6.8 liters. In the same place 1205 horsepower is hidden.

Also, manufacturers modestly note that the car has a special limiter on the electrical principle of operation, that is, it artificially keeps the car during acceleration. Theoretically, if you turn it off, the car accelerates even more, to a higher speed. But in order to check this, you will have to buy a car and get into it "in the brain." While there was no willing.

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Seventh place - McLaren F1

And again in the list of British coupe! How many years this car wanders from a rating in a rating, so reluctantly conceding a position who will undertake to count? It was only in 2005 that he was able to be removed from the place of the leader, which he selected annually from his competitors. And what is interesting: over the years, the undisputed leader "crawled" from the first place right up to the seventh. A vivid characteristic of how rapidly the technologies of the automotive world are developing.

The speed of this car can reach 386 kilometers per hour. The number of horsepower is not so great compared to competitors - “only” 627. But the engine is quite typical for our hit parade - 12 cylinders, gasoline. In general, the set of characteristics does not contain anything extraordinary, but the list of auto achievements suggests the opposite. For the right to be the owner of this legendary car will have to pay no more, no less - a million dollars.

McLaren F1

Sixth place - Koenigsegg CCX

Sixth place was taken by the Swedes. Famously jumping over the top three, this car is already moving into a completely different rank - shows a speed of 405 kilometers per hour. And not so much will have to be paid for this car (if we compare it with the rest of the rating heroes) - 550 thousand dollars. True, the high popularity of the car makes it not quite easy for the Koenigsegg CCX to buy without a dealer fee. At the time, Forbes announced this car one of the most beautiful in the world, including in the eponymous rating.

Koenigsegg CCX

Fifth place - 9ff GT9-R

Немцы всегда умели делать хорошие машины. Неспроста их 9ff GT9-R, производителем которого является 9ff, открывает первую пятёрку рейтинга. Здесь уникально всё: и дизайн, который успел заслужить не только фанатов, но и ненавистников по всему миру, и характеристики, с которыми довольно непросто соперничать (а чем ближе мы к ТОП-1, тем плотнее друг к другу будут идти автомобили). Стоимость 9ff GT9-R составляет 695 тысяч долларов в соответствии с официальными заявлениями производителей. А максимальная скорость, которую развивает пятый с начала рейтинга автомобиль – 414 километров в час. Количество лошадей под капотом он также может демонстрировать с гордостью – у 9ff GT9-R их целых 1120 штук. Объём двигателя, впрочем, всего 4 литра, компоновка – среднемоторная.

9ff GT9-R

Fourth place - SSC Ultimate Aero

The company Shelby Super Cars (SSC) took the fourth line of the charts with its extraordinary model - SSC Ultimate Aero. At one time this car hit the pages of the Guinness Book of Records, speeding up to 412 kilometers per hour. Officially, this figure is his maximum speed, with which he is currently in fourth place.

SSC Ultimate Aero

Under the hood, at the SSC Ultimate Aero is a V8 engine (twin-turbo), whose volume is 6.3 liters. The number of horsepower is 1287. It is also important to note that this machine is fully mechanized, you will not find any electronic “helpers” here. Therefore, this model is suitable only for experienced drivers who rely on themselves more than electronics. After all, figuring out which car is fastest, your safety depends on experience and electronics. The official price for this model is 655 thousand dollars.

Third place - Bugatti Veyron Super Sport

So, we open the top three leaders of the supercar from the French, the famous and completely immodest Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, receiving bronze. It can accelerate to seemingly incredible figures of 431 kilometers per hour - but even with such an indicator, this car does not become the fastest in the world in 2018, but takes “only” third place! 8 liters, 1200 horsepower, this fast production car is different from its base model without the prefix “sport”, which is slower and less aerodynamic. But to pay for this rocket will have an astronomical amount. It is more expensive than all its predecessors, and even at no additional cost to dealers and agents for it will have to pay two and a half million dollars!

Bugatti Veyron Super Sport

Second place - Hennessey Venom GT

We give the silver medal for speed to Hennessey Venom GT for the speed shown at test drive at 463 kilometers per hour. This fact is officially confirmed by tests. Under the hood, we see our old friend - V8 Twin Turbo for seven liters, and the power is again calculated as horses: there are as many as 1244 pieces in the Hennessey Venom GT asset. The official price is not so great, only a million dollars, but it's not so easy to buy it - there is no mass sale of cars. It is also worth noting that the second place the manufacturer Hennessey does not like. Because already in this, in 2018, the appearance of a new car, announced a year ago - the Venom F5 is expected. The manufacturer does not hide that he hopes to take away the palm and take the top of the TOP-rating.

Hennessey Venom GT

The fastest car of the year 2018 in the world - Bugatti Chiron

So, we have long been selected to this figure, but still reached. And this is 463 kilometers per hour - the maximum speed that the Bugatti Chiron develops. A Frenchman for almost three million dollars has an engine for sixteen cylinders, and the Bugatti Chiron own herd of as many as 1500 horses is the maximum indicator of our rating. The first hundred submits to the Bugatti Chiron in 2.5 seconds.

Bugatti Chiron

Bugatti Chiron is involved not only in this rating, but also in the ratings of the most beautiful cars in the world and the most expensive cars. And everywhere more than deserved. Manufacturers have invested their many years of experience in every detail of the creation, improving and taking into account all the mistakes of their past crown of engineering - the Veyron.

If you omit Hennessey’s threats to create a car that will smash Bugatti Chiron, because a competitor still exists only in the prototype, then we can confidently say that during 2018, Bugatti Chiron simply has no danger of losing its leadership position - there is no one to overtake it.