The timeless charm of the classics: the most beautiful retro


The history of cars as such began more than a hundred years ago. During this time, a scrupulous researcher in the history of the global automotive industry will be able to count more than 5 thousand different brands of cars. Yes, most of the brands presented a couple of dozen (if not hundreds) of car models. The age of the car is short. With rare exceptions, in 10–15 years it is sent for recycling. Not surprisingly, even the most beautiful retro cars in our time can only be seen in photographic shots. Or in rare exhibitions.

Some vintage cars can only be seen at exhibitions.

Some vintage cars can only be seen at exhibitions.

А ведь это очень интересная тема. Да, мощность, комфорт, лёгкость управления современных авто совершенствуются день ото дня. Но вместе с тем увеличиваются и ряды поклонников автомобильного ретро. Почему так происходит? Может быть потому, что дизайн современных автомобилей стал слишком утилитарен? Высокие скорости, необходимость всемирной экономии горючего буквально загоняет дизайнеров в жёсткие рамки. Шаг влево, шаг вправо ― и неумолимая аэродинамика берёт своё. Ну и, конечно, массовость. В 20–30, да даже 50-е годы прошлого века машины не выпускались миллионами штук, гиганты автопрома ещё не подмяли под себя всех мелких производителей. А значит, не было и такой унификации внешних форм. Многие марки автомобилей смотрелись, не побоимся этого слова, настоящими шедеврами.Читать далее о самых красивых ретро-автомобилях-->Естественно, в памяти даже любителей автомобилей остались далеко не все машины, выпускаемые в течение прошедшего столетия. Большинство растворились в реке Времени, не оставив даже следа. Ну а те, что остались… Они до сих пор считаются настоящими эталонами безупречного вкуса и дизайна. Если уж составлять рейтинг самых красивых ретро-автомобилей, то в него обязательно войдут:

  1. Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic;
  2. Horch 951A;
  3. Zis-115.

Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic

Car Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic

Car Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic

This coupe-type car will not leave anyone indifferent. There is something futuristic in her appearance. Smooth body crosses aggressive ridge. For many, it is associated with the machines of the worlds of the post-apocalypse, for example, the Mad Max Universe. Original look exterior seams. The fact is that in the prototype all parts of the body were made of an alloy with a high content of magnesium. Of course, this solution was not suitable for mass production. Therefore, Bugatti made of aluminum alloy went into the series. And they decided to leave the seams, as they gave the car a completely unique look.

Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic car review:

Now only known about two Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic. One of them was sold from a well-known auction for an astronomical amount exceeding $ 40 million. Fans of antiquity can contemplate this rare car in the exposition of the American Mullin Automotive Museum.

Horch 951A

Car Horch 951A

Car Horch 951A

These cabriolets were released only 15 copies. And each of them is assembled by hand. In appearance Horch 951A clearly trace military motives. And it is no coincidence. After all, it was intended for high-ranking officials, and those in what was then Germany were almost exclusively military.

Horch was a typical status limousine. In his cabin, everything was aimed at providing the passengers with maximum comfort. They were separated from the driver by a partition covered with luxurious materials. At their disposal was a bar and a pair of ashtrays, so that statesmen could escape from their important affairs during the trip. In good weather, you could lay down a soft roof and enjoy the fresh air. In fairness it should be noted that the driver did not forget about. The driver's seat is modest, but with taste. Decent ergonomics, leather seat.

Horch 951A car review:

The Horch 951A dashboard could easily be confused with an airplane one. After all, it was brought to the management of almost all units of cars. For those times it was unusual. Eight-cylinder engine capacity of 5 liters allowed the car to easily accelerate to 130 kilometers per hour. A very successful gearbox, coupled with independent suspension, gave the Horch 951A such smoothness that it is rarely found on modern cars. Turning was not a vulgar light bulb, and the flags, retractable into special grooves in the wings.

You ask, how much did such a miracle cost? Mildly say a lot. Somewhere within 21,000 Reichsmarks. At that time, for this money it was possible to become the owner of not the smallest estate.


Автомобиль Zis-115

Автомобиль Zis-115

This legendary Soviet car was produced from 1945 to 1959. It was intended for the highest persons of the party hierarchy. It was on such a car that the head of our state, Joseph Stalin, traveled.

In this car, everything is subordinated to the task of protecting the First Person. At first, Podolsk was used for making armored capsules (aka “product 100”). And already to it other elements were mounted. Interestingly, the hull was not just armored, like American cars of a comparable class, but solid-cast. The eight-cylinder engine easily gave out 140 horsepower, while it was distinguished by its small size and good reliability Discounts for new cars! Profitable loan from 9.9% installments 0% Rear axle special design easily withstand a rather big load. After all, only one door weighed at least 300 kilograms. Glasses of 7.5 centimeters thick were reliably protected from the bullets of potential terrorists.

Interestingly, only the driver’s seat is trimmed with leather. The fact is that in those days the skin was quite popular material, and was not considered something elite. Luxury was the fabric that trimmed seats for passengers. In the role of fillers for the seats acted the softest eiderdown. Excellent noise insulation created all the conditions for a comfortable passenger rest.

Тест-драйв автомобиля Zis-115:

Существует легенда, что конструкторам автомобиля пришлось самим испытать его. После их уверений, что авто выдержит любой обстрел, их посадили в салон, а Zis-115 обстреляли из автоматов. Все остались живы, и машину благополучно признали годной к эксплуатации.

Zis-115 - a legend of the domestic auto industry. All these cars collected 32 pieces. But the relentless onslaught of time and the stormy winds of change that swept over our country survived only 8 of them.

People who collect the best retro cars are not so few. An even larger number, though not able to assemble its own collection, is actively interested in vintage cars. Moreover, interest is growing. This can be seen in regularly held exhibitions devoted to this subject. So the prospects for the movement of fans of retro cars is quite good.