Where to complain about the wrong parked car

Compliance with the rules of the road should be ensured in all situations. Even a standing outside car can create an emergency or problem situation. Resolve this situation will be a peaceful way. It is enough to know how to call a tow truck for an incorrectly parked car.

Vehicles abandoned by car owners, often serve as an obstacle not only for other vehicles, but also for pedestrians. As a result, the situation leads to negative consequences for others, which can only be deprived by radical methods. It is worth noting that the applicant does not bear any other benefit, for example, of a financial or other material form.


  • 1 Actual fixation methods
  • 2 How to report an incorrectly parked car
  • 3 Using remote sensing and Internet technologies
  • 4 Conditions for Muscovites

Actual fixation methods

Before complaining about a wrongly parked car somewhere, it’s worth fixing the violation in advance. To do this, you can record a video or take a photo using the available tools:

  • camera;
  • video camera;
  • smartphone / phone;
  • stationary observation systems, etc.

Is it possible to call a tow truck if the car is blocked in the yard

It is advisable to photograph from all sides so as to have the maximum angles. At such a moment it is worth paying attention to the key factors:

  • In the frame must be present license plate of the vehicle. It should be read completely and unambiguously. This facilitates the work of the traffic police, who will impose a fine. Otherwise, the work of law enforcement to identify difficult.
  • When viewing the evidence should be visible clear signs of violation with reference to the car. If there is a prohibitive sign nearby, it is recommended to include it in the view.
  • While shooting in video format, you can add a description by voicing the date and time of the incident. It is also worth further describing the environment, confirming the offense.
  • In the period of night or evening shooting, do not forget to provide high-quality lighting from the maximum number of sources.

Some models of phones or video — photographic equipment equipped with a function of fixing the date and time. It is advisable to turn it on before shooting. Contact with the traffic police inspectors is appropriate only after collecting all the evidence..

How to report an incorrectly parked car

There are several ways to provide information to law enforcement:

  • providing materials personally after contacting the department;
  • sending by mail, by registered mail;
  • sending electronically via the app in a smartphone or by email.
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Recently, citizens prefer to apply remotely. It is worth considering that in certain cases the applicant may be called to testify in the case. Also, the inspector dealing with the violation described may request clarification by telephone or other means.

It is important to observe the following formalities:

  • the minimum number of photographs provided is five (less is not considered by the inspectors);
  • It is recommended to send data to traffic police with records on digital media (CD, DWD, etc.);
  • the maximum number of photos on one disc is forty pieces (if you exceed, upload to the next disc).

A statement should be attached to digital information or paper photographs, which include the following information:

  • the time and date of the identification of the offense;
  • the location of the act;
  • vehicle parameters and identification;
  • You will need a link to a specific paragraph of the SDA, which is violated in this case;
  • you will need to specify the article of the Administrative Code, providing for liability for the violation.

You can also send a memory card or a flash drive with the application. Then they are unlikely to return, as the media will be attached to the case.

It is important to know that it is accepted to send the assembled package of documents to the traffic police department that serves the territorial area where the incident occurred with the offense.

Use of remote methods and Internet technologies

Competently formulate a complaint against an unscrupulous driver who abandoned his transport in the wrong place, conscious citizens can even through the Internet. It is enough to have any device that has access to the world wide web. After that, an immediate evacuation of the car for the wrong parking will follow.

Users only need to go to the official traffic police resource. On the page that opens, we agree with the processing of information and proceed to filling out the form. In the designated fields make the following parameters:

  • select the current region from the list in which the incident occurred;
  • the line “Purpose of the appeal” is filled with the word “Statement”;
  • then you must specify your real full name in full, otherwise the application will not pass the verification;
  • for the field where the option of feedback with the applicant is indicated, you must specify the real email address, and the home address is not worth it, since this data may be available to the opposite side;
  • We recommend to provide your own mobile phone number so that the inspector can quickly contact you on any issue;
  • in the field “Text of the statement” we describe the situation in detail;
  • appeal allows you to attach files where you will see a violation;
  • after the completion of the click on the button "Send".
See also: Permissible speeding in Russia

how to call a tow truck for an incorrectly parked car

After sending it is worth waiting, what decision will the traffic police officers take after considering the situation.

Conditions for Muscovites

Нередко жители столицы интересуются, Is it possible to call a tow truck if the car is blocked in the yard. Это связано зачастую с условиями безопасности, так как водители подобных автомобилей преграждают путь не только жильцам, но и экстренным службам, например, карете скорой помощи или специальному транспорту МЧС.

Residents of Moscow can contact the direct telephone number 8 (495) 539-54-54. Citizens are expected to indicate the place where the incident occurred. In case of confirmation of the situation after checking the car will be sent to the penalty area by tow.

In this situation, the car owner will have to pay 3,000 rubles. - a fine imposed for violation. If the vehicle has taken a place intended for people with disabilities, the amount of sanctions will be 5,000 rubles. It is worth contacting law enforcement agencies also in the following cases:

  • because of the transport, installed near the curb second row;
  • the car drove onto the pavement partially or completely;
  • auto located in the zone of the prohibition sign;
  • created interference with the rest of the transport;
  • the car remained standing on the tram tracks, at a bus stop of public transport, in a tunnel or at a pedestrian crossing.

The owner will not only pay for towing services, look for his iron horse, but also receive a substantial penalty for the proven violation.

Residents of surrounding houses have the right to independently report to the round-the-clock service involved in evacuating for a violation, if the fact of blocking a passage or other type of obstruction, such as access to garbage containers, is detected. Make a call can and utilities.