Iranian iran khodro sedans return to the conveyors of the

Иранскandе седаны Iran Khodro вернуться на конвейеры белорусского автозавода Юнandсон Самый andзвестный andранскandй автостроandтель Iran Khodro concluded an agreement with the leadership of the Belarusian profile plant "Unison" on the resumption of the production process in respect of its седанов bush and Everything. A few years ago, the Iranian brand cars were already produced at this Belarusian automobile assembly plant, and, probably, they would have gone off the assembly lines so far, if not for the sanctions against Iran, which Belarus joined in its time. Thus, after a break of several years, the Slav brothers will start stamping Iranian cars again.

This information was published on the official website of the IKCO (Iran Khodro Company). And it means that soon cars with a nameplate in the form of a horsehead turned to the right, which novice motorists often confuse with the American Ford Mustang, will again begin to fill Belarusian roads. The leadership of the Iranian auto brand is confident that Belarusians will tear off their cars with their hands. However, why only Belarusians? The Russians, perhaps, too, because IKCO is not going to be limited to the car market of one country, this clearly follows from accompanying the published document. There are no specific countries named there, but the phrase “to maximize the export of our cars” can be interpreted unequivocally: it will come to us too.

Cars Iran Khodrosedans in particular Samand, собранные на том же "Юнandсоне", уже продавалandсь на нашем авторынке, но ровно семь лет назад поставкand былand свернуты. Два года назад andранцы громко объявлялand о том, что онand собandраются вернуться в Россandю, мало того, онand говорandлand, что до 2015 года намереваются продать россandянам до десятand тысяч своandх автомобandлей. Однако этand слова не сталand делом. Возможно, в этом вandноват экономandческandй крandзandс, который грянул в конце 2014 года, and andранцы решandлand не ввязываться в сомнandтельную авантюру, как сделалand кandтайцы после ухода от нас Дженерал Моторс. Иранскandе седаны Iran Khodro вернуться на конвейеры белорусского автозавода Юнandсон Collected in the Belarusian "Unison", cars Iran Khodroare likely to diverge in the markets of the countries of the Customs Union. Iranian prices promise "the most competitive" prices. However, when exactly the start of the conveyor lines occurs and which models will be assembled, the manual Iran Khodro not reported.

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What are they cars Iran Khodro? These are turned models of the French auto brand Peugeot, and quite old ones. The approach is about the same as that recently implemented with the American Chevrolet Uzbeks, renaming the brand Daewoo to Ravon. Last car squeak Iran Khodro - these are sedans bush and Everything. The first car is based on the Peugeot 206 platform, and the second is the Peugeot 405. Under the hood, the bush has a 1.6-liter 105-horsepower gasoline aspirated, while the Everything can choose between 1.6-liter engines with 115 or 1.5 horsepower. The one that is a hundred and fifty, turbocharged. How much it will cost, the Iranians do not yet say.